The outside performance began, and fifty ‘everyone’ took turns ‘on stage’.

The maids, dancers, and bands who followed them also came to the turntable.

Three places were opened at the same time, and the bandits from Pingkangfang were in charge of maintaining law and order, with sticks in their hands.

The audience is increasing. People from Zhangjia Village come over, people from Huangzhuang Village and those who are being resettled.

On the contrary, there are relatively few people watching the villagers in Zhuangzi. Some people have already gone to bed, so they shouldn't delay the next shift from watching the performance.

Besides, I haven't seen it before. I see you every day while practicing military music.

Vaguely heard movement in the main courtyard, but Li Longji, Queen Wang and Li Chengqi didn't have time to pay attention.

"Brother Yi, what should the relatives do?" Li Longji was very concerned.

"Third brother, in a few more days, your majesty will find a job for the five kings in the five kings' mansion. Princess Taiping's affairs are stable and can't keep the brothers doing nothing."

Li Yi talked about another thing.

Li Chengqi looked at Li Longji again, meaning third brother, where do you want to arrange us?

Li Longji shivered again, he really felt like this, brother Yi, you...

"He will be a provincial governor around Jingzhao Mansion, like King Song, he is Qizhou governor at this time, but he will not go to Qizhou.

The other kings also looked like this. They just put on a look, and the people who really did things were the people from the original state government. "

Li Yi continued.

Li Chengqi nodded, supporting, yes, I'm staying at your Zhuangzi right now, not going to the shit Qizhou.

I really went there, the third brother can rest assured?

Li Longji nodded and asked Li Yi to talk again. What do you mean?

"Actually, no matter what's wrong, at least we must grasp ideological issues, such as publicizing your majesty's kindness, talking about the advantages of Datang, and the bitter cold elsewhere.

Ask the people to have a sense of happiness after comparison, and at the same time, the state government that calls them responsible often sends measures on how to govern the people. "

Li Yi began to instill in the three of them how to be a governor with no real power to brush up a sense of existence.

Li Chengqi's eyes may have been illuminated by fire.

He feels like he has discovered a new world. Oh, can he still play like this? Why didn't I think of it before?

Li Longji feels that he has gained a lot. Yes, tell the people of Datang that the people of Tubo are suffering. You are better than Tubo. It is my credit.

"Other relatives follow, like me, follow them?" Li Chengqi asked the third brother again.

"No, no, no." Li Yi waved his hand: "The King Song really can't give the real power, and the others are given. They can't shake the position of your majesty when they take the real power."

"Brother Yi, they won't do it if they have the real power. If you are Brother Yi, give you a county and put a hundred hearts on your brother." Li Chengqi said.

"Yes, Uncle manages a county, in fact, it also has talents." Queen Wang absolutely supports, the child in the belly expects Uncle to keep it.

"They won't, they can ask someone who will help. For example, in Sanyuan County of Jingzhao Mansion, arrange a relative to be the county magistrate.

Tell him that next year the fiscal revenue of the county will double, and the people will have a better life, and that the rich in the county cannot be exploited.

I was looking for another person who didn't deal with him, and even a hatred foreign relative sent someone to check it every few days.

His Majesty also sent people to make unannounced visits, and sent a few more groups. The former did not know the latter, and he would be rewarded for catching the problem. "

Li Yi came up with an idea, very bad, very bad.

Let the relatives find someone to make a place rich, and the hostile forces supervise it.

Li Chengqi wiped his sweat and was frightened. What a gentle brother Yi looks at on weekdays, unexpectedly...

Sure enough, the prime minister was able to convince people with virtue.

"Looking for a capable person, who must be able to double Zuyong?" Li Longji didn't think it would work.

"I have no problem to go, doubled, I blush. They are... so your Majesty should teach them at this time.

Teach them to collect business taxes, minus the adjustments of the common people, and vigorously promote retreats, green reserves, and new agricultural tools.

When they are done well, they are still in power, and at the same time, the increased income after doubling will give them a few percent. "

Li Yi threw out the reform and asked his relatives to do it.

"What if they don't agree?" Li Longji was afraid that his relatives would jointly object.

"Divide the relatives into individual parts, and specifically treat one part well. Ask the right part if you are willing? If not, ask the other part if you are willing or not.

For example, I have a mirror, you give it to your majesty, and your majesty will reward a few people and make other foreign relatives envy and hate. "

Li Yi's idea followed, splitting and drawing together.

This is Li Longji's meeting, but I didn't expect it to be so simple.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay! Brother Yi's heart is really enough... loyal enough, thinking about Datang and Your Majesty." Li Longji wanted to say it was dark enough, and quickly changed his words.

Queen Wang knew what he meant and covered her mouth and smiled.

The outside sound suddenly joined the drums, which seemed much clearer. Li Chengqi beat his legs with his hands. He drums well and likes music.

Suddenly awakened, the people outside were asked by those who refused to sell eggs that day and laughed at Brother Yi.

It only costs two thousand yuan to take the face of Changsun Xin.

Otherwise, if fifty "everyones" led the team to perform in the cold wind for one night, would the appearance fee be enough for two million dollars?

Finding relationships, begging for someone, and spending money are just because Yi Yi fights back, so Yi Yi...

After getting a good solution, Li Longji opened up for a drink, and the Queen controlled his diet, and was taken to rest by the palace maid about the same time.

Because Li Yi was still growing and sleepy, he yawned, complained and ran away.

Li Longji put down the wine glass, showing a relaxed look, and said with emotion: "How many days have it been? Finally feel relieved for a while."

Li Chengqi filled himself with a cup of soup from the hot pot, blew a sip, and then said, "Brother Yi has caused the damage and is very damaging."

"In this way, you can beat other people. He is always good and will eventually be swallowed by bones." Li Longji narrowed his eyes.

He is also struggling to balance the power of the prime minister, but also to use Yao Chong, knowing that Yao Chong has done many things wrong, but there is no way.

"What is Changsun Xin like?" Li Chengqi asked the person Li Yi said would die.

"Let's take a look for the time being to see how he is domineering in search of death, there must always be a sign." Li Longji didn't want to change the destiny of Changsun Xin immediately.

He thinks this thing is very interesting, for fun.


At this moment, Song De led the villagers to gather livestock and arranging grain.

Horses are not good horses. Riding and fighting is absolutely impossible. It is okay to pull carts or plow dry fields.

Cows are a little thin, cold weather, no fattening, not afraid, Zhuangzi has a way.

Pigs are half-sized pigs, just when they can eat and grow fat slowly, the boars are not castrated and are a circle smaller than the sows.

Needless to say, sheep cannot be killed. They must be fed well for a while.

Obviously, it was taking advantage of the heavy snow and couldn't raise it elsewhere, so I bought it at a low price and paid Zhuangzi a compliment at the market price.

"Prosperous businessmen, take care of things, but the guy has to consume a lot of things in the Zhuangzi to feed them."

The farmer shook his head when he knew how to breed livestock.

There is not much meat to kill, and money is spent in it if you don't kill.

"Don't be afraid, some places have suffered snow disasters. The proprietors didn't say there was a big disaster, but they didn't. They collect livestock from around Chang'an. After some time in the city, the price of meat will inevitably rise."

Song De now learns to analyze the situation. Meat is expensive. If you sell the meat-eating things that are now raised in Zhuangzi, you can make money back for the feed. These will be raised until the beginning of spring.

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