Li Longji was anxious beside him. He wished that tomorrow, no, immediately saw a railway appear and the train was running on the railway.

He was thinking about water transportation. It was the easiest section to transport water through the canal. When it came to the Yellow River, every mile was so difficult.

When the railway is repaired to Luoyang, Luoyang is the center of the Grand Canal. When you arrive at Luoyang to install trains, you will not take the Yellow River.

The section from the Grand Canal to Luoyang in winter does not freeze. If the railway can be paved this year...

"Since the steam engine you said is good, Xiaoyi, build it more. Put it on the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, and put it on the Hukou Waterfall on the Yellow River. It won't come down.

To repair the canal, use other boats for a short distance, and build a railway along the canal, where it is always digging mountains. "

Concubine Doulu suddenly thought of an idea. The canal hasn't been opened yet, so it seems that the railway can be extended.

Set aside the place first, and don't be flooded with water.

Li Yi calculated: "The canal should be built first. The railway can't walk beside it, it needs to cross the mountain.

At that time, look at the direction of the river on the mountain, where to drill the mountain and where to build the bridge. "

As Li Yi spoke, he suddenly admired his people at that time.

The country’s roads are repaired, and it seems that no place is blocked.

For provincial highways, national highways, high-speed railways, high-speed railways, no country with such a large land area has built roads like that.

And still cultivating, never want to stop.

Don’t talk about all the roads of own Datang. At that time, the railway network of the previous twenty years would be fine.

Everyone thought about the future of the railway, and had a very comfortable meal.

Li Yi took Princess Yongmu for a walk and digestion.

The little guy just started to follow, but after a short walk, the little guy dozed off and ran to find the kids in the Zhuangzi.

After finding it, I went directly to the sleeping place, insisted on coming to the own small bed, pounced on the bed, turned over again, and fell asleep without taking off my shoes.

The caregiver hurriedly took off his shoes, set up his posture, and covered him with a small blanket.

Li Tan also finds a place to sleep. Li Yi told him that the scars on his face recover quickly when he sleeps more.


The nine bends of the Yellow River hadn't reached noon, and the five thousand and sixteen guards, led by Hao Lingquan, finally rushed to the place.

Each of them had two horses, and they had to carry muskets and bullets.

The scout sent the situation to Guo Zhiyun as early as possible, and everyone cooked in advance to greet the friendly army.

Yulin Feiqi ran over first to help unload things, and the others just took the bullets.

The gun is a new gun and needs to be mastered first.

The trajectory of each gun is carefully divided, and only a few shots can be used to get familiar with it.

The big dead fish were tied to a hundred paces position, ready to eat, first take a look at the bullets.

Behind the big fish is a pillar, and behind the pillar is other wood, where the wood is not blocked by the pillar.

Qin Li took the gun and walked forward. A hundred steps were too far. He needed to hit a place close first to see the deviation of the ballistic trajectory.

Several other people followed, and the teenagers here gathered around.

They have heard of a powerful gun, but it is not clear how powerful it is.

"First open the air seal, the bullet is one piece, put it in, then pull it back, just cut off the fingers behind the bullet.

When the trigger is turned on, this place is the medicine pool.

There used to be a medicine bag, and the medicine was poured up, but now it was replaced with a small paper bag. After picking it up, the gunpowder went into the medicine pool.

Aiming, sight, sight and target are fish, three points in a line.

Thirty steps away, there is a scale on the sight here, set it to this position, you need to smell it, pull the trigger..."

The ‘chih boom’ gun sounded and a cloud of smoke came out.

The people around were startled, the movement was not small!

Looking at the fish there, you can see from the current position that the fish is all right.

Everyone walked over, the fish was indeed intact, and there was a small eye in the wood behind.

"It's missed, go back and do it again." Qin Li observed, knowing the approximate ballistic situation, and walked back.

He doesn't feel embarrassed. The gun thing is different from the gun he used to practice.

‘Sneezing! The second shot was fired. At this time, there was a change on the big fish, and a hole appeared.

Everyone went over again, it was indeed a hole, big in the front and small in the back, and the bullet entered the wooden pillar.

Take this fish down and replace it with another fish.

With the third shot, fifty paces away, Qin Li successfully hit again, looking almost the same as before.

One hundred steps, take a deep breath, let own calm, hold the sight, exhale, pause, pull the trigger, the gun sounds.

A group of people ran over to see that there was a hole in the big fish, and the bullet was still embedded in the wood.

A big fish-shaped skin is in front of the big fish, it is the thick skin of the leather armor.

The fifth shot fired, this time the leather was penetrated, the big fish was also penetrated, and the bullet was on the pillar.

"Use mine." A teenager put own's upper body armor in front of the big fish, and compared it to drawing the big fish on the iron armor.

"Boom!" The gun shot, and then ran over to look.

The upper body armor penetrated back and forth, and the bullet hit the big fish's body, penetrated, and stayed on the pillar.

Guo Zhiyun and others were silent, wearing double armor a hundred steps away.

"The musket seems to be easy to operate." Wang Junkui gave an evaluation. People can hit so accurately when they are held up.

It can be struck with a stand, fixed, and any child can kill the enemy, just like someone else helped to wind a crossbow.

The child finds a place for one, takes a glance, and launches it.

"A bullet is precious?" Zhang Zhongliang was surprised by the result.

"It's much cheaper than an arrow. Twenty rounds can't compare with the price of an arrow." A Yulin Feiqi next to him said.

"There are pockets for medicine, not as good as this." A young general ran to watch other people shoot and returned to report.

"The proprietor wants to see which one is easy to use. I guess the proprietor is making a better launcher. Can you try it?"

Qin Li couldn't try anymore. He knew a hundred steps. No matter how far away he was, he didn't have the ability to aim, so he could only shoot in crowded places.

Guo Zhiyun clenched his fists and waved his hand: "I will keep the bullets for you. If we try once, we will waste one. Maybe it will change the life of a Tubo."

As soon as he said, other teenagers who wanted to get started held back.

They want to fight a dozen, but know that bullets are precious, just like arrows.

No, the arrow can be recovered after practicing shooting, how to collect the bullet? The gunpowder is gone.

The four hundred and ninety-nine people elsewhere also stood up and shot, adjusted their distances, then squatted, kneeled, and shot prone, concentrating every shot.

"Li Yi!" Zhang Zhongliang said Li Yi's name without speaking.

He once again understood the value of Li Yi. As long as the guns and bullets are enough, the defender is a soldier, a soldier, or a very powerful soldier.

It is estimated that a person without a cover can be beaten a few hundred steps away.

"Bring a sheep over and place it at a hundred paces position." Qin Li was going to show everyone the damage of the bullet.

"There are dead sheep who are going to eat meat, so don't touch them if they are alive." Yulin Feiqi, who was next to him, said as he rode to find the sheep.

Not long after, a sheep that had been bled came back.

Set it up, Qin Li lay down, took aim and aim, and fired.

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