
Chapter 553 Chasing Gangshi

"Lord Long, is there anything you want to tell me?"

The dragon's eyes were a little lonely, and he pointed at the crack on his forehead.

"see it?"

The corners of Xu Le's mouth twitched. What a problem, he wasn't blind.

"I'm not blind. How can I not see such a big wound?"

"It was Hongyue who hit me."


If Xu Le was just silent in embarrassment, now he is silent in shock.

Red Moon shot? Xu Le's mind immediately thought of that somewhat wretched figure.

To be honest, Xu Le's impression of the Lord of the Red Moon was not good, it could even be said to be very bad.

It was a mixture of obscene, disgusting, and that kind of bad conspiracy temperament. To be honest, Xu Le really couldn't compare that guy with the most powerful ones like Gu Yin Duo's mother tree and Gu Yin Duo's son.

The character of the puppet is also very bad, but it is definitely not as disgusting as the feeling made by the Red Moon Lord to Xu Le.

He made Xu Le feel like a contaminated high-level weirdo, and then used clumsy and exaggerated performance to cover up his bad appearance.

If the character of the puppet is weird, neurotic, paranoid, and crazy.

The feeling that the Lord of the Red Moon gave Xu Le was that of a pure clown.

Yes, it is meant to be derogatory, but he is a clown and cannot be changed.

Xu Le had never seen the appearance of the Lord of the Red Moon later, but from the previous meeting, he really despised the Lord of the Red Moon.

As a level 9 will, a supreme master level existence.

You can be weaker than the mother tree, and you can be helpless against the Night Fury, but you shouldn't be so mean.

In Xu Le's view, the Lord of the Red Moon is even inferior to Lost, Feiyu, and the Three Gods of the Full Moon.

"Lord of the Red Moon? Is he that strong?"

Xu Le had experienced the Lord of the Red Moon once before. At that time, the Lord of the Red Moon gave Xu Le a really shocking feeling.

But Xu Le's strength at that time was far inferior to what it is now.

After being promoted, he recalled the strength of the Lord of the Red Moon at that time and made some new judgments in his mind.

That guy doesn't seem to be very strong.

Compared with the son of Gu Yinduo, the outcome is also unknown.

But he was able to beat the dragon to such an extent that he almost died on the spot, and the source of the rules was poached.

This means that the power gap between the two has become obvious.

Maybe it's not as big as Xu Le's level 7 puppet projection, because the dragon finally escaped.

But even so, the gap in strength between the two is already huge.

At least that's what the dragon looks like.

"Yes, the power of the Red Moon Lord is very powerful... so powerful that I can no longer resist it."

"So the battle is defeated?"

"Well, the battle was defeated. The proud power of the sky was defeated by him head-on.

The gray substance feels like a combination of Gu Yinduo and Red Moon spiritual energy. It is chaotic and unknown, not corrosive, but it has unique characteristics.

There is no way I can break through his defense. In a battle of this level, if I can't even break through the defense, it's basically useless.

That kind of power is definitely not the ordinary Red Moon power.

When you meet him, be careful. "

Long said a lot of words in one breath. As he spoke, blood flowed out of the hole in his heart again.

Xu Le knew that Lao Long might not be able to survive.

"Lord Long, actually I am here this time to recycle the rules of Gu Yinduo's son."

"I know what you mean, even if I am not injured, I will be killed by you here, right?"

"I should...not kill Master Long, but I must recycle the rules of Guyin Duo's son."

"Oh, that was originally something that was delivered to you. It's a pity that I didn't protect it well."

"Master Long, there is no need to blame yourself. Everyone will encounter things that they cannot handle. This is nothing."

"You don't need to comfort me. The failure was just because I was too proud and complacent and didn't take him seriously.

But as many humans have said, we should not underestimate any warlock.

The Lord of the Red Moon is now a bit like a human warlock. "

"The Red Moon Warlock's system..." Xu Le thought thoughtfully. If he were a Warlock, his abilities would be much more complicated.

It can even be said that the degree of development of the warlock's ability far exceeds the ordinary weirdness, even surpassing the son of Gu Yinduo.

If the Lord of the Red Moon controlled the warlock system with his position, the power that could be unleashed would probably be extremely terrifying.

“This world is really beautiful, but it’s a pity that we can’t stay any longer.

The mother tree said that you are a traveler, but I hope that this will be your end point. "

After saying that, Long's eyes looked into the distance, and time passed between Xu Le and Lao Long.

Xu Le glanced at the sky subconsciously. It shouldn't have been long, but time always gave him the feeling that it had been a long time.

"Lord Long, can you tell me the specific details of your battle with the Lord of the Red Moon?"

Although he knew that Long was feeling very uncomfortable at this time, Xu Le still wanted to get more information from the other party.

Especially the information about the Lord of the Red Moon.

This is likely to affect his layout for the next battle.

However, after Xu Le asked the question, the old dragon did not answer. His body stiffened on one side, and he just looked at the sky of this world quietly, making time lose its original meaning.

Xu Le was silent for a moment, stretched out his hand, and let the soul-eating tree extend to his palm.

A black flower gradually grew on the branch of a small soul-eating tree.

This is Xu Le's flower of chaos, which can also be said to be the flower of the soul-eating tree.

He picked off the black flower and placed it gently on the dragon's body as a reminder and as a condolence.

Xu Le stood up and pressed his palms on the ground.


The limbs of the Soul Torch immediately spread over and surrounded the old dragon's body, making it form a statue-like existence.

"Let's stop here, Master Long... As for the traveler you mentioned, I don't know if I am one, but I hope this will be my end point."

The original core of Guyin Duo's son can be dug out.

The power of the Red Moon Lord is indeed worthy of his vigilance.

Xu Le bowed slightly, presented a gift to the dragon, and then turned around and left.

He had too much to do and too many enemies to deal with.

The seven sons of Guinduo are Night Fury, Puppet, Forest, Lightcast, Dragon, Concrete, and Rose.

Among them, the puppets, dragons, light casts, and forests have all fallen.

Only Gang Shi, Rose, and the missing Night Fury were left.

Xu Le has not yet become so swollen that he directly runs to find and challenge the Night Fury, and the relationship between him and the Night Fury will not allow them to reach that point.

So now the only ones left are Rose and Gang Shi.

Rose is currently attacking the Red Moon Temple as the main force of the weirdness of the Sons of Ancient Yinduo.

Judging from the current time, the Kuroshio should have ended.

He didn't know whether the battle between Rose and Man Yue was over.

But looking for Rose in front of everyone is definitely not a wise choice.

In this case, there is only one goal left.


The hardest thing in the world, the strongest defense, the indestructible stone.

"Now, where is he..."

Xu Le slowly closed his eyes, and reincarnation opened in front of him at this moment.

When Xu Le entered reincarnation, when he reappeared, he had already arrived inside the Red Moon Temple.

"Who are you?"

"Send your name."

Xu Le's sudden appearance aroused the alert of a large number of warlocks in the Red Moon Temple. It was obvious that the battle here was over.

Xu Le did not feel the breath of Man Yue and Rose.

Where exactly they went is still unknown.

But what is certain is that the previous Stone Hand has been left behind, and no one has dealt with it yet.

that's enough.

Xu Le ducked and came to Gangshi's arm, and his attitude of ignoring others around him had already aroused the hostility of the Red Moon Warlocks.

"Stand there and don't move. I'm warning you one last time."

Xu Le still ignored it. Excessive explanations were just a waste of time. He just needed to do his own thing step by step.

Putting his palm on Gangshi's arm, the attacks of those vigilance warlocks also followed.

"Spell-Fire Storm."

The strong wind mixed with the flames blew towards Xu Le, but when the flames flowed towards Xu Le, a black circle appeared directly on Xu Le's back.

The rotating black circle swallowed up the flame storm directly, swept across it, and quickly disappeared behind Xu Le.

Being attacked, Xu Le didn't even have the intention to look back.

This is what he is today.

Talking nonsense is a waste of time, which is a waste of one's own resources.

Because his time is the most precious thing.


Under the control of Xu Le's crystal palm, the stone hand instantly shattered into countless stones, and Xu Le's chaotic fog immediately spread out, completely covering these stones.

Then absorb the spiritual energy in it.

Xu Lezai captured the location of the stone from these psychic breaths.

The stone is well hidden, but using projection, even a puppet cannot cut off the original connection between the two.

The Lord of Red Moon has a way to capture this information, and Xu Le now has the same method.

"Is it underground... At this depth, even if it is found, few people will be able to go down to find it. It is indeed a simple and straightforward hiding place."

If we talk about dragons, the Lords of the Red Moon, their hiding place is in the high sky.

The hiding place of the solid stone is completely underground.

Judging from the technological level of the Dark Ages, it is almost impossible to explore.

Therefore, this hiding method directly eliminates the possibility of someone violating the ban.

"Rose has no information for the time being, so I'll take it from you..."

Xu Le's figure disappeared from the spot.

The guards of the Red Moon Temple also called in the supporting warlocks at this time. A legendary warlock was among them. It just so happened that this warlock was the Red Temple Melis.

Seeing his eyes completely shattered into stones, Melis had a complicated expression.

Having had experience in fighting, she knew how strong the steel arm was. They had joined forces and attacked together to break the arm.

But now...the arm has been completely shattered into pieces. What kind of powerful force can do this?

You know, this arm is not an ordinary level 7 projection, but a powerful existence with level 8 characteristics.

What kind of person can do this?

"What does the person you just talked about look like?"

"He is about 20 years old..."

Facing Melis, the guard told Xu Le's appearance in detail.

But the more Melis listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

It sounds like Xu Le.

But this kind of it really something Xu Le can do?

"Xu Le!"

Tens of thousands of meters underground, Gangshi's huge body sleeps in the underground magma.

For a being at the level of Gangshi, the boiling magma and scorching heat in the ground are almost like lukewarm bath water.

With its defense power, it doesn't need to care about the temperature or environment here, it can do whatever it wants.

And by staying here, it can absorb the power contained in the earth.

As for the melee above the ground, Gangshi has always been on the sidelines.

"The puppets and the dragon are also dead. Haha, the future development is getting more and more confusing."

Unlike his body, which is so huge that it seems very inflexible, Gangshi's thinking is very flexible and his mind is extremely clear.

It reminds yourself all the time what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are.

Under what circumstances can it become the final winner, replace the Night Fury, replace the Ancient Yin Duomu Tree, and become the master of this world?

It's difficult, Gangshi knows.

Whether it's the Night Fury, the Mother Tree, or the Red Moon, these powerful beings are beyond its ability to deal with.

There is also a gap among the sons of Gu Yinduo.

But Gangshi doesn't care, it thinks that he is the most intelligent among all the sons of Guinduo, and is an intelligent stone man.

The final winner is often the wise one.

"According to ancient human proverbs, this is called sitting on a mountain and watching the tiger fight."

The smart stone man turned over and enjoyed the comfort of the magma bath.

But when it looked at the ceiling of the lava cave in front of it, it suddenly felt something was not right. There seemed to be some vibrations in this area.

"Is there another earthquake? The underground environment is not good at all. Magma can be used for bathing, but there is really nothing you can do about earthquakes."

The smart stone man could only move his body and reach out to press against the ceiling.

Earthquakes are no problem, it just needs to ensure that the cave doesn't collapse.

This is the temporary residence it found with great difficulty. The environment is very good and the power of the earth is extremely strong.

A place like this is already a temporary home for it.

Since it is a home, it does not want it to completely collapse due to an earthquake.


The powerful spiritual energy of Gangshi was instantly injected into the cave. The cave, which was originally very solid, was reinforced by the petrification power of Gangshi and became twice as hard as before.

Because of this strengthening, some rocks have actually transformed into gemstones.

But these are not what Gangshi wants. Things like gems are completely meaningless to it.

It just wants a comfortable magma lake, so that it can lie comfortably in place, absorb the power of the earth, and strengthen itself.

"It should be fine."

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