Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1003: Opening up and building factories without worries (second more)

"I don't know if it can occupy the entire Yellow River basin this time." Li Longji came back at lunch today.

After a meal, I wandered around to digest, and Li Yichang thought about Tubo.

In fact, Li Longji was thinking about it, and Li Yi didn't.

"Zaling Lake and Eling Lake are the largest freshwater lakes over there. Tubo loses two lakes and will lose more land."

When Li Yi mentioned the importance of lakes, Tubo would desperately.

At present, many soldiers in Tubo are tribes who are obeyed to fight in Tubo, and their will to fight is not good.

Tubo's own troops are still very capable of fighting.

There is a record in the old Tang book: ‘Go Lu Bo, playing the li ming drum as a play, the bow and the sword never leave the body.

The mother worships the son, and the son is obsessed with the father. The one who has little access is the first, and the old is the second.

The military order is serious. In every battle, the front team is dead and the rear team advances. The soldiers died and the sickness ended. Tired of fighting for generations, thought Jiamen.

Those who lose in battle will hang the tail of a fox at its head, showing the cowardice of a fox, and the masses of people will be humiliated and shameful, thinking that the next death. ’

It is said that the Tubo people like to play chess with grids. Li refers to the snails, plays the snails and beats the drums.

The prime of life is important, and the elderly are inferior. The mother's status is not as high as the son's, and the son is arrogant in front of his father.

When walking, the young people are in the front and the old people are in the back.

When fighting a war, the ones in front are dead, and the ones behind are going forward. Those who die in battle are more important than those who hate to die from illness. Every generation has those who died in battle. This family is Jiamen.

Then there is the humiliation of the defeated, in that way second only to death.

This is Tubo's serious soldier, whoever is strong, who dares to fight, who gets respect.

If the two freshwater lakes at the source of the Yellow River are occupied by Datang, they will agree?

Li Longji stopped: "How will Guo Zhiyun respond?"

"Looking at the battle situation, the battle situation is beneficial to Datang, he should go to occupy it, and then count on the transportation of weapons in the back."

Li Yi guessed that he couldn't think of a good way to replace him.

The area that needs to be defended is too large, and Tubo dispatches troops quickly.

In the absence of a strong city to defend, the military village has little effect.

But as long as there are enough sky monkeys and explosive packs, the Tubo army can't find a good way.

Li Longji took another step: "Swim shooting, fight cavalry."

He thought of what methods the Tubo people would use to deal with, to spread the cavalry and not form a formation.

When the wind is in the limelight, throw arrows at the military village from a distance, including the catapult.

Use the Sky Monkey to blow up the catapult and see who can support it. The catapult is money, and the sky monkey is also money.

But the explosive package is easy to use. The explosive package is used for local mines. The pipe is buried and buried outside the village.

Look at the enemy's cavalry running pattern, find the right time to ignite.

"There are also night battles. I can't give all our hot air balloons to the night vision goggles. The torch is outside and needs to be burned all night. Prepare more dried fruit, carrots, and chili noodles."

Li Yi added that he was from the Tubo side and could not defeat Datang scouts during the day, and there was no way to attack at night.

At night, you can attack the military village. It is impossible for a military village to release a lot of people. Concentrate the superior forces and attack a village while it is dark.

Our own casualties are heavy, at least we can knock down the stockade.

If you don't fight, it will be eaten away by Datang, and you still have a chance to fight.

Some soldiers were even sent to fight in the stockades, and some soldiers went to kill the people and livestock grazing on the grasslands along the Yellow River and the two lakes.

It's not Shanhaiguan, there is no risk to guard.

The troops were transferred from the back, a lake was more than 4,270 meters above sea level, and the other was more than 4,290 meters above sea level.

The soldiers behind are not in the plateau area. How many non-combat attritions will there be?

Usually, soldiers with good physique in the back can bear it, and they need more oxygen to support them. After not running many steps, they fell first.

This is why his country at that time could send fewer soldiers when faced with countries that did not like to build toilets.

Especially at the beginning of the war, the local ethnic minorities have not yet fully integrated into the big family of the motherland.

Unlike later, most of the soldiers guarding there were ethnic minorities. Other soldiers must first be able to adapt to the plateau climate.

For example, in the Wakhan Corridor with an average altitude of more than four kilometers, the guarding national army dare not let one go out or come in.

That's because they are Tajik and plateau people.

There is a slight disaster there, the central government will be anxious and must help, expecting others to guard the border.

If altitude sickness is really so easy to overcome, why train on Taibai Mountain?

The amount of exercise in tourism is not the same as that in combat. Go to the Potala Palace for a tour and try a five-kilometer run there.

Li Longji's expression was solemn: "Transport cement, no, build a local kiln and send Yulin Feiqi to guard. For the time being, I will not exchange livestock with them, only the people of Datang."

"Yes, tell them to burn cement, so they don't let them know the ratio of raw materials.

When the raw materials are transported and installed in the furnace, they are rushed to stay elsewhere, and they will be returned when they are burned.

In fact, it's useless to know it. They don't know where there is coal. When we take up some places, I will point out the location.

There is a place where the coal looks like a hill. When the land is dug up, the coal will rush down. "

Li Yi felt that he was thinking too much. He told Tubo how to burn cement and what would Tubo burn?

wood? hay? Cow dung?

How much cement can be burnt even if it does not hesitate to burn a lot of wood? It is better to get ready-made materials just like repairing the Potala Palace if you have that time.

Listening to Li Yi's words, Li Longji suddenly wanted to start: "Yes, other people don't have coal, they can't grow the land well, the smelting process is not good, and they can burn cement?"

He smiled: "Brother Yi, let go of the cement factory and go to various places to build. Others are willing to learn, at least the people of Datang will use it first."

"If this is the case, I can get four thousand stubborn honey, no, I want 20,000 stubborn honey."

Li Yi instantly thought of Waguo. With more cement plants built, secrecy is inevitably impossible.

I don’t care about Four Thousand Roots, and all those who take care of the cement factory do not care?

It is better to give a chance to meet at 20,000 yuan, and then lead the Japanese people to visit the cement factory. The cost of the visit...

When there is no cement, there is a castle in the same country.

Without cement, wouldn't the Great Wall be built?

Li Longji looked at Li Yi and patted Li Yi on the shoulder: "With you, we don't suffer from Datang."

Li Longji really couldn't figure it out. When talking about Tubo, how did Li Yi think of making money from the Japanese kingdom.


The envoys of the Japanese Kingdom were always waiting for Li Yi to see them.

It's just that the left side can't wait, and the right side can't come, Li Yi doesn't seem to care about the four thousand-year-old honey.

"Is there no one to help spread the letter?" Xia Dao Zhenbei began to doubt, and the people who suspected that Hongyu Temple did not go to Li Yi.

"Lack of money?" Takaki Junichiro followed.

"One hundred is still less?" Fujiwara Mayang believes that according to the current purchasing power of Tang Changan's currency, one hundred is a lot.

"Look for him to have a meal." Abe Nakamaro gave the most direct way, and asked when he was eating.

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