
Chapter 493 Hidden Things

The aura of these night demons is extremely strong. I think they must be an elite team of level 3-4.

The number also reached an astonishing 2+4 queue.

That is, 2 are at level 4 and 4 are at level 3.

In terms of the Night Demon's combat effectiveness, this ratio has reached the level of a regular elite team.

The information revealed by a summons was outrageous enough.

But what's even more outrageous is not the summons, but the area where it's summoned.

This place right now... is the strange dungeon of Dawn, the birthplace of evil.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary dark rules cannot be formed here, so that weirdness is no longer refreshed in the dark.

Under the intervention of the gods' rules, the night demons belonging to darkness are summoned.

The power of rules and spiritual energy that Xu Le needs to expend is probably tens of times more than what is required from the outside.

This is just an inadvertent display...

"There's quite a lot to hide."

"What do you mean? This is actually a trick, not as powerful as you think." Xu Le said with a smile.

Regarding his ultimate combat power, he will not reveal it to anyone, not even his closest comrades, friends, or even his lover.

There is no way, until the outrageous ability of fortune divination disappears, exposing one's combat information will always be a stupid thing.

Unless your ability can achieve the effect of violent push.

Otherwise, it is better to hide it.

Monsters as powerful as Gu Yinduo's son and the Red Moon God also hide their abilities at all times.

Only a special being like the Night Fury would blatantly expose her abilities, making everyone know that her abilities are darkness, erosion, and corruption.

Then everyone couldn't do anything to her, especially since Night Fury was shopping in the Red Moon Temple, and the Red Moon Temple pretended to be dead for several months.

Only strength can make the world so real.

And Xu Le actually doesn't know where the limit of his strength is until now.

Ever since he was forced by Dorn to fake his death and escape in Zion last time, he has never pushed his limits again.

This is quite good. In fact, if you don’t even know where your own limits are, then others will have no way of knowing.


Before Xu Le and Chi Xiao could chat, the night devil's warning roar came from the front.

Xu Le slightly extended his dark vision and saw clearly what was blocking the night demon.

A... slug?

[Fluid aberration, level 6 weird, divine evil. 】

Xu Le walked straight into the darkness, and Chi Xiao followed closely behind. Neither of them said anything.

Chi Xiao knew that Xu Le should be measured in this environment.

But Xu Le didn't walk long before he stopped.

Looking ahead from a distance, Xu Le gently touched his mental connection, causing some of the night demons to return, leaving only one of them still on guard.

Recalling most of the Night Stalkers except one, it was obvious that this one would be sacrificed as a victim.

From Xu Le's perspective, this slug-like monster was just clinging to the iron door of the cell and had no intention of crossing the line.

However, Xu Le felt that with its almost fluid body state, it was too easy to go out...

A weirdo who could have easily escaped, but didn't.

So, what is it waiting for? Or are you afraid of something?

Xu Le glanced at the deepest part of the dungeon corridor. It was still wrapped in some kind of power and there was no way to see clearly.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Le drove the lone night devil to ignore the slug next to it and continue to go deeper.

The Night Devil has some intelligence. Perhaps it also knows the existence of danger and is proficient in fighting skills.

But it will not disobey Xu Le's orders.

Because in the eyes of Night Demon, Xu Le can now be labeled the same as Night Demon.

【Lord of Darkness-2】

It should only be ranked behind the Night Fury.

Xu Le focused his gaze on the night demon. Chi Xiao behind him felt that Xu Le's body began to become tense, and he also became somewhat vigilant.

Gulu! ~

Different from the sudden attack and killing that Xu Le imagined, at the same moment the Night Demon stepped on the slug.

The slugs scattered, and the mucus flowing outside the cell suddenly formed a bubble.

The bubbles form extremely quickly and are in just the right position.

Almost in an instant, the lonely Night Demon was wrapped in bubbles.

The bubble is transparent, so Xu Le can clearly see it struggling in the bubble.

But every time the body touches the edge of the bubble, a burst of thick white smoke will emit.

This is especially true for the lower half of Night Demon's body. Because his legs are stuck to the bottom of the bubble, it is constantly being burned and melted by the bubble.

The Night Demon's strong leg muscles and bones, filled with the power of darkness, had been melted in half in just a few seconds.

It opened its mouth and bit angrily.

Xu Le could feel it howling, but couldn't hear any sound.

The bubble isolates everything within it.

If this continues, it won't be long before the lone night devil will die in the bubble and become food for slugs.

However, after seeing such an attack, Xu Le did not make any rescue move.

Xu Le's emotions were not that rich, and he did not show any sadness at the death of a night demon.

They are all summons, but they are also different.

Cannon fodder is cannon fodder. Compared with a good brother like Brother Gu, he can be dragged out to die anytime and anywhere, and Xu Le can do it without any turmoil in his heart.

Although the Night Demon is indeed his own summon...

Perhaps, this is cold-blooded. If you put it another way, this should be called the price of the superior?

Xu Le didn't know either, he just wanted to know what the specific weird ability in front of him was.

Will it take any action in the face of the corrupted Night Demon?

Soon, Xu Le's idea was confirmed.

The slug's small eyes hidden in the mucus glanced at Xu Le several times. Although the movements were very secretive, there was no way to escape Xu Le's dark eyes.

After confirming that Xu Le had no intention of coming, it immediately dragged the corroded and dead Night Demon over.

Two tubes protruded from the mud-like face, pierced into the Night Demon's body, and then began to suck.

Although Xu Le made no move, he glanced at Chi Xiao behind him.

Although this monster is an evil monster, it has certain research value...

But it was so disgusting that Xu Le had no intention of studying it.

There are still many abominations behind, so there is no need for him to be so anxious.

Xu Le's own ability to deal with this weird thing will inevitably lead to some snot.

It would be more appropriate for Chi Xiao, who was good at flames, to do this kind of thing.

"Get out of the way."



The thin metal blade, connected to Chi Xiao's flames, directly split the cell where the slug was in into two.

The aftermath of the flames ignited everything in the room, including of course the slugs that were feeding on the Night Stalker.

Chi Xiao took action, decisively and sharply, leaving no chance for the slug to survive.

It was just seconds away, without the ability to fight back...

"Okay, let's move on?"

"Yeah." Xu Le nodded and continued moving forward.

Chi Xiao looked into the depths of the corridor. The closer she got, the stronger the sense of crisis she felt.

Regarding this situation, she felt that she should remind Xu Le.

Even if Xu Le has some special escape abilities, it's better to be careful when facing weird things that even she feels are in danger.

"Hey, Xu Le, the innermost..."

"I know, I feel it too, but...that thing may be what I'm looking for. I can't tell.

In short, we may have to keep walking until we see what's inside. "

"Then we can only be careful." Chi Xiao frowned slightly.

Although her ability in defense is very strong, if compared with offense, there is no comparison at all.

Her defensive ability is very strong, she can score 90 points, but her offensive ability can score 500 points.

This is probably the difference.

So before she even took two steps, she made another suggestion that suited her situation:

"Xu Le."


"Or, clear the place."

"Clear the place?" Xu Le was stunned for a moment, but he didn't realize what Chi Xiao meant.

Chi Xiao sighed, pointed at all the weird things on both sides of the aisle and said:

“What I mean is, kill all the way and burn all the weird things on both sides of the prison, so there won’t be any hidden dangers.

The innermost darkness will also be illuminated by my flame. "

Xu Le:......

To be honest, Chi Xiao's suggestion left Xu Le a little speechless.

You really don’t take your own things seriously.

But this proposal...

“I’m afraid not, because I have no way of determining whether the guy inside is the core of the problem.

If it is not the core of the problem, we may still need to turn around and continue to conduct 1 on 1 weird testing of gods. "

"Okay, let's do what you want."

Seeing that Xu Le rejected his proposal, Chi Xiao was not angry and just continued to follow.

After all, her proposal was just a proposal.

"Let's make a ring of fire."



A blazing ring of fire appeared around Xu Le and Chi Xiao. This ring of fire was enough to deal with the strange creatures in the dungeon on both sides of the corridor, making them afraid to act rashly.

Just as Xu Le had thought before, as they went deeper, the pollution from Shen Ni and Gu Yin Duo became more and more serious.

Halfway through, Xu Le felt that all the weird things below must be evil and weird.

And as you go deeper, the aura of the gods becomes stronger and stronger.

Three more night demons were killed while exploring the road, and now there were only two level 4 night demons left. Xu Le remained expressionless.

Summoning these guys is just for consumption.

"How is the situation here?" Chi Xiao suddenly asked.

"Similar to what I thought before, when we get here, the pollution level has reached 100%, and there is no way to escape any weirdness.

Their spirits and souls have also become completely chaotic. If they want to regain their consciousness, they may have to escape from the underworld.

However, these circumstances also indirectly prove... that the source of divine evil may be inside. "

"Okay, let's be careful next time."


As soon as Xu Le agreed, Chi Xiao pushed him away.

call out! Whoosh!

Several red shadows flashed past, and the strong impact even left traces on the ground and Xu Le's clothes.

Because the speed was too fast, neither Xu Le nor Chi Xiao could clearly see what the attack object was.

Red energy beam?

Or is it some kind of projectile?

"here we go again."

Xu Le turned into black mist and dissipated in the air, choosing to avoid it.

But Chi Xiao's side was different. The previous attack had already surprised her and made her retreat once.

Her thoughts were... not really.

The level of attack just now was not enough to scare her, nor was it enough to make her give in.

"Steel Torrent."

At the moment when the red light and shadow shot out, all the iron doors and iron fences of the surrounding prisons were melted by the red sky.

After a moment of smelting, a metal shield stopped in front of Chi Xiao.

Boom! Boom!

Three attacks clearly flashed on Chi Xiao's metal shield.

At this moment, Xu Le and Chi Xiao finally saw clearly what the so-called attack was.

Three feathers, red feathers.

"Bird?" Chi Xiao glanced at the feathers on his shield and asked doubtfully.

"No, it's an angel."

Xu Le is very sure that although he has not had many direct battles with angels, his understanding of angels is already very profound.

The feathers just now were definitely angel feathers.

Except for deformed angels, it is impossible for any creature's feathers to reach this kind of attack strength and attack speed.


"Chixiao, something doesn't seem right."


While the two were talking, they suddenly discovered that the walkway under their feet began to twist.

Chi Xiao and Xu Le looked at each other in disbelief.

Normally speaking, with Chixiao's Great Flame Realm in charge, it is impossible for the legendary power to interfere with anything within the Great Flame Realm.

Chi Xiao is absolutely confident in this matter.

Unless...the other party has some kind of power above level 7, or the other party has divine rules.

"The source of divine evil!"

"Xu Le."

"I know."

When the rules of space had been interfered with by some force, Xu Le immediately set off a fading fire.

Under the illumination of the faded flames, the rules of all those who interfered began to degrade.

The twisted corridor gradually stabilized and began to look normal again.

Seeing that the corridor was stable, Xu Le gradually felt relieved.

The opponent is very strong, and the rule strength of the source of evil should be close to level 8.

In this regard, it should be stronger than Chixiao.

After all, Chi Xiao belongs to the self-improvement sect who has always practiced on his own and has never accepted external rules.

But the good news is that it's only close to level 8.

And this level of strength, which is close to level 8, does not reach the point where a Night Fury can resist the Fading Fire.

In terms of creature level, it should be at the legendary level.

Under such circumstances, Xu Le should be able to cope with the combination of Fading Fire + Chi Xiao.

"Chixiao, prepare to take action."


Xu Le pressed his palm on the ground, and the Soul-Eating Tree erupted.


A large number of black branches broke out of the ground, and each branch was accompanied by a wisp of faded flames.

These faded flames illuminate the entire walkway, diluting all rules within the walkway.

"It's now."

"Emperor Yan."

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