
Chapter 82 Did he find us, or did we find him?

Xu Le, who had been caught several times, could only shake his head helplessly:

"Ah, yes, I went to the cat cafe, but so what? The kittens in the cat cafe are very realistic and will not be touched without snacks.

All my money is used to buy cans for you, how can I have money to buy snacks for other cats?

The other kittens and I are just having fun, so we can’t count.

I shovel poop and feed you every day. I love you so much, right? "


Ding Ke was still very fierce, so Xu Le could only take a bath honestly.

After taking a bath, Ding Ke still refused to let him hold her. Xu Le simply ignored it, sat on the bed and immersed himself in the spiritual world.

"let's start!"

Around the Soul Tree, a moderate current was still swirling around the tree, but there was no way this current could integrate with the Soul Tree.

Even harmonious coexistence is not possible.

Xu Le, who was in the soul world, wanted to stretch out his hand and control the flow of electricity.

But the Ancient Yinduo Tree will immediately release a burst of energy, blocking the current from the outside, as if it doesn't agree with this power.

"Something's wrong!"

Xu Le, who had no results, could only sit there and think. The tree of soul and the elemental fruit should be of the same type. Why are they mutually exclusive?

The power of the elements can be manipulated.

The current problem is that the Tree of Soul occupies Xu Le's main spiritual world.

If elemental electricity cannot enter the core area, then he will not be able to use elemental power flexibly.

"What should we do? Try the reverse operation?"

After several failed attempts to guide elemental electricity, Xu Le decided to give up and began to control the branches of Guyinduo's Soul Tree to extend to the outside.

The two began to blend together.

It went smoothly at first, but after a while, just like children always fighting when playing together, the energy of the Soul Tree collided with the current again.


The two clearly defined energies collided again, causing a burst of scorch, and the branches of the tree were immediately scorched by the current.

Very obvious mental pain appeared in Xu Le's mind, and he also knew that if the Soul Tree was harmed, it would directly reflect on him.

Xu Le rubbed his head. No matter what, the contact just now was effective.

It’s not that the direction is wrong, it’s that I didn’t control it very well.


He stretched out Guyin Duozhiya again and tried to make contact with his own elemental current.

This time, the current seemed to be hostile and directly attacked Zhiya.

Xu Le quickly controlled the current, but it was already too late.

A severe headache reappeared, making Xu Le lie down on the bed uncomfortably and exit the spiritual world.

Black Cat Ding Ke seemed to know that Xu Le had encountered problems in practice.

It took the initiative to run to Xu Le and rubbed its head against Xu Le.

A feeling of calm appeared in Xu Le's heart.

"Ha, I just have a little headache, it's not a big problem."


Ding Ke's eyes flickered slightly, and he knew that being a... what does it mean to be a person?

Forget it, I can’t remember.

However, it clearly knows that compared to the rule-filled power of the Red Moon Spirit, Gu Yinduo is much more chaotic and complicated.

The elements, souls, and energies of Guyinduo are all in a state of disorder.

If you want to control them with human power, or even let them fuse, you need to put in several times more effort than ordinary warlocks.

In this regard, it can't help Xu Le.


Xu Le thought it was hungry, so he went to the kitchen and got a can for it, placed it in front of Ding Ke, and then slapped its head to kill it.

"Okay, I have to continue, don't interrupt."

Meow meow!

Ding Ke rarely looked at the can. He stood up and moved his paws in circles in front of Xu Le, not knowing what he wanted to express.

"Spinning around with both hands? Okay, now is not the time to play."

Touching Ding Ke's fleshy face again, Xu Le was immersed in the spiritual world again.

After several attempts, Xu Le discovered that whether it was controlling Guyin Duozhiya or controlling electric current.

There will inevitably be an energy collision, and then he will hurt himself, unless he can control two different energies at the same time and make the same move.

Why? Wait, control different energies at the same time to do the same thing?

Is it a bit like two hands spinning in circles?

In principle, this seems to be the case, but it is more difficult to implement.

The level of difficulty is probably equivalent to fighting between left and right in martial arts novels?

But this is mental. This situation is equivalent to thinking about two things at the same time, which seems to be more difficult than fighting each other.

Because of the control of the body, muscle memory and other things can also be considered.

Does the control of thinking have the same mental memory?

Xu Le felt that he had found a little direction, so he started a new attempt.

Once, ten times, a hundred times.

The current hit the branch again and again, and the branch extended by Xu Le was scorched black.

Xu Le became a little depressed.

The constant mental blows made him feel very tired, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

If he couldn't even control a lower element, how could he hold his head high in front of Gu Beichen in the future?

Regaining his strength, Xu Le once again tried to use his mind to control the two energies.

He has tried so many times and it has paid off.

Although the control after a hundred times has almost made no progress, it has completely turned into repeated failures.

But when it really came to the 200th time, Xu Le felt that when he used his mind to control two forces at the same time, he seemed to be more mellow?

In this way, Xu Le kept failing and repeating himself.

The spirit of repeated beatings has become somewhat stronger due to numbness.

What does it feel like to be mentally tough? Xu Le doesn't know how to describe it. In short, it's just one sentence.


This practice lasted five hundred times.

The flashing electric current began to wander around the outstretched branches in Xu Le's thoughts.

The speed of the current is getting faster and faster, like a runaway horse, completely uncontrollable thunder and lightning, and finally rushes into Zhiya's arms.

And this time, Zhiya did not reject thunder and lightning.

The two forces finally combined at this moment.

The thunder and lightning elements slowly stagnated and turned into a ball of light floating on the branches.

The ball of light gradually faded, and finally turned into a brand new fruit?

Xu Le looked at the fruits on the tree of soul and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Elemental Electric Fruit?"

After saying that, Xu Le fainted.

He is too tired.

However, this kind of practice is also rewarding. Mental strength becomes tough due to repeated electric training.

This also gave Xu Le a stronger mental resistance than ordinary people.

Ding Ke lay on Xu Le's body and protected Xu Le. Although he touched other kittens, what could he do?

I have been held by him for so long, and I can't really abandon him.

What can a cat think? Then we can only continue to live like this.


The next day, after Xu Le checked in at the branch, he came to the shooting range.

Bai Jing is practicing shooting here, although Xu Le is not sure what the meaning of shooting is with Bai Jing's physical fitness.

But it’s better for the team members not to interfere with the captain’s matters.

Reporting here also has the advantage of avoiding unnecessary eyes and ears.

"Captain, I bought the things needed to calm the soul, but if you want to use this thing, you may need a little help."

"Want to use it? Xu Le, you shouldn't have bought a sealed relic, right?"

"Well, I bought one."


"This thing is very strong."

The corners of Bai Jing's mouth twitched, and Gan told her that Xu Le might have some special abilities related to relics.

That's why she asked Xu Le to wander around the black market.

And no information was given to him, just to exercise his abilities.

She knew that Xu Le was very smart, and even if the tasks assigned to him could not be accomplished, he would usually not mess them up.

But Xu Le told her now that he actually bought a sealed relic. Isn't that just spending money indiscriminately?


Under what circumstances would Xu Le, a smart-looking guy, be allowed to buy a sealed relic?

The answer should be...he has the means to unblock it.

Thinking of this, Bai Jing's eyes became much kinder.

What is a right-hand assistant? With this kind of explanation, things will be done for you quickly, and it will be done well, giving hope to the original predicament.

This is called a right-hand assistant.

It's not in vain that she invested so many resources and energy into Xu Le.

"What kind of help do you want?"

Xu Le's eyes lit up when he heard Bai Jing ask this.

It was really easy to talk to the captain. She understood what he meant without even asking.

"I need to investigate a person named Wang Beichuan."

"People from Wang Beichuan? Do you have more detailed information?"

"This guy named Wang Beichuan may be related to clocks, because the relic is a large pocket watch.

He may be a watchmaker, or he may have done evil things and committed crimes. "

Xu Le has described it in as much detail as possible, but even so, the scope is still a bit large.

Not to mention anything else, there are no computers now, so just checking household registration information would require a lot of manpower and material resources.

Looking for a person named Wang Beichuan in the entire lighthouse area is a bit exaggerated, but it is more appropriate to find a mobile phone in the pit.

"Where are Wang Shu and Gu Beichen?"

"They've already started investigating."

"Okay, then after I go back, I will also instruct others to investigate this matter."

"Thank you Captain."

"Okay, I'll go back first, and come back with me in the afternoon to do the accounting and reimbursement."

"Shall I do the accounting?"

Xu Le looked surprised, but Bai Jing didn't take it seriously.

"What? Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem."

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

"Captain, walk slowly."

After Bai Jing left, Xu Le looked at the remaining bullets on the table.

These are probably the practice bombs Bai Jing bought because she knew he had no money, so did she leave them for him on purpose?

Xu Le then picked up a practice bullet and looked around to make sure there was no one around.

A flash of electricity was injected into the bullet along with his fingers.

5 minutes later……

"Guard, where are the guards here? The guns are broken. They are used by the night watchmen. Can you use some good ones?"

"Damn it, why did you do something bad again? It doesn't make sense."

The guard came over cursing. It seemed like this was not the first time a gun had broken here.

So he didn't suspect that it was Xu Le's hands and feet.

But when he picked up the gun, he realized why the gun smelled like paste?

Then he looked at Xu Le suspiciously.

"This gun..."

"This gun is broken, I'm sure. I don't know anything else, so don't ask."

Xu Le looked at the guard seriously, with an expression that said he wouldn't even say anything if he killed me.

"Forget it, this batch of guns is going to be eliminated, and they will be replaced with six-barrel guns in the future."

The guard handed Xu Le a new 4-turn pistol before leaving.

Xu Le looked at the new gun and felt another impulse in his heart.

“It would be awesome if we could attach electric current to bullets!

Forget it, let’s try that one first. "

Xu Le took out a new bullet.

This time he did not inject electricity, but extracted some ancient Yinduo power from the tree of soul and attached it to it.

He has already experienced this approach several times.

But the only two times he succeeded were when he was practicing shooting, and the last time he shot the head of the Resentment Orchid.

Gu Yin Duo Bullet - Fear.

Fear is the most terrifying emotion and the most unsolvable emotion.

People will be afraid when facing the unknown, powerful monsters, darkness and other situations, even the most powerful people cannot avoid it.

And this range can be larger, as long as there is a conscious weirdness, or even a ghost, you will be afraid.

The bullet that killed the Demon Orchid was the fear bullet.

Xu Le consumes a lot of spiritual energy every day to practice divination, Gu Yinduo's power control, and mind control.

He doesn't have perfect control over his own power, but in the past month or so, he has been able to control it skillfully.

Anima bullets are one of them.

Ghosts are very afraid of fear anima, which is something that many people don't realize.

This kind of psychic bullet is actually Xu Le's best way to deal with the weirdness of ghosts. Its effect is no longer to shock, but to kill in a very straightforward way.

Even level 3 polluter ghosts are not immune.

The only drawback is that the bullets produced are not stable.

At least Xu Le cannot use it stably now.

"Probably the most important thing to cultivate during this period is this."

Xu Le spent the whole morning at the shooting range and did not return to the branch until he finished shooting bullets.

Most of the team members went out, and Bai Jing was assigned the task of finding soul-soothing items and searching for Wang Beichuan.

Now the only people left in Team 6 are Bai Jing, Gan, and Xu Le.

"Please take a look at the reimbursement form."

Bai Jing handed a reimbursement form to Xu Le.

There are roughly consumed bullets, broken firearms, thrown objects, strange ashes, the use of anima neutralizers, etc.

Most of the projects are followed by blanks, and only a few have been written by Bai Jing.

There is a supplementary column below the last one, but it is not written.

"If you haven't filled it out, you can figure out how to fill it in. If the rules are reasonable, don't let Team 6 suffer. Of course, don't go too far."


When Xu Le took the expense report and wrote down 4,000 rounds of bullets and 150 grenades, Gan's mouth twitched.

But Bai Jing showed a smile:

"Xu Le is still sensible!"

Outside the branch door, an old man was getting off the steam car.

He was the old man in the dark alley yesterday, and he was also the man Xu Le and the others met while waiting for the bus.

The old man waved to the subordinate beside him:

"Give me a red envelope."


The old man personally took 10 10-yuan bills and stuffed them into the red envelope, and then put them into his pocket.

"Wait for me here."

“But the boss, he is just a college student who did not graduate, and he was lucky enough to become a night watchman.

Do we need to find him like this? "

Faced with the incomprehension of his subordinates, the old man just smiled calmly:

"You need to remain in awe of unpredictable things, and be sincere and spiritual. And have you ever thought about it...

Did he find us, or did we find him? "

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