
Chapter 534 Puppet

"What's your request? Let's talk about it first." Feiyu asked directly, and Cangming nodded.

Yes, if Xu Le's request is too excessive, then they will definitely not be able to agree to it.

"Actually, it's not an outrageous request. It's just that after I activate the coordinates, I will definitely consume a lot of spiritual energy. If I enter the realm dominated by puppets, I may not be able to explore anymore.

Chi Xiao also needs to retain his combat power, and take care of me by the way.

At that time, the work of exploring the puppet lair will be left to you two. It should be fine, right? "

By this time, Cangming had understood what Xu Le was thinking.

To be honest, with the soul link of Thousand Souls Guide, the work of pathfinding is actually very suitable for Feiyu to do, and she has the ability to regenerate.

Activating the beacon requires a lot of psychic energy, which can be saved at this time to preserve the next combat effectiveness.

Such an exchange does not seem to be a loss.

The question is...does Xu Le know how much spiritual energy is required to activate such a coordinate?

Don't look back. Xu Le, a level 7 warlock, was sucked dry by the coordinates.

That kind of situation is not what Cangming wants to see, so it would be better to say it in advance:

"I understand what Mr. Xu Le means, it's a very reasonable exchange.

However, I am afraid that Mr. Xu Le is not very clear yet, how much spiritual energy is required to activate such a limited coordinate that can penetrate the territory dominated by Gu Yinduo's son and establish a spatial rift.

If the consumption was small, I would not suggest that the four of us share it..."

Before Cangming could finish his explanation, Xu Le patted his chest and took a step forward.

"Don't worry, a true man. Once a word is spoken, it will be hard to follow. Even if you are dead, what should you be afraid of?

Everyone was in a hurry for Killing the Puppet, so I got on it. "


Cangming had no choice but to stop him, Xu Le was already on board.

Chi Xiao on the side pinched his eyebrows.

As a person who has entered the world of the Soul-Eating Tree, Chi Xiao is the only one who truly understands how huge Xu Leling's energy is.

The others, neither Black Crow nor Ding Ke, realized what the ice field was.

So, Xu Le... was going to trick her teacher again.

Hey, pretend not to know.

I saw Xu Le holding the red coordinate gem, and while injecting spiritual energy, he also took the time to analyze the structure of the coordinate gem.

The burst of spiritual energy was so shocking that even Cangming Feiyu was a little surprised.

"Mr. Xu Le, are you okay?"

Xu Le thought for a moment before replying:

"Uh, I'm almost out of breath."


What a flamboyant acting.

But he didn't care, as long as Xu Le could activate the coordinate object, everything else was trivial.

With the injection of spiritual energy, a red cross-shaped crack suddenly opened in front of Xu Le and the others.

Xu Le said quickly:

"Quick, I can't hold on anymore!~"

Cangming hesitated for a moment, but he remembered what he had agreed with Xu Le before, that they should take the lead in exploring.

So the hesitant thought did not last long, so he turned to Fei Yu and said:

"let's go."


Seeing Cangming and Feiyu entering the rift, Xu Le followed closely behind and entered the red rift with Chi Xiao.

After the crack lasted for a period of time, it disappeared.

Entering the rift, the four of them only experienced a brief space shock before they already stood firm.

The place beneath their feet didn't seem to be a space passage, but a dark cave.

The sticky road made several people feel uncomfortable.

Feiyu, who was walking at the front, raised his arm, and then pulled his fingertips with his other hand.

A silver-gray thread immediately appeared in Fei Yu's hand.

"It's stringy... feels like a spider web?"

"Cobweb?" Cangming also raised his feet and took a look. Those sticky things indeed seemed to be spider webs.

He threw away his cloak directly, because the cloak that was mopping the floor was stuck to the silver threads.

"It does look like a spider web." Chi Xiao also said.

Then a wisp of fire ignited around her, and those spider-like threads were immediately melted.

As for Xu Le, the Soul-Eating Tree ate part of the cobweb, so let's analyze the ingredients first.

Doubt and silence spread among the four people.

Suddenly, a huge spider crawled towards them from deeper inside the cave.

[Lilith's weirdness, level 5 weirdness, Gu Yin has many children - Rose]

"It's the weirdness of Lilith, the descendant of Spider Queen Rose." Xu Le reminded aloud.

Hearing Xu Le's affirmative voice, several people's doubts deepened.

Feiyu raised his eyebrows slightly, shook his body, and a feather immediately flew out like a sharp sword.


Although it was a point strike, when the feather hit the spider, the spider exploded.

A large amount of green and pink blood sprayed all over the ground, and the dead could no longer die.

Further away, several smaller spiders saw Feiyu killing its companion.

The little spider ran away in fear, trying to keep as much distance from Feiyu as possible.

In the darkness, it was as if Feiyu noticed it immediately and followed directly.

After Feiyu followed, Xu Le and Chi Xiao looked at each other and followed.

Cangming stood there, and after thinking for a moment, he transformed his body into a spirit body and disappeared from where he was.

Xu Le followed Fei Yu and chased the spider to the depths of the cave.

This was not a simple cave. As they went deeper, they saw a deserted building.

Its architectural style is a bit weird, and Xu Le feels that it has some ancient island country style feel.

Continuing deeper, Xu Le found that the entire building was threatened by huge spider webs.

The weirdness of Lilith that appeared just now is also present here.

However, it is no longer one, but hundreds or even thousands.

Xu Le found that they were converging on a spider silk building covered by a huge spider web. The strange structure looked like a palace made of spider silk.

After arriving at this place, Xu Le, Cang Ming and Chi Xiao all felt that this place was getting further and further away from the puppet lair.

On the contrary, it looks like another lair of Gu Yinduo's son.

Spider Queen - Rose.

"I'm afraid there's something in there!~" Xu Le stared at the palace where the spiders gathered and took a few steps back cautiously.

With their current lineup, there should be few places in the world that could make him feel uneasy.

But there was something strange everywhere here, so he had to be careful.

Xu Le's simple and straightforward cowardly behavior naturally aroused dissatisfaction between Cangming and Feiyu, who stared directly at Xu Le.

"Retreating before fighting is a cowardly lizard."

Xu Le also stared at it without any scruples.

"It's none of my business! I'm the lowest level here. The less capable you are, the less responsible you are. I don't stick to the pan."



Xu Le's crooked reasoning made Chi Xiao almost laugh out loud.

But at this time, she was definitely on Xu Le's side, blocking her position and looking at Feiyu.

"Okay, according to the original negotiation, we should be the one to explore. Let's go, Feiyu."

Seeing the possibility of conflict between the two parties, Cangming stopped the confrontation.

It is not easy to get the coordinates of a son of Guyin Duo.

We have already arrived here, and if we start fighting among ourselves before seeing the puppets, then there is no need to implement the next plan.

In any case, they are now in an alliance.


Feiyu snorted coldly, shrunk his body, stood up and hovered around the spider silk palace.

"The sky is filled with flying feathers."

Exploding feathers were spread all over the cave, and the spider silk palace was also shot up on the spot by Fei Yu.

The shattered and collapsed palace trembled, and a large number of creatures that looked like innocent souls flew out quickly.

Their speed was extremely fast, and they were between spiritual bodies and entities. In the blink of an eye, they had flown in front of everyone.

However, none of the people present were vegetarians.

Fei Yu waved his hand gently, and the feathers in the sky filled the sky with intense red moon spiritual energy, killing all the weird things in front of him instantly.

Cangming, on the other hand, stood beside Feiyu, waving his soul chain and massacring the weird ones.

The ring of fire in Chixiao has been maintained, and the weirdness here cannot be approached at all.

Xu Le...Xu Le stood beside Chi Xiao, pretending to be dead.

"Why don't you take action?" Feiyu asked again.

"I'm observing the enemy's abilities to prevent any deception."

The corners of Feiyu's mouth twitched. After having the previous experience, she did not choose to continue arguing with Xu Le at this time.

He can paddle if he wants to. Anyway, the three of them can handle the things here.

This is what Feiyu thought, but she was really wrong about one thing.

Xu Le really didn't lie. He was indeed observing the strange abilities of these spirits and was really not embarrassed.

[Mutated ghost, level 4 weirdness, Gu Yin has many children - puppets, talent - malicious pollution. 】

The mutated ghost is indeed the descendant of Gu Yinduo, but he became the descendant of a puppet.

Logically speaking, this is obviously the lair of the puppets, and it is normal to have the offspring of the puppets.

But the spiders that appeared before and the environment here made the entire lair look like Rose's territory.

The descendant of the puppet appears here, but it looks a little weird.

And their talents...

Xu Le turned his attention to the weird talent of [Malicious Pollution].

His intuition told him that this talent might not be that simple.

As Fei Yu killed quickly, Xu Le suddenly saw that her feathers were dyed with a faint gray color. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to spot it.

Can a level 4 creature leave traces on a level 8 creature?

This sounds outrageous, but what is happening now is fact.

After a burst of massacre, Feiyu stopped at the front and turned to look at Cangming:

"Did we look in the wrong place? It's... full of spiders."

After killing all these mutated ghosts, more spiders emerged from the nest, and the number was so large that it made people's scalp numb.

This place now doesn't look like the puppet's lair at all.

Did they find the wrong one?

This idea appeared in the minds of the three people except Xu Le, and even Chi Xiao became a little confused.

She looked at Xu Le, and Xu Le also knew that he had to say something at this time.

"Don't worry, after my confirmation, I can basically confirm that this is the puppet's lair. Let's continue."

"How did you confirm it?"

"Some of my own unique intelligence methods."

Cangming saw that Xu Le didn't mean to say anything clearly, so he didn't continue to ask.

"Okay, let's continue."

Three powerful combinations of level 8, placed anywhere in the world, it is unlikely that anyone can stop them.

Even the lair of Guyin Duo's son is like this.

The winding spider cave continues deep underground.

Xu Le and the others have been walking for nearly an hour.

You know, at their speed, one hour is already a very long distance.

"It seems to be very deep here. How long will it take to walk?" Feiyu looked at Xu Le.

Xu Le started to spread his hands again.

"You guys are all very perceptive, so you should know this kind of thing better than me.

And I am the weakest. The smaller the ability, the smaller the responsibility. I don’t stick to the pot..."

"Okay, okay, stop using that rhetoric, it's disgusting."

"There is a pothole ahead." Cangming interrupted the sterile conversation between the two.

Xu Le and the others also came to a huge pothole.

This pit is bottomless, and even with their powerful perceptual abilities, they are unable to touch the bottom or edges.

It seems that in addition to the depth of the pit, there is also some kind of power here that interferes with the perception of several people.

"When we get here, there is no other way. Do you want to go down?"



Xu Le and Cangming said in unison.

Regarding the matter of hunting Gu Yinduo's son, although both sides have many little Jiujiu, in terms of the ultimate goal, neither of them wavered at all.

Hunting puppets was the purpose of their trip.

They have no reason to give up.

Seeing Cangming's confirmation, Feiyu flew up and fell into the hole.

Cangming followed closely behind.

Then there is Chixiao Xu Le.

"Xu Le, it's okay."

"Here, we should meet Zhenzhang."

The four people fell faster and faster, and during the fall, they also felt something was wrong.

The speed of falling was so fast that it exceeded the speed of their flight, and the acceleration continued.

At this point, gravity and resistance seem to have failed due to the interference of some special rules.

"What should I do?" Feiyu asked in shock.

"Here we come." Xu Le suddenly said.


Just as Feiyu asked, a huge skeletal arm swung out from the abyss. The impact of the attack made the four of them understand.

If you just treat it as an ordinary arm, I'm afraid it will be seriously injured in one blow.

"Yu Sha! Yu Sha."

Feiyu was the first to take action, and the surrounding feathers formed a barrier to protect him. At the same time, he used more feathers to form a line and slashed directly at the skeleton's arm.

Ding! ~

Feiyu's feathers are probably harder than the hardest steel in the world, not to mention the blessing of the Red Moon Spirit.

But when it was cut on the skeleton's arm, it was just gold and iron, and nothing else happened.

"How is that possible?" Feiyu couldn't believe it.

This is Feiyu's attack. Even if it's not a special move, it's still at a solid level 8 level.

But there was only a mark left on the skeleton's arm, and its defensive power was a little too outrageous.

Xu Le stared at the skeleton arm with an even weirder expression.

[Puppet, level 8 weird, son of Gu Yinduo].

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