Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1080 Logistics Supply Should Be Like (Fourth)

"Your arrows have a long range?" Zhang Xiaosong fell to the ground with a stone in his heart, and he was afraid that Yulin Feiqi would not be obedient.

Out of danger, can't you save it? Rescue may cause the own brother to die; if not saved, others will say that he killed Yulin Feiqi.

"In fact, our bows are also relatively strong. We are selected based on archery. The arm is stronger, and at the same time it feels better, the feeling of archery."

Fan Fan emphasized that the bow used by Yulin Feiqi is more powerful than the bows of others.

"Ours is also a strong bow. The cavalry's strong bow is not as good as the infantry's strong bow, but it is not much worse. Using the impact force, the arrow can fly past."

Zhang Xiaosong emphasized that my fine riding is just as powerful.

"I'll give you arrows." Fan Fan is even more happy, for you to use.

"No, you keep it." Zhang Xiaosong refused.

"The proprietor specially brought you a hundred arrows per person, cherish it for use." Fan Fan smiled.

"Is this also thought of?" Zhang Xiaosong was surprised.

"Otherwise, why do one ride four? We ran for almost four days, and we ran for three normal rides. We definitely arrived in three days.

We can complete a thousand-mile raid all day and night.

There are too many things, and the speed is delayed. The horse can't run too fast, but the horse is good and can continue to run at the normal speed, which is distressed. "

Fan Fan proudly said, rushing thousands of miles, the horse can sprint several times and change horses to sprint.

Zhang Xiaosong doesn't know what to say, this logistics is the first in the world.

Whatever you can think of, the Bashui Legion has already thought of it, and what you can't think of, they will help you think about it.

If you are in a hurry, go and fight first. It is estimated that at this time tomorrow, Yulin Feiqi will track down to the own team and help fight together.

"Hehe, for the first time I saw it, the strongest soldier is a heavy soldier." Zhang Xiaosong suddenly smiled.

"The strongest soldier is the cooking soldier. The proprietor said that there is a cooking soldier called the Rabbit Army.

For forty miles of armed cross-country running with weights, the cooking soldiers carried the heaviest weight and ran with their backs on their backs.

When running, the cooking soldiers ran in the forefront all the way, and when they ran to the place, the other soldiers were weak.

At this time, the cooking pot and stove are good for cooking. After a while, the other soldiers are breathing well, and everyone eats.

Our Bashui Corps will be this, and provide you with logistics when you need it. You can't stand the enemy and help you kill the enemy. "

Fan Fan didn't feel ashamed of being a heavy soldier. We are this kind of logistics, we are the Bashui Corps.

Zhang Xiaosong, the famous general, has been silly, he can't figure it out, and since he is very diligent, why do he still need to be a logistician? Shouldn't it be at the forefront?

Of course, he had to admit that the logistics soldiers who came today were really awesome.

When cooking, they are skilled at cutting meat.

There are also cleaning wild vegetables and processing mushrooms. The pheasant stewed mushrooms in the pot in front of you are operated by Fan Fan on the opposite side.

Killing chickens, letting blood, bleaching, digging out the internal organs, and decomposing, the key is that the chicken blood is also left behind to make blood tofu.

The chicken butt is said to remove a ‘thread’ and you can eat it. It’s fat and fragrant.

I even feel that the conditions are not enough, I can't stew the chicken offal, otherwise the wine and food are the best now.

Zhang Xiaosong thought, picking up a piece of blood tofu and ate it: "Chairman Fan, do you practice cooking on weekdays?"

"The proprietor said that food is the heaven for the people, and the food is the first. The proprietor makes a good meal, and we look for opportunities to learn and practice in Lijiazhuangzi.

Going to the wild involves survival, what can be eaten, and what can't be eaten.

The same thing is made in the same time and tastes better. Brothers have eaten it to boost morale, isn't it? "

Fan Fan knows the reason and purpose of his learning to cook.

"Right!" Zhang Xiaosong admitted, yes.

He himself realized that the same thing, eating a good bite, is different from eating against it.

It was raining outside, but he was relaxed, hiding behind enemy lines, and there was a delicious chicken stew with mushrooms.

It is estimated that the other soldiers have the most direct feelings, the logistics is there, always there, and this logistics is too strong.

The two ate a few more bites, and Zhang Xiaosong stopped to eat the dry pancakes that Yulin Feiqi had brought to Longyou.

Soaked in the soup, the cake after absorbing the soup is fragrant and chewy.

He sighed: "Captain Fan, in Lijiazhuang, you can eat this kind of stew with meat all at once?"

"What!?" Fan Fan was stunned.

He followed him and shook his head vigorously: "Xun Envoy Zhang, you don't know what Li's Zhuangzi eats? Let's go to the cafeteria to eat, dozens of dishes, choose whatever you like.

Is it breakfast now? There are relatively few stir-fried dishes, which are mixed vegetables and cold dishes.

Use roupiyang cowpea pickles, garlic mashed cucumber, garlic eggplant, mixed cabbage shreds, watermelon inner skin shreds, skin jelly, fried fish...

Staple foods include steamed buns, siu Mai, Hanamaki, fried dough sticks, fried noodles, fried cakes, wontons, egg pancakes, bagels...

There are also tofu brain, soy milk, cow and goat milk, many kinds of porridge, many kinds of soup, egg custard, fruit juice..."

Fan Fan just wanted to say that Lijiazhuang's food is good at first, and he became addicted as he said that, so I would like to introduce Lijiazhuang's breakfast again.

Zhang Xiaosong: "..."

He hasn't heard of many things. To have a meal in the morning, do you need to make so many kinds of things?

Wouldn't it be okay to drink the kind of dry porridge that can be stuck with chopsticks, but not to eat some pickles?

He didn't believe it, and asked: "Do I want to eat dumplings?"

"It depends on whether it is steamed or boiled. Tell the kitchen that it will cook faster. If it is steamed, ask other people if they want to eat it together. Anyway, steam it all at once."

Fan Fan told the truth, he saw the people of Lijiazhuangzi. After get off work early in the morning, a group of people wanted to eat something and discussed with the kitchen.

Everything in the kitchen is done. The key is that you want to eat steamed dumplings by yourself. Put the bun's drawer together?

It's different. Steamed buns are sourdough noodles, while dumplings are dead noodles. The steaming time is different.

It's easy to cook. After the package is finished, put it in the noodle pot and it will be ready in a while.

Zhang Xiaosong didn't know why, he felt angry, and wanted to lift his head: "I want to eat fried."

"Fried in water or fried? Fried in water is pasta. In Zhuangzi, it is called shuijianbao, but it is in the shape of dumplings.

Fried dumplings are actually steamed dumplings and fried when they are eaten the next day, and steamed buns are cut into slices and fried.

Freshly steamed is okay, but it doesn’t taste good when fried, because it has a lot of water.

When frying, the oil still collapses. Generally, you don’t want that. What can you do for the back chef? "

Fan Fan still knows this. He has eaten various Lijiazhuang foods, and he sometimes learns to cook them.

Zhang Xiaosong was dumbfounded. Through Fan Fan's words, he finally realized that Li's Zhuangzi did just that.

A breakfast, made it to spend? How about lunch and dinner? Yes, they all eat three meals, not two.

He wanted to go back to Chang'an, and then to Lijiazhuangzi to see the situation there, and more importantly, to see Li Yi.

He knows what to eat in the former imperial city, absolutely not as much as Lijiazhuangzi.

"According to this, the logistics you gave us is actually far worse than Lijiazhuang's daily routine? Isn't it a big deal?"

Zhang Xiaosong got angry and asked provocatively.

Fan Fan nodded sincerely: "Yes, the proprietor said, the soldiers in front of us are too hard to eat, even if he sends a lot of cans, they are not as good as the people in Jingzhao Mansion can eat.

It is precisely because the soldiers are working hard outside that more people are peaceful inside, and there is not enough for the soldiers in front of them. "

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