
Chapter 514 Seizing the Sun

Every time Chi Xiao appears, Emperor Yan comes, and those weird things are basically movies and movies of death.

Sometimes, those weird things can no longer be described as dead, but can be said to have evaporated in pieces.

There must be a limit to being powerful. The upper limit of destructive power at level 7 may be very high, and it can be enlarged by Chi Xiao, which can shock people.

But level 7 is level 7. Although the legend is strong, it is impossible to reach level 8.

That is the realm of gods, untouchable by mortals.

The situation in front of her has broken this routine. Chixiao's flames suppressed the forest flower girl.

Those flames seemed to have indescribable terrifying power. Even the flower girls who were protected by the power of life and mist did not dare to touch them, or were even afraid.

This is simply not something level 7 can do.

The power of legend is simply not enough. Only level 8, and only level 8, can achieve this level of vigilance, this level of reaching the realm of gods.

Staring at Chi Xiao, Black Crow showed envy. No strong man would be willing to stop here.

Only those legendary old men whose lives have been too long and whose promotion is no longer possible will give up on their own progress and improvement.

Black Crow touched the dark mark and tried to absorb the power of the Night Fury, also because he wanted to make further progress.

Now, Chi Xiao has also accomplished this.

This was the second level 8 human he knew in the Fourth Era after Cang Ming.

There may also be special existences of level 8 in the core area of ​​the Red Moon Temple, but those level 8 beings can no longer be considered human beings in a sense.

Black Crow is considered a core member of the Red Moon Temple, so he has a certain understanding of some of the core secrets within the Red Moon Temple.

He even knew more about this than Chi Xiao.

That special level 8 is actually a special existence that has cultivated to the level 7 legend, and then received the blessing of the red moon, integrating the red moon's divine power.

Their will was interfered with and driven by Red Moon itself, which was far less sensational than the effect brought by Cangming's own promotion to level 8.

"The genius Chi another being who can rival the gods with his mortal power? What an amazing talent."

When Black Crow looked at Chi Xiao, a head suddenly popped out from the chaotic fog, it was Xu Le.

He looked at the black crow with a slightly dissatisfied expression. Now was the critical moment to attack the forest.

I am setting up the battlefield, but you are here looking at women in a daze.

Is this woman the one you should see?

"Hey, what are you looking at? It's time to work."

"Ouch? Okay, sorry."

Black Crow immediately realized that something was wrong with him and that he shouldn't be distracted in this kind of battle.

But when a young man like Xu Le talks to him in this tone, why doesn't he feel at all inconsistent?

It felt like I was back at level 3-4, when I went on missions with my teammates from the Red Moon Temple.

At that time, he was often scolded by his captain.

But then... all his teammates died, and only he survived, kept growing, and was praised as a genius for his growth until he became a legend.

Unfortunately, it was only after reaching Legend that he discovered that there was a gap between geniuses.

He is a genius, but he worked hard all his life and was promoted to legend only at the age of 40.

And some geniuses, such as Cangming and Chixiao, have reached heights that they have never reached before at a young age.

The two have even reached the realm of gods, and Chi Xiao has already reached this level in his 20s.

"It's outrageous. These young people, I hope they won't lose too much."

Thinking of this, Black Crow also cheered up.

The strange thing they have to face is the strongest man in the world, Lin Lin, the son of Gu Yinduo.

At a time like this, there must be no room for error.

He had already paddled, and he really shouldn't have.

At this time, we should work harder. Anyway, if we can add [Kill Guinduo's Son-Forest] to his lifetime record.

Then he would die without regrets.

"Come on, mist-lurking raptor!"

Black mist erupted from Black Crow's body, and then he turned into a Black Crow, just like his title.

The location pointed by Xu Le began to be marked in the sky with the power of darkness.

Black Crow vaguely felt that this was a formation, but he had no way of knowing what Xu Le was going to do at this time.

Xu Le is also observing the black crow.

This old man always surprises him. Sure enough, every technique developed by a legendary powerhouse is worth learning from.

Copy, copy hard!

The high temperature immediately ignited all the surrounding plants.

The restraint of the flames on the trees has been fully demonstrated at this time.

This was the reason why Cangming insisted on bringing Chi Xiao with him before. Even if it was level 7 Chi Xiao, its powerful attack power and flames would be enough to suppress the surrounding plants.

Not to mention that now she has been promoted to level 8, and her destructive power and fire rules have improved exponentially.

The first time they met, the flame demon summoned by Chi Xiao suppressed the flower girl.

The flower girl held a green shield and flew around the Balrog.

Whenever she wanted to get out of the fighting range, Chi Xiao's figure would always follow her, forcing her to her position and letting her return to the previous fighting area.

The endless flames have formed a ring around them, and no one can escape from the ring.

The only hollow point is the sky above this forest.

But the forest flower girl's intuition told her that the area above was actually a trap set for her by several humans on the opposite side.

Such an obvious gap might be the Jedi created just for her.

But if she didn't break out upwards, the surrounding flames would continue to move closer to her.

The death of the wooden man caused the forest flower girl to lose a lot of Guinduo's spiritual energy, so much so that she could no longer rely on the total amount of spiritual energy to suppress the flames.

"Damn, the power of these flames... is too troublesome."

The forest flower girl gritted her teeth, stared at Chi Xiao, and pointed suddenly.

"The art of sharpshooting."

Chi Xiao immediately sensed it, wrapped himself in a large amount of liquid metal, and then wrapped the iron block with a flame shield.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three consecutive blows hit the metal flame shield hard.

The obvious dent is shocking. Metal protection of this thickness is almost physically penetrated, which is really powerful.

Chi Xiao sensed everything around him and learned that the so-called divine spear skill was actually similar to Xu Le's soul-eating tree control ability.

In a pure plant control form, he drove three branches to form a sharp spear attack.

It's just that the forest flower girl's sharp spear skills are much more powerful than Xu Le's soft tree branches.

So much so that steel + flame shield + psychic defense almost failed to prevent it.

This is still the flower girl in a weak state.

If she was in her prime, her strength would be unimaginable, and she was definitely not something they and their group could match.

"But...that's it, Great Flame Realm - Emperor Yan!"

Chi Xiao stood in the center of the fire ring, and three Yandi fireballs rose up around her at the same time.

The blazing flames squeezed the fighting space between the two sides. Facing Yan Emperor's strong oppression, Flower Girl could only be forced to fly upward.

Surrounded by a ring of flames, she had no way out.

And in the sky above, the black crows visible to the naked eye were floating everywhere along with Xu Le's chaotic fog.

She knew it was a trap without even thinking about it, but now she had to break through.

With her current spiritual power, breaking into a trap is just a trap, but if she continues to entangle with Chi Xiao, she may be killed head-on.

During the rapid flight, the flower girl entered the first layer of chaotic fog.

Suddenly, she felt something like gauze falling on her body.

After a little perception, you can feel that it is something entangled with energy threads. It is pure energy in nature. It feels very chaotic, but it is particularly stable.

This constant state confused the flower girl.

"Is it this level of trouble?"

The flower girl's hesitation and pause did not continue, because the flames under her feet had begun to rise rapidly.

If she didn't escape, she would really be burned by a fire.

"Get out of the way!"

Feeling that the problem was not big, the flower girl suddenly thrust upward.

Xu Le, who had a panoramic view of this scene, finally showed an innocent smile...

He was really smiling, because that was something to be happy about.

The flower girl rose rapidly, and soon passed Xu Le, flying upward.

He didn't even mean to pay attention to Xu Le.

Logically speaking, a small character like Xu Le, even a level 7 legend, is nothing more than a single-handed killing creature in her eyes.

So what if he is the one favored by the mother tree?

Just a little thing that hasn't grown up yet.

He and Black Crow were let go today just because of Chi Xiao's fight behind them.

Today she challenged the three level 8 masters of Cangming, Feiyu and Chixiao one after another. Even with her profound knowledge as the son of Gu Yinduo, she was already exhausted at this time.

The most urgent thing now is to leave here and find a new place of life to restore oneself.

As long as she is given a certain amount of time, it is not difficult to defeat Chi Xiao with a backhand given Gu Yin Duo's son's strong recovery ability.

As for Xu Le and Hei Crow, they are inconspicuous little characters who can be dealt with casually.

In short, let’s escape first.

But it was precisely because of this eagerness to escape from the scene that the flower girl realized something was wrong after being firmly caught by Xu Le and flying into the sky.

That kind of gossamer-like energy increases more and more rapidly as the altitude rises.

At the beginning, the gauze was only 1 meter thick, but it flew upwards with her.

Gradually it became 0.5 meters for 1 layer, 0.2 meters for 1 layer, 0.1 meters for 2 layers... and even 0.01 meters for 2 layers, 3 layers, 5 layers.

As she quickly flew upwards, the chaotic threads accumulated on her body became heavier and heavier.

The higher you go, the heavier it gets.

But the feeling of being about to break out of the siege and escape to heaven has been tempting her.

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

As long as you fly a short distance, you can break through the encirclement net and leave here completely.

But it was this temptation to escape that made the flower girl lose her accurate judgment for a short time.

The energy threads wrapped around her body became heavier and heavier, so heavy that her weak level 8 body could no longer bear it and could not resist it.

It's too heavy and can't fly.

Only at this moment did the flower girl realize the horror of this technique.

"No, this technique is not complicated. The really scary thing is the amount of spiritual energy released by this young man..."

Turn your own special spiritual energy into silk threads and weave them into gauze, forming hundreds and thousands of energy gauze nets.

Use layers of gauze to restrict the mobility of a level 8 son of Gu Yin Duo, even a weak son of Gu Yin Duo.

The total amount of spiritual energy that needs to be consumed, as well as the workload of the entire spell, are beyond what normal level 7 can accomplish.

If it were an ordinary level 7, he would probably have been overstretched by now and would bleed to death from his seven holes.

But Xu Le was fine with it, flying in mid-air and staring at her.

It's as if all his actions are within the other party's expectations.

"Damn little devil, don't think that just because you have the favor of some mother trees, you can do whatever you want..."

Xu Le, who was floating below, smiled and didn't care at all:

"In fact, this sentence can also be given to you, or to you. You are originally just ordinary creatures, or even just objects.

It was only because of the favor of the mother tree that he was able to reach where he is now.

Don't feel that you are superior to others, you are just a deformed product of the concrete ancient Yinduo rules. "

"You're looking for death~!"

The voice of the forest was almost roaring, but her body could no longer bear the heavy chaotic energy, and she fell straight from the sky.

Looking at the fireball flying up from below, the forest flower girl could no longer remain calm.

He hurriedly activated part of his regular energy.

"Tree of Life - Bloom."

Facing the use of regular energy, Xu Le seemed to be well prepared.

"Chaos Curse!"

Using the dark coordinates arranged by Black Crow before, the spiritual energy of chaotic mimicry formed an evil curse seal.

The huge spirit connects all the chaotic threads in the forest.

The evil spell took effect immediately, fixing the forest flower girl in place.

"Burn, faded fire."

While immobilizing the forest flower girl, Xu Le finally used what Cang Ming had dreamed of, which was also the real killer move against Gu Yinduo's son.

Faded Fire.

This kind of flame can temporarily eclipse all rules, instantly making the forest's life bloom lose its effectiveness.

The idea of ​​consuming rules in exchange for power was also interrupted by Xu Le.

Afterwards, three fireballs of Flame Emperor soared into the sky, squeezing the forest into the air.

"Seize the sun!"

The red sky below condensed spiritual energy, and three rounds of Flame Emperor exploded at the same time!

The space contracts, collapses, converges, and then releases in an instant.


A shocking mushroom cloud rose, and the explosion of this blow even triggered Xu Le's chaotic threads.

Its destructive power is comparable to nuclear bombs in previous generations.

Although Xu Le has not seen the specific power of nuclear bombs, he still read some information about nuclear bombs when he was in school.

Not to mention radiation, at least in terms of explosion and impact, it has far exceeded ordinary nuclear bombs.

The light covered the sky and covered everything, even the sun in the sky was eclipsed.

The shock wave is still spreading, and no one knows what is happening here.

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