
Chapter 87 When sacrificing a relic to the mother tree!

Xu Le, who walked downstairs to the dormitory, was about to go upstairs when he suddenly found a beggar looking at him at the top of the stairs.

He shook the bowl in his hand:

"Master, please give me some money."

Xu Le, who was about to go upstairs, suddenly had a sudden impulse. He felt that this beggar seemed to have some kind of connection with him. This was a very special feeling.

"Do you need me to divine for you?"

"Fortune telling?"

"Divination is very simple."

"No, I have no money, don't delay me picking up garbage."

"No money is allowed, you can pay other things as payment."

The beggar thought that he had no money, how could Xu Le deceive him?

"Okay, then you can tell me when I will get rich."

Nine out of ten people asked this, and Xu Le felt helpless.

"Draw a card and see your luck."

The beggar drew a card as promised, a four-leaf clover.

When Xu Le held the card, without using his psychic powers, a strong sense of déjà vu appeared in his mind.

[Tomorrow he will save a rich businessman, who takes him in and gives him a job. 】

[Then this beggar suddenly became rich, became a loser, and even married the daughter of a wealthy businessman. From then on, he lived a life of marrying Bai Fumei and reaching the pinnacle of his life. 】

Xu Le held the card and felt a little uncomfortable.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to work hard anymore. Why doesn't he have such a fate?

The beggar looked at Xu Le's face, thinking that Xu Le had calculated something bad, and his expression was a little sad.

"What's wrong? Is there anything bad? It doesn't matter if it's not good, I'm used to it."

This result made Xu Le somewhat entangled in what fees he should charge.

What is the least valuable thing a beggar has?

He keeps kowtowing to others. Is this dignity?

"You can make a fortune and make a fortune in the future."


"Well, I won't charge you any more, just kowtow to me."

"Is it okay to kowtow?" the beggar asked.

"Divination is a kind of transaction. If you gain something, you must lose something. If I don't take the money, I will naturally charge other things, such as dignity."

The beggar nodded. He kowtows to people every day, and he has long been numb to this kind of thing.

Just as he was about to kneel down, Xu Le felt a bad feeling.

No, that’s weird! He quickly grabbed the beggar.

"Forget it, the man has gold at his knees, you don't have to kowtow to anyone anymore."

Xu Le glanced at the beggar's bowl, and then took 1 cent from it.

"Just think of this 1 cent as a reward for divination."

When Xu Le finished speaking, the person had disappeared.

The beggar looked at the bowl in his hand, was stunned for three seconds, and suddenly cursed:

"That fortune-teller charlatan just now, you even defrauded beggars of their money, you have no love!"

The corner of Xu Le's mouth twitched while he was upstairs, and he resisted the urge to go downstairs and argue with the other party.

He will become a rich man tomorrow, so don’t bother yourself.

Xu Le looked at the 1 penny in his hand and was in a daze. He had only felt the beggar's strong vision of fate in Gan.

The more familiar Xu Le is with divination, the more he can feel the throb of fate.

"Is there any reasonable way to give Teacher Gan another divination?"

"Ding Ke, I'm back."


When he got home, Xu Le threw himself on the bed. Who said civil servants are not tired?

He is so busy every day that he is almost exhausted, okay?

He took out some canned cat food that Zhou Tianming gave him before and handed it to Ding Ke.

"Ding Ke, this is cat food given by someone else. Let's see if you like it."

Ding Ke sniffed the canned cat and immediately showed a happy expression.

Meow. ~

“Cats are simpler, they are carefree, and they can be happy just by having canned cats.

Unlike humans, in addition to eating and sleeping every day, they also have to clock in and out of work, face pressure from their leaders, and consider marrying a wife in the future.

Beautiful ones, but they don’t like themselves, ugly ones, but they feel wronged, it’s so difficult for men! "

Meow meow? Ding Ke looked confused.

"Haha, it's okay, I'll just talk about it casually."

Xu Le smiled, and when he was putting away his clothes and putting the Guyinduo cards on the table, he accidentally saw the [Red Card - Red Moon].

He suddenly realized a problem.

Gan said that the Ancient Yinduo Card is an existence older than the Red Moon Warlock. Even before the Warlock appeared, the Ancient Yinduo Card had already appeared among the people.

Its origin can no longer be studied. So who made the distinction between the colors of the cards: black, red, and white?

Is there any additional meaning?

He thought of the bishop during the day, the red moon, the god-brilliance, and the level 3 weirdness.

Can such a person be associated with [Red Card-Angel]?

Because the opposite meaning of angel is faith.

The first card of the red card is the red moon. Are the two connected?

"Hey, why do a noob like me think so much about this kind of thing!

Practice, practice, if you don’t practice today, you will become rubbish tomorrow. "

Lying on the bed, Xu Le took a deep breath and calmed himself down while entering the world of the Tree of Souls.

Because I was too busy before, I didn't have time to check what happened to the elemental electric fruit born on the tree of soul.

But what Xu Le can be sure of is that his elemental electricity ability can still be used.

That fruit seemed to appear out of thin air, very strange.

Now that I have a long vacation, I naturally have to take a closer look.

Xu Le slowly walked to the tree of soul, controlled the branches with his mind and handed down the fruit.

When this fruit appeared in front of Xu Le, Xu Le realized that this scene... was like the scene in the world of the mother tree when he was rewarded with the fruit!

[Subordinate Element-Electricity]

There is no problem with the fruit. Does this mean that I have really grown a new elemental fruit?

But what’s the meaning? Take it off and give it to others?

Except that the ancient god species can take away the fruits from himself through summoning connections, Xu Le still doesn't know how to take out the fruits from the tree of soul.

If he could get it, he would have bought a few fruits and sold them to pay off his debt.

"Can I still eat this thing?"

Xu Le put his hand on the elemental fruit by mistake. He actually had no intention of picking it, he just wanted to touch it up close to see how it felt.

But when his fingers touched the fruit...

The world of the Soul Tree seemed to be torn apart by a huge force, and his spiritual world seemed to be collapsing.

No, a more accurate description would be to be pulled into another world!

An endless darkness.

Xu Le slowly opened his eyes. Because of the very good viewing angle, the huge ancient Yin Duomu tree appeared in front of him without any obstacles.

The giant tree that reaches straight to the sky, just a branch, seems to be bigger than the entire lighthouse.


Facing the mother tree, the oppression in Xu Le's heart could not be greater. However, after he found that his ethereal state could still be maintained, he took back all the panic.

He stood up slowly and walked towards the ancient Yin Duomu tree.

at the same time.

Tuk-tuk-tuk, the knock on the door of Room 602 suddenly rang.

Ding Ke put down the can in his paw, looked at the door and said angrily:

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Chi Xiao opened the door directly, closed it, walked to Ding Ke's side, picked up the high-end cat can and commented:

"I can eat such expensive canned cats, and my living conditions are good!"

"Didn't I say I couldn't go back? Why did you come to me?"

"I'm not here to see you today, I'm here to see him."

"He is sleeping."

"No, he's pulling down the tree."

Pulling down a tree? Ding Ke was stunned, not quite understanding what Chi Xiao was talking about.

"What on earth are you going to do?"

"I had a transaction with him before, and this time, it was treated as repayment of the unpaid amount at that time."

Ding Ke was very surprised. Was there any transaction between Xu Le and Chi Xiao? when?

And how could he have a relationship with Chi Xiao behind my back?

"When did you meet?"

"After the Red Moon Tribulation."

Ding Ke was even more surprised when he heard what she said. After the Red Moon Tribulation, it and Xu Le had never left each other. When did they meet?

Chi Xiao wanted to laugh when he saw Ding Ke's doubtful look:

"Well, your master may be confused now, looking at something thick and unable to extricate himself.

I'm going to guide him now, so you can go ahead and eat your cat can now. "

Ding Ke suddenly became angry and wanted to take action, but after careful consideration, he decided not to do it.

It's not that I'm scared, it's that I can't beat him.

Chi Xiao took off his blindfold and put it aside, took a deep breath, and his dark eye sockets suddenly glowed with blue light.

This kind of strong ancient sound energy is most familiar to Ding Ke, who has the power of taboo. It exclaimed:

"You absorbed the power of Gu Yinduo, when did it happen?"

"Before I met you."

While answering, Chi Xiao had already sunk his consciousness into the realm of the mother tree.

Xu Le slowly walked to the place where he got the fruit last time, the same small waterway and the same stones.

But this time there was no one else, and there was no Chi Xiao on the stone.

Xu Le came to the ancient Yinduo Mother Tree and opened his hands...

"Can you give me a fruit? Please!"

Well, no response.

Bang bang bang!

Well, this is the sound of clapping hands, and still no reaction.

Xu Le was a little discouraged. There was no reward and the mother tree didn't respond. So what was the point of coming here?

After wandering in front of the tree for a while, Xu Le, who really had no results, suddenly shouted to the mother tree:

"Is there anyone?

You guys are so talkative!

I don’t even talk on my days off, which makes me so scared!

I'm afraid that you will practice quietly and prepare to amaze everyone..."

"Is this probably your own idea?"

The sudden sound startled Xu Le:


Following the sound, I saw Chi Xiao sitting on the same rock where she drew her eyebrows last time.

She did not wear an eyepatch at this time, but covered the missing eye with her hair.

Xu Le pondered for a while, and after organizing his words, he stood up straight with some restraint:

"Hello, boss."

Chi Xiao:?

Chi Xiao closed his eyes and suppressed the fluctuations in his heart energy and his eyebrows that were about to beat. Let's accept the title of boss for the time being.

"How did you get here?"

"Me? I came here inexplicably while I was practicing."

Chi Xiao stared at Xu Le for a while, and after confirming that Xu Le was not lying, he nodded.

"You are indeed very special and very lucky."

Xu Le looked at Chi Xiao and asked doubtfully:

"Is there anything special here? I've been here for a while, but I didn't find anything.

Since it's not the Red Moon Tribulation now, what's the point of coming here? "

Xu Le had many questions, but Chi Xiao didn't mean to be impatient.

"It's a bit much to explain. Before that, let me first let you understand the most basic functions of the Mother Tree Realm. Remember it, I will only say it once."

"Yeah, I'm listening carefully."

“First of all, even people with the power of Gu Yinduo’s destiny cannot come here at other times than the Red Moon Tribulation.

Those who can come here outside of the red moon are those who have been corrupted by Gu Yinduo. "

Xu Le had a meal and was eroded? This adjective is not very good.

Aren't those weird things the lives that were corroded by Gu Yinduo?

"you too?"

Chi Xiao nodded.

"Yes, me too. I know you probably thought of how weird Gu Yin Duo is, but people who are corrupted by Gu Yin Duo and how weird Gu Yin Duo are are not the same concept at all.

You can understand yourself as... Gu Yinduo's exploration of the world. "


"Yes, there are many ways for humans to become extraordinary. They can cultivate themselves and become warriors, they can also follow their beliefs and become believers, they can also touch the spirit of the red moon and become warlocks.

But the power of Guyinduo is different. Apart from eating the fruit, there is no additional way to master Guyinduo's energy.

Anyone who touches Guyinduo rashly becomes weird, even the owner of the fruit is no exception.

Except... people like you and me. "

Xu Le understood Chi Xiao's words fairly well.

Putting aside those nonsense words, he accurately judged a piece of information, and his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Only you and I can come in here?"

Chi Xiao nodded, Xu Le was indeed very clever, but weak was really weak.

I don’t know why Ding Ke would follow this guy.

Isn’t it good to follow yourself? From head to toe, in what way is he not dozens of times better than Xu Le?

"Yeah, just you and me."


Xu Le nodded and asked again:

"Then what's the purpose of this place?"

"As you can see, this is an open environment with extremely full Guyinduo energy.

So you can practice here, and you can practice without restraint. "

"Practice without restraint? What do you mean?"

"The world of the mother tree is a special place. What we come here is the projection of our own souls.

Our full and powerful energy will be brought back from the realm of the mother tree, but the physical pain will not. Guyinduo will continue to repair you.

So here you can practice as crazily as possible to improve your practice progress. "

Hearing this, Xu Le immediately thought of the elemental cultivation of electric fruits.

The biggest difficulty in elemental cultivation is the repeated destruction of one's own body.

Before elementalization is fully mastered, each elementalization will cause some hidden damage to the body.

For example, the elementalization of body parts was out of sync, the electric current penetrated the internal organs, and the electricity scorched his hands and feet.

Or it could be like Gu Beichen's frost, where one section melts but the other section remains unfrozen, piercing blood vessels on the spot, etc.

It can be said that the practice of body elementalization itself carries dangers.

This risk requires fruit owners to be cautious, which is why progress is slow.

If elementalization can be carried out here, the risk will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. If you practice like this, the progress will undoubtedly be several times faster.

"This effect is very powerful!"

"Yes, very strong."

Xu Le looked at Chi Xiao. Chi Xiao was not old and seemed to be the same age as him.

But Chi Xiao's strength is already at the pinnacle that Xu Le needs to look up to.

So, has she always practiced here?

"Is there any other function?"

Chi Xiao nodded.

"There are many abilities in the Mother Tree Realm, but apart from cultivation, there is only one that is most important, sacrifice."

She took off one of her earrings, placed it in her palm and slowly raised it.

This position is a bit like offering something to yourself.

Soon, the mother tree stretched out a branch with blue light and rolled up the earrings.

The small earrings also began to emit light, which was gradually absorbed by Guyin Duozhiya, and finally dissipated on the branches.

Then, the Guyin Duomu tree stretched out another branch.

But this time, there were three Guyinduo fruits hanging from the branches, just like the previous rewards.


Looking at the three fruits that appeared in front of him, Xu Le was a little shocked.

Is the earring just now a relic of Gu Yinduo? I don’t know what level it is.

"What I did just now was the ancient Yinduo sacrifice in the Mother Tree Realm. Every time everyone sacrifices a relic, they can choose the ancient Yinduo fruit once.

You can take the fruit, or you can continue the sacrifice without taking the fruit.

The more ancient Yinduo relics you sacrifice, the better and more powerful the items you get. "

Xu Le heard the hidden meaning behind Chi Xiao's words:

"You mean, besides the ancient Yinduo fruit, are there other rewards for the sacrifice?"

“Yes, but they are rare things that don’t come around very often.

However, once this kind of thing appears, it will not be obscured by the fog of Guyinduo. This is also the biggest difference from the fruit. "

"How mysterious is the ancient sound?"

"Let's take a look. If your ability to see fruits is not a one-time thing, you can see what these fruits are and choose one yourself."

"Hey, don't you want this fruit?"

Before Xu Le could be surprised, Chi Xiao had already taken off his other earring and placed it on a stone aside.

"Consider these as rewards for helping me get the Metal Fruit last time. We are evenly matched."

After saying that, Chi Xiao's figure gradually merged into the darkness and disappeared into the realm of the mother tree.

Xu Le looked at Chi Xiao's leaving figure, looked straight in his eyes, and thought for a long time.

He still couldn't figure out one question:

"I thought you wanted to take me on as your younger brother, but I didn't expect you actually wanted to do business with me. Why bother?

Can I only use this ability once? It's a tie this time, but will it be unfair next time? Can she hold back? Is this person stupid? "

After complaining about Chi Xiao, Xu Le looked at the three fruits.

[Guyinduo Fruit-Angry]

[Guyinduo Fruit-Fear]

[Guyinduo Fruit-Lust]

They are all ordinary anima fruits. Regardless of their value or practicality, Xu Le has no need to pick them now.

He actually had another way to obtain the Anima Fruit.

So at this time, he needs to continue to make sacrifices. He wants the Ancient Yinduo Mother Tree to give him something more powerful.

Later, Xu Le walked to the side of the stone and looked at the earring left by Chi Xiao. It felt like an ordinary ruby ​​earring.

[Ruby earrings]


In pairs: Bring ruby ​​and sapphire at the same time to increase the speed of psychic recovery.

Jade Broken: Use psychic energy to stimulate the ruby, and the broken ruby ​​will simultaneously raise a psychic stance to protect itself.

Introduction: If we can't be in pairs, we would rather break them into pieces.

"I said, this thing is so good, but she sacrificed it? What a prodigal!"

Xu Le carefully took off the red jade earrings, although after losing the blue jade earrings, there was one less effect.

But the effect of broken jade is still very obvious, which is equivalent to putting a shield on yourself.

For him now, defense and self-protection are very important means, and this thing cannot be wasted.

Glancing at the mother tree, Xu Le muttered:

"Compared to earrings, I think I have something more suitable as a sacrifice, but I don't know if I can bring it in."

Now each chapter is more than 5,000 words, and two chapters are nearly 11,000, so one chapter is more than 20 words.

The word count is a lot, 2 chapters is more than many 5 chapters

Because I need to get average scores and recommendations,

The current results have increased very quickly and are already better than many Sanjiang books in the same period. Thank you for your support.

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