
Chapter 69 Brother Shu and the others are in danger (please subscribe)

After hanging up the communication, he looked at Xu Le and the two of them.

"Let's go, the captain calls us."

"There are too many people at night, won't anima problems occur?"

"Although the instability of gathering and resting will be improved, do you think that after the team becomes stronger, will you feel more at ease?"

"That's true." Xu Le nodded.

"Yes, everyone feels at ease, and the stability of the mental energy will also improve."

"I see."

The three of them came to Bai Jing in a hurry. Bai Jing glanced at Xu Le first, and seemed to confirm that Xu Le was fine before turning to Niu Yuan:

"Lao Niu, how does it feel to take Xu Le with you?"

"Well, Xu Le performed very well. We encountered a ghost species at the station before. If it weren't for Xu Le's timely response, Shunliu and I would have been at a certain risk."

Lao Niu actually didn't finish what he said.

As a level 3 Night Watch warrior, he actually has certain trump cards.

When Xu Le was trying to save him and Li Shunliu, his eyes were already flickering, showing signs of breaking free from mental control.

It's just that Xu Le took the lead in cracking the ghost's control, and the method of cracking it was less harmful than breaking free on his own.

"Yes, Xu Le performed very well." Li Shunliu also affirmed.

After hearing the two people's comments, Bai Jing pulled Xu Le aside and started chatting privately again:

"I listened to their evaluation. Although it contained some flattery, your performance should be very satisfactory to them.

How about the feeling of coming out for the first time... Oh, by the way, it's not the first time you've come out, it must be the fourth time?

You have some experience, right? No wonder you can act so calm. "

Listening to Bai Jing making fun of herself, Xu Le looked sad.

He has a lot of experience, and everyone who has experience is the original owner. This is really his first time in the wild, if the equipment test a few days ago does not count.

"No, experiences are incomparable to the Night Watch pioneering mission.

We need to face the weirdness here, there are deformed species, living corpses, ghost species, and we also encountered an ancient god, although we didn't meet him.

After all, we have all explored within the pioneering area before. In terms of danger, the work of the night watchman is dozens of times higher than my previous explorations.

well? Didn't Gu Beichen and Wang Shu come over? "

Xu Le glanced at the team. Gu Beichen and the others were indeed not here. Was it later than them?

Bai Jing also frowned and nodded:

"It's indeed a bit late. Wait a little longer and see again at 8 o'clock.

Okay, let's talk about it first. Are there any gains from this operation? "

Bai Jing's eyes were slightly expectant, while Xu Le was a little hesitant.

Are you asking him for money?

Xu Le stared at Bai Jing's expectant eyes, a little scared.

Thinking of all the ways Bai Jing used power for personal gain, he reluctantly took out the fallen fragments of the ghost body.

"You know, I'm new and I only get so much."

Bai Jing:?

Seeing Bai Jing not speaking, Xu Le thought, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

He took out another small piece of moonstone from his pocket.

This moonstone is the one on top of the telephone. Well, it's bleeding profusely.

Bai Jing:? ? ?

Seeing that his captain still didn't speak, Xu Le silently cursed her as an old witch and a vampire.

"Captain, aren't you like this? You won't leave any for me? Okay, okay, I'll give it to you."

As Xu Le said, he took out the small dream ledger from his arms and carefully placed it in front of Bai Jing.

Bai Jing picked up the account book, flipped through it casually, and then threw the account book in Xu Le's face.

"Why the hell are you giving me this? You are crazy about money. Do you understand what I asked you to do?"

Xu Le was stunned at first, and then he was delighted, and asked tentatively:

"Um, don't you want money?"

Bai Jing laughed angrily:

"In your eyes, do I just care about money?"

"I don't know about anything else, but the captain is pretty good at using power for personal gain."

Xu Le said cautiously, not forgetting to glance at Bai Jing secretly after he finished speaking. He still vividly remembered Bai Jing's behavior of making money.

Bai Jing picked up the moon stone on the ground and hit Xu Le on the head.

"Using power for personal gain, right? After a few years of college, right? After a few years of studying, you will be able to use words, right?"

"Stop scolding, stop scolding!"

"Is this what I'm asking you? What I'm asking is whether you have discovered anything during this mission, any information or clues about the town.

And there's something wrong with this town, do you understand? "

After hearing this, Xu Le was sure that Bai Jing didn't want his things. He put them away first and then said with a smile:

"It's really bad, Captain. I thought you wanted my money, but I'm being petty. People like Captain will never compete with the people for profit."

Seeing Xu Le's greed for money, Bai Jing wanted to punch him twice.

But considering that he is a warlock and extremely weak, if he is really beaten to death, then all the investment will be in vain.

"If you fart quickly, let it go!"

"Um, there's a clue about the town, let me think about it."

Xu Le recalled it carefully, Bai Jing did not interrupt, and then Xu Le began to speak slowly:

"I found something wrong. The first thing is that the people who stayed at the desk and worked basically died in the same state.

Then there are the office staff, almost all of whom have white hair.

You know, the main component of hair is sulfur-containing keratin. Although it can normally be left for 50-100 years, it will still rot.

Only after special treatment can hair be preserved permanently..."

"Stop, stop, stop, okay, don't tell me those detailed subject information, I'm too lazy to listen.

Tell us your own thoughts and analysis. "

Bai Jing waved her hand to stop Xu Le from continuing to talk about academic analysis, but Xu Le didn't have a clearer clue:

“There is too little information and clues to make a detailed analysis.

But I think the collective death of these office workers, who all had gray hair, should have died under certain forces and conditions.

This force, or rules, or individual creatures should be very powerful. "

"Anything else?"

"there is none left."

After hearing what Xu Le said, Bai Jing nodded slowly.

Indeed, as Xu Le said, she also detected some information during the development mission.

But the information she collected was not as detailed as Xu Le's planning and analysis. Of course, she would not say such things in front of Xu Le, as it would undermine the dignity of her captain.

"Well, I also think they should have been killed at the same time by some kind of force.

Your analysis is similar to what I thought, and it can be taught. "

Xu Le glanced at Bai Jing with suspicion. Could it be that you didn't think about anything and were copying my answer?

But the thought was impossible to express.

Xu Le hesitated for a moment. Although retreating now would affect his morale, he decided to speak out the question he had thought of before:

"Captain, if something very powerful appears here, what should we do?"

Xu Le originally thought Bai Jing would reprimand or scold, but he didn't expect her to answer immediately:


"Ah?" Xu Le thought he heard wrongly.

“When encountering an invincible enemy, you must flee as soon as possible to avoid excessive damage.

The pioneer mission is not to defend the Black Tide. Preserving the vitality of the lighthouse is the most important thing.

Of course, when there is no way to retreat, we must fight bravely. "

"I see."

I also talked to Bai Jing about some details of the mission, especially the weird abilities of the level 2 ghost species.

After the chat, Bai Jing stood up and looked in the other direction of the block.

"It's 8 o'clock. The group of Gu Beichen and Wang Shu haven't come back yet. Considering their strength, it's unreasonable."

"Then shall we go and search now?"

Bai Jing looked at the sky. At 8 o'clock, it was already dark.

Of course, it's summer now, and it won't be completely dark at 8 o'clock. The darkness level will probably be around 3.

In the wild and dark environment, collective support is a very foolish behavior.

When moving at night, first of all, it is impossible to maintain a stable state of light. Secondly, facing the dark night, everyone's mental energy fluctuates greatly.

Once someone's human mind exceeds the standard, they will definitely attract the weirdness in the night, and even actively trigger the occurrence of weirdness.

And once something strange appears, its impact on the team will inevitably cause more fluctuations in mental energy.

Then there is the classic mode, which is to spawn monsters in the dark + attract monsters with anima + quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, anima can spawn monsters infinitely, and then lead to the destruction of the group.

This situation is most likely to occur in the wild.

Teammates make nests and catch more.

Of course, Diaosou here refers to weirdness, and talents are fish.

"Lao Niu is on guard here, me and..."

Bai Jing originally wanted to call Lao Gan. After all, the two of them had been working together for many years, and their tacit understanding was already self-evident.

But just as Bai Jing was about to call Lao Gan's name, Lao Gan shook his head at Bai Jing:

"No, I can't go now."

Xu Le was stunned. Teacher Gan would actually reject the captain directly?

And the captain didn't mean to be angry. Does the warlock have so much power?

Bai Jing frowned slightly, Gan's situation was a bit special, she knew it.

"Since Gan can't go, let's go to Xu Le. You are also a psychic, so the effect is about the same."

"Uh, me?"

Xu Le pointed at his nose, looking a little reluctant no matter how he looked at him.

"What? What's the problem?"

"No, captain, I'm just a newcomer and don't know anything. Are you thinking too highly of me by asking me to go out with you in the middle of the night?"

Xu Le's expression was a little tangled, mainly because he was afraid of death, but Bai Jing's words quickly moved him.

"If you are afraid of death, you might as well think differently. Imagine that the strongest person in the entire Night Watch Team 6 is me.

If something happens to you even when you are around me, it only means that the danger is so overwhelming that something will happen to you anywhere.

So it's safest if you follow me. "

Xu Le thought for a while and thought about it, and it seemed to make some sense.

"Thanks to the captain for not giving up, then Xu Le would rather be respectful than obey orders."

Bai Jing curled her lips, the guy in front of her was really practical.

However, in Bai Jing's view, Xu Le is indeed the best candidate besides Gan.

Every Red Moon Warlock is a master of controlling mental energy. Being able to become a Red Moon Warlock has a stronger ability to adjust mental energy than ordinary people.

Just like Gan, most of the time, the stability of his mental energy is even higher than that of her captain.

Gan once mentioned to her the stability of Xu Le's mental energy.

At that time, Gan Ju and Bai Jing asserted that Xu Le's level of mind control was higher than his, and he was a natural master of the night.

People like Xu Le have a chance to become real lighthouse night watchmen.

That is, the twelve night watchmen on the upper level of the lighthouse.

"If you think it's okay, then let's go."

"Leave now?"

"Time is running out, what do you think?"

Xu Le was pulled up by Bai Jing and started walking towards the third block.

The sky was getting darker, and when Xu Le opened Guyinduo's vision, some information prompts had already appeared.

[Currently in an open area, the light intensity of the area is 3, and it is currently in a dark state. Level 1 weirdness will appear in a random direction after 9 minutes and 30 seconds. 】

[...Level 1 weirdness will appear in a random direction after 6 minutes and 30 seconds. 】

[… Level 1 weirdness will appear in a random direction after 3 minutes and 10 seconds. 】

Xu Le looked at the countdown that was getting closer and closer, and finally couldn't help but ask Bai Jing:

"Captain, why don't we light up the lights? It's a dark environment now, and it's easy to get weird when running like this!"

“Wild weirdness, if it’s not a level 4 weird thing, I should be able to deal with it.

As for the law of darkness, if I count correctly, the light intensity is about 3 right now and we are in darkness for almost 7 minutes.

According to the 10-minute weird rule, we still have about 2 minutes for safe exploration. It is not too late to turn on the lights after 2 minutes. "

"Is it necessary to be so detailed?" Xu Le didn't quite understand.

"There are three types of people who can travel in the dark. Do you know which three types they are?"

"have no idea."

“The first type is absolutely powerful people, whose strength can ignore night demons and even lord-level weirdos.

The second type is a person who has enough energy to illuminate and whose mind is very stable.

The third type is those who are familiar with and use the laws of darkness. "

Xu Le was thoughtful.

"So, we want to be people who are familiar with the rules of darkness?"

"No, it is better to be the above two people if possible, but most of the time we have no choice.

The energy of the lighting equipment can last for about 3 hours. This is the most advanced alchemical technology product.

To dispel the dark state and enter the second round of darkness refresh rules, you need to light up the light for at least 1 hour.

In the dark, 3 hours of lighting cannot even sustain a long-term battle, so we have to save as much as possible. "

Xu Le already understood after hearing this.

"Understood, the second principle of free thinking is to never let important things become urgent, and try not to put yourself in an emergency."

Bai Jing smiled slightly, it was really easy to talk to smart people.

"Yes, that's the truth."

The two of them ran one after another and reached the depths of the third block. The area in front of them had obviously not been explored yet.

In other words, Gu Beichen and the others didn't even go to this area.

When this happens, there is generally only one possibility: something happened to a team member.

"Captain, Gu Beichen and the others..."

"Keep your emotions stable."

"I see."

Xu Le didn't explain much about his anima state.

He also knew that Bai Jing did not have a soul tree like himself, and worrying too much about her emotions would only turn into strange mental energy that attracted people in the dark.

The two of them took turns turning on the lights while searching.

This can save some energy.

Along the way, Bai Jing took action three times, but all of them were mediocre and completely chopped up the weird thing in front of them with one single stroke.

Although Bai Jing didn't say much, it could be seen from the three weird corpses with missing limbs that Bai Jing was not as calm as she appeared.

Xu Le didn't say anything. He opened Gu Yinduo's vision to the maximum.

Soon, he had an idea!

"Captain, ahead, the house on the left about 1,900 meters away should be in the basement or deeper."

"Are you so meticulous?" Bai Jing was surprised.

Xu Le paused for about 2 seconds, and started to say this a little stubbornly:

"To be precise, I mean it's accurate, not detailed."

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