"Xiao Yi, I have been promoted, I will bring you here." Bi Gou came over during the meal.

Give Li Yi the clerk from under the sect, and he got promoted. When the under sect wanted to come, Bi Gou snatched it.

Li Yi is eating rice noodles. It is hot. He has eaten things that have been watered for several days and needs to adjust.

"Rice noodles." Bi Gou said, sitting opposite Li Yi.

Jin Ju was the closest to the door, and she went out to fetch things for Bi Gou.

Cui Liu followed out to help.

Li Yi opened the document and took a look, then hugged the cupped fist to the west: "Your Majesty Xie."

"It's all of us who passed it, otherwise you will still be a military scattered officer under the 9th rank." Bi Gou wanted to make it clear.

"Yeah! Thanks." Li Yi responded.

"No, you don't need to be polite, it's all right, you contribute to Datang." Bi Go waved his hand, as if he didn't take credit for it.

"You always eat hot food recently. I don't recommend you to eat rice noodles. Does your stomach feel comfortable?" Li Yi said, going to take Bi Gou's pulse.

"The fried noodles with noodles that I ate last night was sour. I woke up in the morning with rice soaked in cold water, and had some screws and pickles."

Bi Gou sat down and said his own diet.

"Eat, it's okay, tonight you eat half a bowl of rice and some lean meat." Li Yi put his hands down.

Jin Ju returned with a clay pot and placed it on a bamboo mat.

Cui Liu held a tray, put it aside, sat back in his own position, and lowered his head to eat rice noodles.

Bi Gou began to carefully put things into the jar, with a layer of oil on top, and the temperature underneath.

"Xiao Yi, do you know? The envoys of the Japanese Kingdom are collecting honey. Guess what they are going to do?" Bi Gou said to Li Yi with a mysterious expression when he put the things in order.

"To Li Dongzhu." The eight court ladies and eunuchs said at the same time and looked at Li Yi admiringly.

"Got it?" Bi Gou looked at them and then at Li Yi.

"I don't want it. I don't accept everything. I don't see them. The first time they see me, they will find a way to see you the second time."

Li Yi fished for rice noodles, put a long spoon underneath, and picked up a bit of chopsticks to pick up a bit.

Bi Go showed a look of regret: "They bought four thousand honey."

"Don't need 40,000 yuan, can they still fall? They can bring back whatever they have the ability to bring back, wanting to take the secret recipe from my mouth and dream!"

Li Yi put forward his attitude, saying why not contact the Japanese people.

The other party's purpose is clear, and it is impossible for him to agree to it, thus wasting time.

As for the fact that you can cheat after contact, why do you want to cheat yourself, let alone being upright is enough.

"The news from all over the place, I feel that we can collect 300,000 catties of honey this year."

Bi Gou changed the subject, he didn't care about the honey that Waguo bought.

The method of raising bees taught by Li Yi in the newspaper is very easy to use, but there are too few bees.

By next year, after the nests are divided, I believe there will be more.

The report sent over said that some neighbors had agreed with them, and when they were separated, they would go there and invite the other party to have a drink.

Li Yi added some chili oil to his own small bowl: "Tell them to replace Lijiazhuangzi's candles with beeswax one to three, and I will use it to make cosmetics."

Li Yi was afraid that people would use beeswax as burning wax. Unfortunately, he has paraffin wax, which is a by-product.

Bi Gou laughed: "Xiao Yi, don't you know? We will buy honey for the extra beeswax and the people will give it to us."

"What's the advantage of taking advantage of the people? The newspaper posted it and told the people." Li Yi looked up at Bi Gou, not very happy.

Beeswax itself is a medicine, so it's no problem to treat some minor diseases at home.

If the people don’t know, write more straightforwardly. Newspapers are sent to various places, and newspaper offices in various places copy this part of the content and distribute newspapers.

"Alright." Bi Gou blushed slightly, and his consciousness was low.

He ate two bites of meat: "Does your Zhuangzi still have enough money?"

"Enough, I have sold a lot of kerosene lamps and thermos. If I don't buy these two, I won't sell bicycles." Li Yi eyebrows smiled.

Obviously he did not sell less, the bicycle is a status symbol.

There were cyclists in Chang'an City, and the people walking in front were far away, so they started to ring the bell to remind them to avoid.

When turning, raise your hand in the direction you want to turn early to signal how the car is going to turn.

Just like the private cars of the 1960s and 1970s, powerful.

Riding a bicycle, get a bunch of enviable eyes, cool!

Bi Gou bowed his head to eat, and didn't want to talk anymore.

Unlike other aspects, bicycles are directly tax-free, and money is used to make guns.

Excluding the 500,000 tax deduction, he cannot receive tax.

"Old Bi, don't be sad. My kerosene lamp and thermos are tax deductible. I am going to announce that after selling three thousand bicycles, if you want to buy, you must hold the kerosene lamp and thermos for more than one year."

Li Yi comforted Bi Gou, he could see that Bi Gou was unhappy.

"Before you said the same thing, and later you said that for the convenience of everyone's travel, temporary permission, you just want to sell money."

Bi Gou was wronged at the moment, and he settled his account.

How much is three thousand bicycles for one thousand.

The wealthy people are all caught up in one go, mainly merchants from other places, who buy a set of things and then sell it.

"I am also devoted to everyone." Li Yi said with emotion.

Bi Gou despised, and suddenly asked, "Can the price be lowered in the future? The people in the court also want to ride bicycles."

"Impossible, I can only increase the price, and reduce the price. Lijiazhuang's brand is worthless. If you are selling vegetables, sell it until the evening and reduce the price."

Li Yicai doesn't do stupid things. He sells brands, but later the money is low. What do people who bought before think?

Not only can it not be low, but occasionally people are sent to secretly say that it is necessary to purchase at a higher price to raise the price of things.

"That's not bad." Bi Gou is not very proficient in doing business. He pondered it in a clumsy way and found it reasonable.

When he finished eating, he took two kilograms of tea from the second rank and left, looking very happy.

"It's not authentic to rob people from the province." Li Yi despised it.

The subordinate province is willing to come over to deliver things, and can take things after delivery.

At the same time, in the Sifang Pavilion, Abe Nakamaro and the crowd were waiting for their rice and water.

They deliberately released the news, the four thousand-year-old honey, hoping that an official would ask Li Yi to give a hint.

At that time, they were just as Li Yi thought, and they gave it to Li Yi, and then they came to Zhuangzi to contact Li Yi for various reasons.

In their opinion, Four Thousand Swords is not a small amount, and Li Yi would be very happy to use it to give gifts.

"I heard that cement needs to be burnt, how did it come out?" Xia Dao Zhenbei told others what he had inquired about.

"It's the same as burning lime? Write back and let us burn it domestically." Fujiwara Mayang didn't want to buy the cement from Datang because it was too expensive.

"I don't know what to burn? It's stone? Lime can't be used as cement, it must not be that." Takaki Junichiro hasn't gotten the formula for cement until now.

"Wait a minute, wait for Li Yi, give Datang officials money, and let them talk to Li Yi."

Abe Nakamaro didn't want to work hard, he didn't believe that there were people who didn't like money.

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