
Chapter 484 The Power of Legend

Xu Le, who merged into the dark fog, glanced at those annoying vine headbutts.

After a little thought, determine your attack sequence.

"If there is no way to deal with these evil vines, I am afraid that I will not be able to effectively fight back."

Thinking of this, the atomized Xu Le suddenly rushed towards Zesimi, and Zesimi's vines immediately withdrew their defense.

Xu Le smiled slightly, then quickly distanced himself, and Zesimi asked Vine to follow him again.

But Xu Le repeated the same action. After several times, the speed of Zesimi's vines obviously slowed down.

Taking advantage of a gap in pursuit, Xu Le quickly condensed into shape.

The black flames condensed instantly, and a miniature version of the Dark Flame Emperor suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Demon Eye - Great Flame Realm - Emperor Yan."

The black Emperor Yan was thrown out by Xu Le. Faced with plant-like things like vines, flames and slashes were the best way to deal with it.

Seeing the Dark Flame Emperor flying towards him quickly, Zesemi also frowned slightly.

Zersimi, who is also Cangming's disciple and has followed Cangming for almost the longest time, simply cannot understand Chixiao anymore.

Genius, monster, growing pervert.

At a young age, he has been promoted to a legend that is inaccessible to most people, and he is still improving.

His signature move, Entei, is a combination of quality and quantity.

Within Yandi's attack range, all striking surfaces receive almost the same damage.

And it has an absolutely huge attack range.

In the eyes of many people, this is unreasonable.

Generally speaking, only one of the attack surface and attack quality will be strengthened, even if it is a legendary power.

But Chi Xiao's moves are different. She has to pay attention to both the striking surface and the quality of the attack.

This almost unreasonable move has created a situation where many defenders have no solution and can only resist, just like Zesimi now.


Layers of bone shields began to wrap around Jersey Rice, and Jersey Rice hidden in the center of the bone shield did not stop.

"Forbidden Technique-Rashomon."

It was as if a skeletal door leading to the world of death appeared in front of Zesemi.

Facing Emperor Yan, he could only resist.

"The Touch of Divine Sin."

When Entei touched the Rashomon, the shock wave swept across instantly, and the skeleton door that almost supported the room was instantly melted, torn apart, and finally dissipated into powder.

The touch of divine evil released by Zesemi was so devastating that it was unable to stop Yandi's explosion.

And Zesemi, who was finally hidden in the bone shield, was also engulfed by the dark flames at this moment.

The shock wave lifted the entire base's floors away, and the ground began to quake, collapse, and shrink.

Then came the true burst of energy from Emperor Yan.


The thick soil layer instantly dissipated under the impact of darkness, and the original underground secret base was actually exposed to the sun under the power of Emperor Yan's Wujie.

The battlefield was in a mess, and it was the first time for many people to see such a fierce battle.

"A level 6 body is comparable to a legend."

This is what many people think. Both Zesemi and Xu Le are too powerful.

The results they caused were no less than those of some legendary masters who were not good at causing large-scale damage.

Under the attack of Dark Flame Emperor, the entire secret room of the base has been completely destroyed.


Cangming, who silently observed all this, was a little excited.

Xu Le's performance was somewhat beyond his expectations. The massive amount of spiritual energy released in front of the stone gate had already highlighted the terrifying amount of Xu Le's spiritual energy.

Being able to use the weakened version of Yan Emperor without changing his expression at this time also confirms this point.

Although he is the Demonic Transformation Emperor Yan, the fact that dark energy is incorporated into the flames proves that Xu Le is not only huge in spiritual energy, but also has first-class control over huge amounts of spiritual energy.

This is very important for his future plans.

Because of plans like hunting gods, the primary difficulty faced in many cases is the unmeasurable huge amount of spiritual energy of the gods.

With a huge amount of spiritual energy, you have the conditions and experience to face a huge amount of spiritual energy and handle a huge amount of spiritual energy, which is very important.

"Xu Le, how many more surprises will you let me see?"

Cang Ming withdrew his eyes from the dust and focused his eyes on the other side of the battlefield.

That's where Zesemi is.

Yes, after resisting the weakened version of Emperor Yan, Zesemi did not die, but was seriously injured.

This performance is already outstanding.

According to the past, this kind of performance has already demonstrated his value in front of Cangming.

Normally, Cangming would terminate this battle.

Because here in Cangming, every warlock who has value and shows his own worth is worth keeping.

Judging from Zesimi's current combat prowess and ability to withstand a single attack of Flame Emperor Immortal, he still has the ability to survive.

He definitely has the value of being retained, and even more than that.

But something is different in Cangming today...

He wanted to see it.

I want to see what Xu Le's upper limit is.

If you want to push Xu Le's upper limit, you need a powerful opponent, a perfect touchstone.

At the moment, Zesimi doesn’t know if Fu meets the conditions for the touchstone...

"Zesimi, show your final value. After hiding it for so long, maybe this will be your last stage."

Among the ruins and dust, Zesemi stood up again with all his injuries. Many of his tails were broken off, and the snake head on his head was also seriously injured.

But he survived the Emperor Yan after all, and his condition was much better than many people felt.

As his injuries worsened, Xu Le's darkness was constantly eroding him.

In order to fight against the power of darkness, Zesemi must release and extract more power of evil, and the power of evil will begin to corrupt his body.

The original weird equilibrium state can no longer be maintained.

Zesemi's state gradually changed from that of a god to a human being, and then to that of a god and human being.

Because the originally balanced genes have changed at this moment.

The power of God's blood is quickly repairing Zesemi's injuries.

His originally strange and weird body gradually returned to what a human should be like.

At this time, Xu Le had walked out of the dust and looked at Zesimi with a calm expression.

Zesemi also looked at him.

The physical changes did not bring additional emotional fluctuations. Except for the hatred that still remained in Zesimi's eyes, Xu Le could not see anything else.

But this is also what makes him strange. He and Zesemi have never met each other. Where does the hatred between them come from?

"Is there any hatred between us?"

The second round of battle has not yet begun, Xu Le did not rush to take action, and instead began to collect information about Zesemi.

I don't know if it will be useful, but even if it is useless, he can just rely on this delay to stabilize his layout.

Seeing that Xu Le was not in a hurry to continue the second round of fighting, Zesimi, who was recovering from his injuries, certainly was not in a hurry either.

He looked at Xu Le, with a trace of tenderness in his eyes:

"Xu Le, do you still remember Gu Jianuo?"

"Gu Jiano? That's it."

Xu Le looked at Jersey Rice carefully. Perhaps because of his poor eyesight, he did not see anything similar to Gu Jianuo in Jersey Rice.

Father and daughter? spouse? Brother and sister? Or some other bond.

In short, just confirm that there is a grudge.

He was already dying anyway, at least he wouldn't be killed in an unknown way.

"Then, go ahead."

The darkness condensed into a black sword, and the silent blade was already slashing towards Zesemi when Xu Le raised his hand.

Zesemi also raised his right hand at this time.

On the large pliers that had never been used, the dragon head opened its mouth.

"Dragon Breaking Slash."

The same energy impact blasted out and collided with Xu Le's dark sword energy.

But it's not over yet. With the injection of divine power, Zesimi's originally very stable mood has become a little crazy at this moment.

His mouth was drooling, and while he howled crazily at Xu Le, he continued to use the dragon head to release more dragon slashes.

"Xu Le, Xu Le, Xu Le, let me kill you to avenge Gu Jianuo."

A ball of energy light flew towards him, and Xu Le also used the power of darkness to condense his sword energy into a fight.

boom! boom! boom!

The battlefield that was already in ruins was once again swept away, and the sound of explosions continued to be heard, plowing the ruins of the land again.

Neither side had any intention of giving in, and the sound of explosions kept coming.

The dust caused by the explosion filled the battlefield with smoke, making it impossible to see clearly what was going on.

However, most people also know that as long as this simple energy explosion does not end, it means that the collision between the two people has not ended.

"Die, Xu Le!"

After the dragon head absorbed a large amount of the power of the gods, it was invaded by darkness.

At this time, the sprayed Dragon Slash had been mixed with the dark aura, and Zesimi's mouth and nose were filled with black mist.

This is a sign that the power of darkness has invaded the body.

In fact, Xu Le only needs to stay away from Zesimi temporarily. Soon, Zesimi will be eroded by the darkness and die.

But this was not the effect he wanted.

He wanted to crush and defeat Zesemi head-on, in a real sense, and completely.

He wants to establish himself as the strongest Level 6 person.

During the melee, Xu Le suddenly popped up a card.

[Black Card-Black Sheep Girl]

"Disaster strike."

The sword energy was suddenly mixed with the regular energy of the Night Fury. This body-breaking invisible sword energy instantly tore through Zesimi's Dragon Break.

In the process of the sword energy penetrating the Dragon Break, it even pulled away the darkness contained in the Dragon Break.

He instantly crossed the battlefield and slashed at Zesemi's body with unrivaled sharpness.



Blood spattered, and Zexi's withered body was almost cut into two pieces, but the snake heads and tails were still wrapped around the body.

It would not cause him to be completely broken in half.

Zesemi opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to breathe in more air, but the sword marks on his chest and abdomen caused the air he inhaled to leak out in a short time.

Judging from the injuries, Xu Le's blow had cut off Zesimi's life.

He no longer had the strength to fight or fight back.

Revenge for Gujiano has also become a joke.

Xu Le slowly floated up. As a warlock with rich experience in actual combat, he knew that the closer this time came, the less he could delay it.

Because he always remembers that every warlock cannot be underestimated.

Suspended in mid-air and gathering dark sword energy, Xu Le was ready to cut off Zesimi's head directly this time.


The sword energy swept across, and Zesimi, whose eyes had turned white, unexpectedly regrouped his spiritual will at this moment.

The tail wrapped around his broken upper body, avoiding Xu Le's dark sword energy.

Zesemi, who lowered his head, suddenly smiled evilly.

He stared at Xu Le fiercely and let out his last roar:

"Teacher, I know that you have abandoned me, I know that I have become an abandoned child, a stepping stone, a test for your new toys.

But I also want to tell you that I have never felt like a waste.

Jealousy is the emotion I should have, and hatred is my last revenge on the world.

It's so satisfying to kill your favorite chess piece with your own hands and go against your will before dying!

Hehehehe, hahahahaha..."

There was a burst of violent laughter, and part of Zesemi's internal organs fell off.

His heart hung in the air, still beating.

Even Xu Le couldn't help but nod his head when he saw this tenacious life posture.

"You're awesome."

And Zesemi can no longer care about so much, his last vitality has been condensed here.

He had no other thoughts or wishes. He just wanted Xu Le to die. It was that simple.

"Xu Le, I know you are very powerful, but this is my home ground, the place where I have been operating for many years.

So... feel the power that belongs to the gods! "

Zesemi suddenly spurted blood all over his body, and the blood in his body seemed to be burning and boiling at this moment.

This state feels like some special ritual of the Evil God Sect.

Zesemi is using his own blood and life to complete the secret code of this ritual.

"The Touch of Divine Sin."

The power of the gods surged throughout the battlefield, and layers of ring-shaped life energy filled every corner.

Even some people watching the battle at the base could feel this power.

"Is this the power of legend?"

"Impossible, he has no intention of breaking through level 7."

"I don't know, this is the first time I've had this feeling."

"It really looks like the power of a legend."

Everyone in the base was talking a lot about the final power released by Zesemi. In the eyes of many people, it is completely impossible for a level 6 transcendent to release legendary power.

Because between level 6 and level 7, there is a gap between heaven and earth.

This gap will not be narrowed just because you have sacrificed your life or body.

Looking at the countless vines that broke out of the ground, Xu Le also frowned slightly, feeling the danger.

All the vine headbutts unfolded their tops at this moment.

Bright and beautiful flowers bloom at the same time.

No one would have thought that the ugly Jersey Rice, with its deformed moves, would actually unleash such gorgeous moves.

At the moment when countless flowers bloom, time and space seem to be frozen by some kind of force.

Xu Le knew that this was definitely the power of gods.

Here, there is a god.

"The bloom of God - the sky is filled with flowers and rain."

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