
Chapter 89 My father wants to kill me

Wang Shu is a bit boring, but he is not stupid. How could he do such a thing as killing people casually?

Even though he was a night watchman, Gu Beichen and his family were all from the upper city area, so it wouldn't be worth it if he got his own shit.

"Why don't you do it yourself?"

Gu Beichen thought for a while and then said:

"Everything she said was true. This house is in her name."

"Then what?"

"Murder is illegal, and I'm still young."

Gu Beichen was very sincere. Wang Shu nodded:

"So... you want me to take the blame for you."

Gu Beichen thought for a while:


Wang Shu nodded again and said that Gu Beichen was such an honest person.

Gu Beichen sighed. It was impossible for Wang Shu to take action, and he couldn't do it either. He couldn't kill this man.

"Second brother, I have been away from home for a long time, why should I do this?"

"Hehehe, the second sister is joking with you too."

Gu Xijing suddenly laughed.

The smile was a little nervous, and Gu Beichen didn't know whether it was her disguise or whether she was like this.

But just now he had a feeling that the other party really wanted to kill him.

Gu Beichen silently picked up the clothes on the table and said to Wang Shu:

"Xiaoshu, let's go."

"Just leave like that?"

Wang Shu frowned slightly. Rather than leaving directly like this, he actually preferred the way they discussed Xu Le just now.

Just kill the person and let’s talk about the rest.

Gu Beichen's character is still a bit too soft.

"After all, she is... throw it away."


Wang Shu didn't let Gu Beichen finish. He directly picked up Gu Xijing's pistol and prepared to leave.

Gu Xijing must have practiced before, and her level is estimated to be that of a level 0 warrior, which is between level 1 and ordinary people.

Without a gun, such a person would not pose any threat to them under normal circumstances.

Walking to the door, Gu Beichen emphasized again:

"She is a lunatic and only has eyes for his brother."

"Aren't you his brother?"


Wang Shu nodded and understood what Gu Beichen meant. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was almost 12 o'clock.

"It's time, where are we going?"

"I don't know. I don't seem to have anywhere else to go except here."

Gu Beichen's expression was a little lonely.

Seeing his sad look, Wang Shu wanted to "Bang Bang" punch him twice.

Not talking about things like talent and hard work, in terms of personal personalities, there is indeed a slight gap between Gu Beichen and Xu Le.

"Or go to the dormitory? You have to find a place to sleep, right?"

"Didn't you give up your dormitory?"

Wang Shu and Gu Beichen lived together. This was Bai Jing's arrangement.

Although Gu Beichen is a level 2 warlock, his identity is a bit special and his personality is quite bad. He can't get along with others and he doesn't want to live in the night watchman dormitory.

So Bai Jing could only arrange for Wang Shu to live with him and protect him.

"I mean... go to Xu Le's place?"

When Gu Beichen heard Xu Le, he originally wanted to refuse directly, but he raised his hand and looked at his fingers that were gradually becoming elemental.


"Hmph, it's time for us disaster warlocks to show off our talents."

At 2 o'clock in the night, Xu Le retreated from the realm of the mother tree.

His hands and feet couldn't help but tremble all the time, so forget it. The key is that he still grins innocently from time to time, looking a little scary.


Ding Ke looked at Xu Le with some worry. Is this guy having a nightmare and going crazy?

Xu Le giggled for a while, then sat on the chair and stretched out a hand.

Under Ding Ke's gaze, Guyinduo's energy gradually emerged, and the blue light of the current made the room brighter.

Xu Le's palm has turned into a complete elemental current, and there is no damage where the current meets the body.

This is the first step in the elementalization of the body.

Local elementalization.

"Ding Ke, my progress is quite rapid, right?"

Ding Ke was also a little shocked. Although it had never eaten elemental fruit, she still understood the difficulty of cultivating the ability of elementalization.

Normally, it would take several months at the fastest, requiring a large amount of recovery medicine and alchemy potions.

If you are less talented, you may not be able to master it in a few years, or even in a lifetime.

After all, the ability to elementalize is to explore the path with one's own life.

Meow meow!

Ding Ke narrowed his eyes and nodded to Xu Le in approval.

Xu Le had just dissipated the electricity and was lying on the bed ready to sleep when a knock on the door suddenly rang.

Looking at the door, Xu Le felt a little nervous:

"I clicked on the door and knocked on the door. Could it be that something weird happened at the stairs? No, if it was weird, there was a high probability that the door was broken in.

I guess there's an idiot outside the door...who is it? "


Brother Shu's voice?

"Don't even think about lying to me. You are not Brother Shu. Go away quickly. I won't report you in the middle of the night."

Xu Le didn't want to get out of bed. If Wang Shu came to him at this time, it would most likely be up to no good.

"You owe the captain and Mr. Gan 35,000."

"You fart, it's 34,000 yuan, don't even think about blackmailing me for 1,000 yuan."

Xu Le opened the door helplessly, only to find that besides Wang Shu, there was also Gu Beichen standing at the door.

"Are you two sick? You're up so late at night. Why are you here?"

"Some changes have occurred here, and we would like to ask you to stay for a while."

Xu Le was shocked. Isn't this forcing someone to do something difficult?

"My house is only about 30 square meters, and there are three men. Are you mistaken?"

"More than 30 is enough to live in." Wang Shu nodded.

"Your environment is bad enough." Gu Beichen still had the same moral character.

Xu Le had no choice but to sleep on the bed with Ding Ke in his arms, huddled in the corner against the wall.

Gu Beichen and Wang Shu were sleeping on the ground, um, one man on top of another.

In this weather, Xu Le usually sleeps without a quilt.

But today, he covered himself with a quilt by some strange means, mainly to cover his buttocks to avoid accidents at night.

After lying down, Gu Beichen suddenly asked:

"Xu Le, let me ask you something."

"What do you want to do if you don't sleep? Just ask."

"What would you do if someone tried to kill you?"

Xu Le was stunned. Why did Gu Beichen suddenly ask this question?

"We must find a way to kill him and avoid future troubles."

Xu Le's answer did not exceed Gu Beichen's expectations. After being silent for a while, he asked again:

"What if this person is someone you know, or even a relative?"

Xu Le was even more surprised now, but his answer was still the same.

“I don’t have such a high level of ideological consciousness, my idea is that I must avenge myself.

He will kill you, not to mention your relatives, not even your biological father. "

"Isn't it okay even for my biological father?"

"Yes, not even my biological father."

Gu Beichen stopped talking. Xu Le thought he was asleep, so he prepared to sleep.

Who knew that after a while, Gu Beichen said again:

"But I... can't do it!"

Xu Le originally wanted to scold him, but he suddenly realized something was wrong and turned on his ethereal state to sort out his thoughts.

After finishing organizing his thoughts, Xu Le's breathing suddenly stagnated, then he stood up and exclaimed:

"You want to kill your father?"

"It's my father who wants to kill me."

"Stop it and go to sleep."

Xu Le covered himself with the quilt and didn't intend to continue this topic.

He is just a weakling who doesn't want to get involved in such family affairs and things like the return of Young Master Long.

A night of silence.

The next morning, Wang Shu, who was a warrior, had already gotten up to exercise, while Gu Beichen and Xu Le, who were transitioning into cultivation, were lying on the bed and sleeping in.

Wang Shu was very organized and good at taking care of others. While making breakfast for himself, he also made breakfast for Xu Le and Gu Beichen.

But when he saw Ding Ke, he still hesitated.

Wang Shu himself was very concerned about black cats.

So I didn’t get cat food for Ding Ke.

By the time Xu Le and Gu Beichen got up, it was already past 12 noon.

The practice of elementalization is very harmful to the body and consumes the spirit. The two of them were in a transitional state of practice yesterday, so they slept for so long.

"Xu Le, let's practice together."


"I said, let's practice elementalization together."

"You won't be staying here tonight, will you?"

Xu Le looked disgusted, but Wang Shu had already walked over and explained:

"No, it was too late yesterday. We will apply for a separate dormitory today, so you don't have to worry about this.

However, you still have to discuss it among yourself about practicing together. "

Xu Le originally wanted to refuse, but he thought about it. If Gu Beichen's strength could make great progress, it would be a good thing for the entire team.

"It's not impossible to practice together."

"Then come, rain or shine, I'll wait for you outside the city."

Xu Le looked at the proud look on Gu Beichen's face and guessed that this boy's elemental transformation was probably making some progress.

My talent is really high, and luckily I’m not bad either.

"Then let's walk?"


After walking out of the city wall, under the watchful eyes of a group of guards, the three of them arrived in the deserted suburbs outside the city.

The three of them stopped when they reached a large pit. This was the place where Xu Le tested Little Sun last time.

Gu Beichen looked at the pedestrians in the distance and frowned slightly:

"It's too close to the city, and there are still pedestrians occasionally."

"It's safe because there are pedestrians. At least there won't be any weird threats."

"Then, shall we begin?"

As Gu Beichen spoke, he stretched out his hand half-pretendingly. The cold air gathered and his index finger turned into ice.

This method of partial elementalization is indeed amazing.

"Well, not bad, but unfortunately, mine is bigger than yours!"

Xu Le also stretched out his hand, the electricity flashed, and the entire palm turned into blue light.

Gu Beichen was surprised at first, and then became a little angry:

"Impossible, how can you be faster than me?"

"There's nothing I can do about it. Who makes me a genius?"

Although Gu Beichen was shocked inside, he was still very curious about how Xu Le practiced.

Maybe he has many shortcomings, but his pursuit of becoming stronger has never changed.

"how did you do that?"

"What, no?"

Gu Beichen's chest rose and fell a few times, then he suddenly lowered his head:

"Can you teach me?"

Xu Le blinked, looking a little surprised at this guy with such a strong self-esteem.

Maybe bowing his head is already a big compromise for him.


Gu Beichen hesitated. If Xu Le declined, he would feel better.

But Xu Le agreed directly like this. Doesn't that make him look very generous?

If you keep fussing over everything, wouldn't it make you look stingy?

Lose, lose!

He clenched his fists:

"I will definitely surpass you in these days."

"Okay." Xu Le blinked again.

Wang Shu looked at the two people pretending to each other and shook his head helplessly.

In the next few days, Xu Le's scoldings came from time to time in this wasteland.

"The basis of elementalization is the control of elemental arc light."

"The instability of elementalization will cause great harm to the body. It must be avoided and cannot be rushed into."

"Gu Beichen, are you stupid? If you fail to control your forced elemental body, you will be dead.

Do you understand, step by step? If you don’t understand, just ask and learn. "

"Control a small amount of energy first, let the energy gather, and then convert it. The stability will be much higher."

At the beginning, Gu Beichen retorted a few words, but later, he simply stopped talking.

Mainly because he felt that many of Xu Le's words were quite reasonable, and his own refutation was not strong enough.

But he was also embarrassed and simply stopped talking.

He also didn't understand why Xu Le's control over elements was so strong.

Many of the techniques and key points Xu Le mentioned would not be possible to describe in such detail without true practice and experience.

But Xu Le's daily routine here was to sleep, which made Gu Beichen feel how different the world was.

Gu Beichen remained silent, pretending to be serious.

He was going to learn all Xu Le's skills.

Then slap him in the face!

"I will work hard quietly and then surprise everyone. Well, this is a mature training plan."

There is no shame in bowing your head to learn your skills.

At this time, Xu Le was leaning on the stone, his body twitching from time to time, just like a corpse.

Gu Beichen and Wang Shu were protecting him here, and he felt particularly at ease.

Immersed in the realm of the mother tree, Xu Le's body was broken again and again.

The error of elementalization is vividly reflected here.

Flesh, bones, and skin, if any one of them is not stable during the elemental transformation, it will cause severe damage to oneself.

"No wonder it takes some people several years to practice elementalization. The price of failure is too high."

Xu Le kept his mind and once again transformed his body into the form of electricity.

This time, he stabilized for about 0.3 seconds.


Xu Le was slightly surprised when his body shattered and then gathered again.


His whole-body synchronization practice has the best effect. If successful, his elemental synchronization will be unparalleled.

But the disadvantage is that if you use this cultivation method outside, you will be dead if you fail once.

Fortunately, as Chi Xiao said, there is no limit to cultivation.


After entering into the rhythm of cultivation, time passed quickly.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the afternoon of the tenth day, Wang Shu pointed his pistol at Gu Beichen and said hesitantly:

"Are you really going to shoot?"

"If you don't even dare to try the state of cultivation, then I'm afraid you won't be able to adjust your mentality when facing weird things. Come on."

After being scolded by Xu Le for ten days, Gu Beichen had already gone numb.

At this time, his face was a little more calm, a little less arrogant than before, and the whole person looked much more mature.

Of course, this change was noticed by Wang Shu, and he nodded.

"Then I shoot."


The muzzle of the gun sprayed flames, and as a bullet was fired instantly, Gu Beichen's chest gradually melted into ice.


A large piece of ice shattered, and Gu Beichen's body took a few steps back.

But more ancient Yinduo energy surged out of him, and this energy formed new frost, quickly repairing the piece that had been broken by the bullet.

Soon, the completely restored Frost chest returned to its physical state.

Gu Beichen touched his chest and slowly clenched his fists.

"Xiaoshu, I succeeded."


Wang Shu sincerely congratulates Gu Beichen for being able to complete the elementalization in ten days. This talent and hard work are definitely admirable.

"Hmph, that guy Xu Le has been teasing me for ten days. Today I will let him know what genius is. Where is Xu Le? Come out!"

Wang Shu's mouth twitched. He originally thought that Gu Beichen had changed during this time.

Unexpectedly, he was still the same, but his pretentious side was dormant.

Now that I have succeeded in cultivation, I have started again.

"I don't know. He hasn't slept since the day before yesterday. He has been collecting bullets for the past two days. He just doesn't know where he went."

"A great warlock actually needs a pistol at his side. He is really worthless."

Wang Shu frowned slightly, looked at the time, and then pointed at the sky.

"Beichen, it's getting dark."

"He won't go to the wild by himself, right?"

While the two were discussing Xu Le, Xu Le was sitting on the edge of a forest deeper outside the city.

Next to him stood a somewhat cold scarecrow, while Xu Le himself closed his eyes and fell asleep.

None of this is the key. The key point is that he didn't turn on the light.

[The current area is an open environment, the light intensity is 3, and it is dark. Level 1 weirdness will randomly appear after 15 seconds. 】

Xu Le had no intention of turning on the light, and time passed quickly.




While Xu Le was thinking about what would happen in the open environment without corpses, a wild deer walking through the darkness suddenly neighed.

The scarecrow beside Xu Le did not move, and a pair of blood-red horns suddenly burst out of the darkness.

[Septicemic deer, level 1 weird, deformed species, many ancient sounds]

Just as the sharp antlers were about to hit Xu Le, Xu Le's body flashed with blue light.

Electric energy surges!

The blood deer just passed through his body.

And when it passed through Xu Le's body, he was hit by the electric current and was completely scorched.

However, as a deformed species, the blood deer's body is very strong. Although its skin has been burnt to pieces, the exposed muscles inside have not been sufficiently damaged.

Xu Le was not very surprised by this result.

He took out his revolver and raised his hand slightly.

Looking at the blood deer charging towards him again, Xu Le pulled the trigger.


The muzzle of the gun sprayed out a ball of blue energy, which was the purest power of Gu Yinduo.

The center of energy is the fear anima.

The huge tremor made the gun body in Xu Le's hand shake.

The bullet cut through the air and hit the blood deer's head.

This bullet not only has the impact of ammunition, but also the explosion of Gu Yinduo and Anima.

A normal shot would leave only a bullet hole.

But at this moment, the sturdy deer head exploded like a watermelon, and the red and white things shattered all over the ground.

Without any neighing or struggling, the blood deer fell to the ground.

[The current area is an open environment, the light intensity is 3, and it is dark. Level 1 weirdness will randomly appear after 9 minutes and 59 seconds. 】

Xu Le didn't try any more at this time. He turned on the oil lamp that had been prepared.

Then he started wiping the blood off his shoes. After a while, Gu Beichen and Wang Shu rushed over.

"Xu Le? We just heard gunshots. What happened?"

"Nothing, the matter has been resolved."

Gu Beichen looked at the headless deer corpse on the ground, threw a fire and burned the corpse.

"In danger?"

"It's not dangerous, it's just normal shooting practice."

Xu Le rarely lies to his teammates, he tells the truth.

What he did just now was just normal shooting practice.

"The holiday ends tomorrow, go back and report."

"Well, I think after we go back, we can almost start preparations for the next mission."

Looking at the calm Xu Le, Gu Beichen's original words of provocation turned into another sentence:

"me too."

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