
Chapter 61 The real aftermath

The aunt in charge of the property gave Xu Le a slightly contemptuous look.

If it were normal, then as a property worker, she would definitely be a bit weaker than the night watchman, but today was different. Today was the day to pay wages. She was so busy that she had no time to talk to Xu Le.

"There are clear records on the payslip, but you can't read it yourself?"

Xu Le then looked at his pay stub.

[The basic salary of the Warlock Night Watch is 250, welfare is 150, internal service is 150, external service is 0, combat subsidy is 400, and advance compensation is -900. 】

The salary is very high, of course Xu Le is talking about compared with ordinary people in Xiacheng District.

Lao Zhou's salary is 25 yuan, and his salary this month has reached 950 yuan.

The basic salary + benefits of Warlock Night Watch is 400, which has been mentioned before.

But an unexpected internal service incident gave him 150 and a combat subsidy of 400.

In terms of income alone, Xu Le's monthly income has reached as much as Lao Zhou for several years. It is indeed a top profession in Lighthouse.

But the advance compensation was suddenly deducted by 900...

"This advance compensation?"

"Ask your own captain."


When I arrived at Bai Jing's office, Xu Le coughed a few times as soon as I entered. The smell of smoke was too strong.

Does the captain really not get lung cancer if he smokes like this?

Well, maybe it's because her physical condition is relatively strong, and cigarettes are no longer effective for her.

"If you don't go to Gan, why do you come here to me?"

"Captain, that advance compensation?"

"You should know that yourself, right? That mother and daughter."

"I know, but..."

"Normally, if you deduct 350 a month, it will take you nearly 2 years to pay off a loan of more than 8,000.

Lighthouse property is not a vegetarian. If you have money in your account, they will naturally deduct more. Didn’t they give you 50?

The cost of the lighthouse is actually not high. You can eat at the branch for free. 50 yuan a month is enough. "

Xu Le was speechless. He guessed that it was about Lao Zhou and his family, but he directly deducted 900 yuan from him. Isn't this too cruel?

He didn't even give me 100 yuan, and he even promised to buy canned cats for Ding Ke. How could this be enough?

"I know, but why can't I deduct less points? If I can open 950 every month.

Even if I repay 700 yuan every month, it will only take one year to repay it, so I can have 250 yuan left every month. "

"Haha, the young man is quite good at settling accounts."

"Well, it's just normal arithmetic." Xu Le touched his nose.

"But you can't guarantee that you will earn that much every month. As a night watchman, what if you die next month?"


Xu Le was suddenly speechless. Yes, night watchman is not a very safe job.

With the mortality rate remaining high, no one can guarantee that they will always be fine.

Xu Le couldn't refute this.

"I see."

"Room 509 of Dongyang Low-rent Apartment on Hedun Street. Although it is a low-rent apartment, it actually has an independent toilet and kitchen. Come and have a look when you have time."

Xu Le was stunned. He knew that Bai Jing would not let him go for no reason, and there must be a reason for him to go and take a look.

What's wrong with the mother and daughter?

"I'll go over now."

After saying hello to Gan, Xu Le went to the Hedun neighborhood alone.

This is a place close to the river, so there is no problem with the aftermath arranged by the night watchman. After all, they often arrange the aftermath.

According to the address, Xu Le found Room 509 of Dongyang Low-rent Housing. As soon as he got here, he found a white note posted and a small wreath at the door.


When Xu Le was in a daze, the door suddenly opened, and it seemed that Zhou Tingting was going out to take out the trash.

When she saw Xu Le, the two looked at each other blankly for a while.

In less than a month, Zhou Tingting looked much more mature than last time.

She had her hair cut short and her clothes were neater than last time.

Perhaps it was due to various unexpected events that made her passively make changes.

"Go in and sit for a while."

Facing Zhou Tingting's invitation, Xu Le hesitated for a moment and nodded.


Entering the house, Xu Le saw the tombs of Lao Zhou and his wife.

Sure enough, he is also dead.

Sitting opposite Zhou Tingting, Xu Le didn't know what to say. After holding back for a long time, he could only ask:

"are you OK?"

Zhou Tingting did not answer directly, but just looked at the spirit tablet.

“When I was young, my mother liked to tell me a repetitive story about the big bad wolf while lecturing me, but I was actually tired of hearing it.

So in the past few years, I haven't really liked talking to her.

Recently, my mother likes to go for a walk with me, and then she always stops halfway and looks back.

I asked her why she stopped halfway, but she told me that she could only accompany me halfway, and that the rest of the journey would be hard but also happy, so I had to go on my own.

I know that everyone will only accompany themselves for a certain period of time.

We are not afraid of death, what we are afraid of is the pain of separation. "

Xu Le looked at Zhou Tingting inexplicably.

"I am sorry for your loss."

Zhou Tingting just shook her head slightly:

“I went to Beacon University and asked, and no company would compensate a temporary security guard.

Even if there is accident compensation, only 500-800 will be spent. It is impossible to have such a high pension.

Your name is Xu Le, right? "


"How did my father die?"

Xu Le took a deep breath and finally asked, have you reached this point?

The captain asked him to come here because he probably noticed that Zhou Tingting was investigating his actions. No, if it was just a simple investigation, there was no need for the captain to ask him to come here specially.

Did the captain discover more things?

"I can only tell you clearly that I did not kill your father."

Xu Le could only give this answer. At this time, the two fell into endless silence.

After a while, Zhou Tingting stood up:

"You've been here for a long time, let me get you a glass of water."

[Human women, their mental energy increases rapidly. 】

Xu Le nodded, sat there and looked at Zhou Tingting's back, clenching his fists and then unclenching them.

After a while, Zhou Tingting came out with a porcelain cup.

Xu Le looked at Zhou Tingting and then at the cup.

Although the girl in front of her tried her best to hide it, her trembling fingers and almost unsteady breathing revealed her nervousness.

[Human women, their mental energy can rise extremely quickly, please be careful. 】

When the please pay attention prompt appears, it means that her anima is approaching level 1 alert.

"She wants to kill me." Xu Lexin said.

Xu Le stared at the water glass for a while, and finally picked it up.

Zhou Tingting's eyes showed the pleasure of revenge, but also some uneasiness and confusion.


When Xu Le handed the cup to his mouth, Zhou Tingting stopped him and she took a few deep breaths.

"What happened to my dad in the end?"

Xu Le pondered for a moment.

"He was deformed and I killed him."

After saying that, Xu Le picked up the cup again, but this time Zhou Tingting did not hesitate for too long, stood up and knocked the cup out of Xu Le's hand.

"Stop drinking, the water is poisonous, it's poisonous!"

Zhou Tingting looked very angry. She was angry with herself, and then looked at Xu Le.

"You're a night watchman, right? Thank you for your money, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to college.

I don't want to see you again, please go. "

Xu Le was stunned, university?

But he didn't say much, just nodded silently.

As soon as he went out, he found Wang Shu standing at the door, his hand already in his arms.

Xu Le's eyes flickered, and he knew that the place on the uniform was where the gun was hung.

"Brother Shu, did the captain ask you to come?"

"The first principle of the Night Watch is to protect yourself under any circumstances."

Looking at the expressionless Wang Shu, Xu Le suddenly asked:

"If I really drink that glass of water, will Brother Shu kill her?"

"The captain said you are very smart and don't know how to drink."

"Captain really understands me."

"Actually, it's okay if you drink it. I've already replaced the poison she bought. That pack is just popping candy."

Xu Le:?

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