In Yulin Feiqi nervous and careful, they went down.

I'm really nervous, I can't go, I can only drill, if someone is waiting in front of me.

After drilling for a while, it was finally spacious, and I lighted a torch to move forward.

Stop at the place more than 20 steps ahead.

There was a ladder next to it. They set the ladder up, pushed it hard, and pushed the board away. It was another piece of grass, and there was no trace on the ground.

"Who? Is this fake too?" One person scratched his head.

Qin Li observed the wall carefully, and when he saw that he had just entered the place, he lifted the straw mat, and looked around, there was nothing.

"Calm down, not in a hurry, how would I want to avoid the enemy when I replaced it? The Eastern Bishop, put yourself in the position. I think..."

After thinking about it, Qin Li looked up and thought.

He found out that there were a few pits on it. Normally it was nothing, but there were pits around.

"Bring the ladder here." He shouted.

The ladder was sent up and up, he went up, pushed and pushed, and a piece of soil was pushed away.

Everyone crawled forward again in the dark, crawling all the way to their heads, pushing hard, and sure enough they pushed the board away again.

Drilling out, there is a big tree next to it, and there are traces of footprints on the ground. I don't know if it is new or old, because there is grass that absorbs dew.

"I ran up the mountain from this place? Then why? Since they are all running, why bother to drill around?" Qin Li held the tree in his hand, trying to figure out the purpose of the digger.

Many people came over and gathered together for analysis.

Does it make sense to dig a hole like a maze?

After thinking about it for a long time, everyone didn't understand it.

Those who went to the river came back and reported that the enemy had set up a camp by the river.

"Clever, gather everyone together, play the clearing technique with us, and face off across the river at the same time. There are not enough boats to make it through."

Qin Li said and took the team away.

Guo Zhiyun knows the situation, so he can relax and build a stockade on the side of the Yellow River, so he doesn't rush forward.

When more horses arrive, the opponent runs across the river. It is easier to defend and to attack.

Both sides face the same problem, and they will be beaten when they cross the river.

You don't need to strike halfway, you can shoot arrows when you go down the river, and you have more arrows than the Tubo army.

Everyone started to build the army village on the spot, and it is estimated that it will take some time to find out the situation of the Tubo people.

Your own side still has the upper hand, there is a hot air balloon to help you look around, and even when the wind is good, let the hot air balloon fly and take a look behind.

The hot air balloon adjusts its height again, looking for wind in other directions to fly back.

The wind is strong, and the hang gliding unit can pass by and take a look.

"This line of the Yellow River is lively." After dark, Wang Junkui and Zhang Zhongliang both came over.

The two of them arranged for people to build military villages in other locations. Both sides took the Yellow River as the line and built a camp within a few miles.

The line of defense becomes longer, and both the enemy and us have to worry about the other side's sudden attack by crossing the river, especially at night.

"At least during the day we can see the situation of the other side, where they concentrate their forces, and we concentrate in the corresponding position."

Zhang Zhongliang is aware of the battle situation facing him at the moment.

The line of defense was too long, and the two sides secretly assembled to fight each other's separate camp.

Unless Tubo quickly mobilizes troops at night, carry sheepskin rafts and run, find a place to cross the river and attack.

When the attack comes, other positions may be attacked by one's own side.

Tubo does not have a hot air balloon, so it can only build a high platform for observation, and there is no telescope.

"The battle was comfortable, with telescopes, hot air balloons, explosive kits, and sky monkeys." Guo Zhiyun said with emotion that he had never fought such a battle.

The first enemy discovered, calmly arranged, ultra-long-range high-damage weapons, floating in the sky to beat you.

There have been countless times he thought about how to fight an enemy with such a weapon in the own army.

The conclusion reached is that it cannot be beaten, only the same thing can be evened with the enemy.

The next thing is to fight for the number of both sides, who has more explosive packages, hot air balloons, and sky-crossing monkeys.

"There is no army in the world that can defeat an enemy with such a weapon gap." Guo Zhiyun concluded again.

Everyone started to cook, and the people of Yulin Feiqi prepared to watch.

"This tree is good, two go up." Two Yulin flew up, the big tree supported by Qin Li.

"You keep working hard. At night, you two rotate and put things under. Don't use them as targets when you need to fight."

Others knew this was a secret whistle and could not move at night.

Put the crossbows, bows, compressed biscuits, and canned fruits of bamboo tubes under the ropes.

The space on the tree is so small that it cannot be taken up.

If you want to eat, pick up the rope. If you really encounter an enemy attack, you should call the police first, and then check whether it is suitable to kill the enemy.

Arranged, everyone left.

The moon has not yet risen, but the stars in the sky are very bright.

After half an hour passed, a figure emerged from the place opened by the big tree.

The voice crawled to the ground, crawled to the place where things were put, and then went back soon.

In the middle of the night, a sleeping secret whistle was awakened, and it was time to change shifts.

When this one woke up, another tightly tightened the military coat, carrying the rope, and wanted something to eat.

Once carried, the rope is light and fluttering, and again, it still has no weight.

His face changed, and he went to carry the rope that tied the crossbow, eh, there was weight.

He whispered to his companion who had just woke up: "Canned food, compressed biscuits, the rope is opened, I will bring the crossbow up to you."

"I'll go." The person who just woke up wanted to go down.

"I'll go." The man carried the crossbow on it, handed it to his companion, and took out his tactical saber.

The person above is listening to the movement while holding the crossbow, and at the same time simulates the situation observed during the day in his mind, moving his head slightly.

In this position, someone else shoots arrows and cannot shoot him directly.

The other person fell to the ground and put his ear to the ground to listen.

After dozens of breaths, he came to the place to put the things, took his hands in the air, reached the rope, and touched the rope downwards, it was empty.

He unbuttoned his army coat, put his head in, took out the lighter and lit it, looking at the rope and the ground.

The rope was untied, and there were no compressed biscuits and bamboo cans on the ground.

He had a question mark in his head. He didn't believe anyone could break through Yulin Feiqi's light and dark whistle and steal his own things.

Owners are even less likely to make such a joke, damn it?

In the room under the tree at this time, an old lady watched two grandsons eating under the candlelight.

The four adults took turns to guard, and the old lady was also from Rivers and Lakes before.

She was very cautious, and wanted to confirm again if she was from Datang.

If you find something, bring it back and have a look.

I now know that it is Datang’s army. I remember one time in the newspaper that there were methods of compressing biscuits and making bamboo cans.

Tubo can't do it, the water temperature is not enough.

The two children ate compressed biscuits and drank the juice from canned fruits, feeling full of happiness.

It's so delicious. Now Datang has started to eat this food? I have to go back, so I won't work for the Tubo people.

After eating a few bites, the two children stopped eating and were reluctant to eat.

"Sleep if you don't eat." The old lady helped put things away, then blew out the candles, let the two grandsons lie down, and covered the fur coats.

She herself got into the tree again, and watched the night with Yulin Feiqi's secret whistle.

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