Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1052 Rifle What the People Want (First update, please subscribe to vote)

"Lend us a few horses, we herd sheep, and one person with horses can take care of a large group of sheep. Others will help you build a military village."

The prestigious people among the scattered people took charge of Guo Zhiyun who came to inspect the situation and borrowed the horse.

Their young horses, with horses, helped each other to herd the sheep, and the others went to work for Datang.

They saw that Datang's army had arrived. Not only did they not commit any crimes, but they even taught the children and gave out money.

If the child’s family gets the money, even if the child does not work as a laborer, they can still have income.

Compared with the previous Tubo, the scattered people are worried that Tubo will fight back again.

Tubo’s children are still not literate, so what do they think when they find that their children are studying?

The most likely thing is that the child is arrested and used as a slave to let you read. What about literacy? Be a slave to me.

A group of horses that were affected by running injuries and arrow injuries were sent over. They could not charge for battle, but grazing.

Some of the injured horses are raised slowly, and maybe they will be able to fight again.

The locals can raise horses, but there are many horses, and the Tubo people want to fight, so they "borrow".

"We have yours among the horses we caught in Tubo? You will recognize them in the past."

Guo Zhiyun saw a horse that had been sent running to a person, rubbing his head against the other person, and remembered it.

"Yes, I'm not afraid of it, I'll see where it hurts, I'll give you a good meal in the past few days." The master who Ma himself recognized was about to cry.

He touched the horse's mane and examined it carefully.

The horse's right hind thigh is missing a piece of hair, where there are stitched threads, the tied gauze is open, and there is pus and blood on the gauze.

Looking at the wound, it was apparently shot by an arrow, and then he was treated.

The horse's owner pressed it with gauze, more pus and blood came out, the horse moved with pain, and quickly stood up.

"Is it okay to wipe the ash up?" he asked Yulin Feiqi.

Feiqi Habayashi came over and took a look: "Use alcohol to wipe the horse under control, it hurts.

Change to a new gauze, leaving a diversion hole in the stitched place.

You see which one can be ridden first, and the one that cannot be ridden helps to raise it.

In another ten days and a half, more things will come and I will give you points. "

"Does that method work for the injured?" The horse owner realized the advantage of stitching.

"This is for human use. We have few casualties, so we can treat the horses if they can survive."

"Learned, sew!"

"You can't sew blindly, you need to sterilize it. You don't have a pressure cooker and you can't cook the thread unless it is soaked in alcohol."

"You teach us that we were hurt by the beast so we can sew ourselves."

"In the future, there are no beasts recently. We will hunt them, expel them, and send the fur back."

"Can't you stay? We go to work, you give us fur."

"Your fur processing technology is not good enough, go back to deal with it and then send it back."

"The craft is about how to clean up the fur?"

"Yes, Lijiazhuangzi's craftsmanship is the best, and it can handle a lot at a time."

"Lijiazhuangzi is a tribe?"

"No, Lijiazhuangzi is... the foundation of Datang. The need for good technology comes from Lijiazhuangzi."

"You must protect it, and you can't be robbed."

"Yes, we have been protecting."

The local people kept asking, he wanted to know more information from Yulin Feiqi.

Yulin Feiqi was willing to tell him that the locals would become the people of Datang in the future.

Other locals went to the horses, the horses were not tied, and they were grazing with their heads down.

Whistle after whistle and shouting sounded, some horses were eating, suddenly raised their heads, ignoring the grass, and ran in the direction where the sound came from.

Seeing the owner of own, some horses ran around the owner, and some rubbed their heads.

Other horses turned sideways and looked at their master, meaning they would come up and take you around.

The person who found his horse looked happy, and the person who shouted for a while and didn't get a response showed a sad face.

They knew that the horse was dead, and it might have become food in the soldiers' stomachs.

Wang Junkui organized a manpower to tell the people who lost their horses, if they hurt their horses, choose them by themselves.

Register, ask other people how many horses a certain person originally had, and after checking, give the other person the same number of horses.

The Tang army captured many Tubo horses and distributed the wounded to the locals.

All the horses of the local people died, so they hurried to pick the horses, the stallions, and the mares.

I also went to other people to discuss, let the neighbor pick a good stallion, own a mare to bred, give birth to the first horse and keep it for himself, and the second one for the other side.

"Occupy this place, Datang will not be short of horses in the future, and the station will deliver things faster."

Guo Zhiyun saw a group of locals picking his favorite horse there, and said with a smile.

"You can only have one pony in a year. After three years, the pony can have another pony. It's better to grab the big cannibal horse."

Qin Li shook his head slightly beside him, how many years would he wait to increase the number of horses by several times? Too slow, grab it quickly.

"It's okay to buy it, and exchange things with the food and the people over there. Turks and Turks get in the way, and the way is nowhere."

When the old monkey spoke, he looked further to the northwest, where there were Da Shi, Tuqi Shi, and Turks.

It turned out that the way to exchange goods was broken, and that group of people was too Damn it.

"When the number of guns is enough, we get the guns and kill them all." Qin Li comforted the old monkey.

"I have to wait until next year, worry, when we go back or continue to stay here?" The old monkey wished to get through the road directly.

Zhang Zhongliang next to him suddenly inserted: "Gun? The gun Guo Changshi used in Songzhou?"

"No, it's worse than that. There is only one thing, but you can't use it casually. The other one is also very easy to use. It has a longer range than a crossbow arrow." The old monkey waved his hand.

He didn't want the gun Guo Ziyi was holding on the battlefield. It was said that the bullet was replaced by the proprietor's lifespan.

Zhang Zhongliang has never seen it before: "Easy to use? Can you withstand a charge?"

"Can the crossbow withstand the charge? The cavalry is not easy to use. The proprietor said that he has not developed a better flash hat." Qin Li answered this time.

He has used a new gun, and it has a farther range than a bow and arrow, a lot farther.

It needs to be ignited with gunpowder, which is inconvenient to use when riding a horse.

When you have a good flash hider, it is not as fast as a bow and arrow, and it is less effort than a bow and arrow.

In terms of pros and cons, the cavalry bow is more important when fighting in the wild, and the infantry's spear formation is powerful.

Used in defense and siege, it is simply a magic weapon, even if it is an older child, give him a gun, he can still easily kill the enemy.

"It's better to go to the sky monkey." Wang Junkui muttered.

"One Sky Monkey's gunpowder can make tens of thousands of bullets. Of course, Sky Monkey is easy to use. It can fly farther and explode a large piece."

The old monkey said with an attitude that you are not in charge and I do not know Chai Migui.

Who doesn't know that the sky monkey uses frost. The key is to have a lot of money. Every bang is jingle money, no, smashing money.

"I'll write back to see if I can bring a few of them to use." Guo Zhiyun thought of an idea.

"It is estimated that, the proprietor is willing to ask the soldiers in front to help test the results." Qin Li also wanted to try.

He can row a boat beyond the range of the enemy's crossbow and shoot a gun on the boat.

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