Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1100 New Canned Food Is Delicious (Second)

"The newspaper is sold. Every family in Liujia Village, Martial Arts County, donated money for military resources to support frontier soldiers. The court stipulated that at most households can only donate ten dollars."

"Selling newspapers, the court said that what was bought with this money would be written on which village donated it, and tell the soldiers."

"It sells newspapers, the newspaper said, everyone who wants to donate money is all about it."

"Selling newspapers, there is a new shipment of sesame seeds. They are sold in the warehouse at Bashui No. 2 Pier. Only wholesale, not retail, buy at least five buckets."

Newsboys brandished newspapers early in the morning and advertised by the way.

As soon as the people heard of a village that had donated money to the soldiers, they even published newspapers.

People who lived in Chang'an first started to discuss, asking others if they would like to donate a little.

It is written in the newspaper that a penny is not too small, it is the ticket money.

Shopkeeper Liang and others got together and ate at a pig-killing restaurant in the big market of Lijiazhuangzi in the south of the city.

The restaurant is called slaying pig dishes, and the pigs here are still supplied by their farms.

They brought their own pigs, so you can rest assured.

"Everyone, the people are beginning to donate money, and the court collects the money. What shall I do?" Shopkeeper Liang said when everyone did not touch the chopsticks.

"Donate ten dollars?" The shopkeeper Feng asked in a low voice.

"You donate ten dollars to try, Li Dongzhu is afraid that the people will be overburdened, so he sets the upper limit for ordinary people." The shopkeeper Liang smiled.

"Is it good to have a thousand pieces? Twelve people, a total of twelve thousand pieces." Someone suggested.

"A thousand less, right? We are different from others."

"I will donate slowly in the future. Donate too much at a time. How do I donate in the future? When other rich people see that we donate thousands of dollars, they are even more difficult to donate."

"Let’s donate canned pork, the big pigs we harvested in spring and the medium-sized pigs have grown up, and the little pigs will have to be raised until the New Year."

"Ask Dongzhu Li, what he wants, we will provide what."

"Go now, tell the kitchen not to do it, let's go to Lijiazhuangzi for dinner."

A group of people talked to the restaurant and ran away.

"The shopkeeper has done it." The guy found the shopkeeper and said helplessly.

"It's almost noon, put more sauerkraut in, we will save it, otherwise we won't make any money." The shopkeeper was happy.

Shopkeeper Liang and they came to eat, the same price, the amount of meat is different, more than others, basically belong to the capital.

Don’t eat it and continue to make it. When the customer is served, someone will order it and add more sauerkraut.

Anyway, the pig-killing dish will do the same. If some guests have leftovers, they will reheat it for the buddies to eat.

No matter it is rice, steamed bun or pancake, it is suitable for killing pig dishes.

A group of people rushed to Lijiazhuangzi, and after a body search outside, they didn't need to take a bath and change clothes when they saw Li Yi.

"Everyone is here? It happened to be drinking lamb soup. The farmers said that they hadn't drank it for a long time, and we drank it together today. There is no need to cook too many dishes in the kitchen."

Li Yi greeted with a smile. He guessed why everyone came and wanted to donate money.

"The lamb soup is good, it's hot, I sweat and cool off after eating it." The shopkeeper Liang immediately expressed his preference for it.

Others agreed, and they would say that what they eat.

Princess Yongmu and Li Dan are at the table, right next to them.

The little guy sits in the own position and lets people tie a large napkin, and looks curiously at the new group of people.

The mutton soup was delivered, the white wine was blanched, and the shopkeeper Feng said: "Dongzhu Li, I want to invest 12,000 yuan, and want to replace it with pigs to make canned food?"

"Canned food...I have a new thing. The canned food is always meat. They eat highland barley, and the other things they send from the land of Shu are hard to make."

Li Yi didn't care about the amount of money, he thought of something.

Anyway, he doesn't like eating very much, he feels good when he is a child, but when he grows up, he is more willing to eat real meat.

"Also ask Bishop Li Dong to wait for me." The other person asked for advice.

"Luncheon meat, with seasonings, made with starch and pork, put it in a bamboo tube, cut the bamboo tube and eat it, there is no soup in it."

Li Yi named one of the most convenient things to eat on the battlefield.

He feels that soldiers love compressed biscuits, and they must love luncheon meat more.

When the shopkeeper Liang heard the name, he thought about it: "Canned food for lunch? Luncheon meat?"

"Let's put it this way, the key is that it can be eaten directly, and it can also be fried, fried, stewed, and matched at will." Li Yi didn't want to change the term luncheon meat.

Can it be said that it is impure canned meat?

"Is it delicious? We make it? If the soldiers don't like it, they will have a bad impression of us." Everyone is worried about the taste.

"I will ask someone to make it now. You will be in the Zhuangzi in the afternoon and eat luncheon meat for dinner.

If it weren’t for the bread to take up a lot of space, I would like to give them bread, which is easy to eat. Of course it’s not brown bread. "

After Li Yi finished speaking, he got up and went out to teach the chef in Zhuangzi how to make luncheon meat. This is relatively simple.

You can put a little more meat. Making luncheon meat is not to save money, but starch can provide other nutrients.

Soldiers can't eat meat alone, they need carbohydrates.

Before dinner, canned luncheon meat in bamboo tubes is finished.

The cover of the bamboo tube is threaded, and a piece of greased paper is put on it and it is sealed once it is screwed. Because there is no soup, it is simple and convenient.

"When you eat, you can unscrew it and knock it out, or you can cut it with a single knife and split it into two. Everyone, taste it."

Li Yi smelled the luncheon meat, the taste was slightly different from what he had eaten before, and it felt okay.

One person picked it up and unscrewed it, knocking out, and what was knocked out was a cylinder.

Everyone, one chopstick, cut the meat down from above and threw it into your mouth.

"It's delicious, I eat well."

"It's really fragrant, with a meaty smell, and a lot of flavors."

"It's great, the soldiers in front definitely like it."

"President Li, let's talk about the recipe, let's do it."

"How many of them can be made?"

Everyone recognized that this delicious thing is really convenient and can be eaten.

Li Yi also doesn't know how much it costs: "It depends on how much meat and starch you put in. The cost of canned bamboo is basically fixed.

The cost of the seasoning is also fixed, and the rest is made of wheat starch or rice starch, which is more labor-intensive.

But it saves money than direct canned pork, half of the canned pork can save two-fifths of the pure canned meat. "

Li Yi gives an inaccurate data, depending on how they deal with it.

The price of meat and starch should be considered comprehensively.

"Ninety percent of the pork, ten percent of the other things." The shopkeeper Liang stated that he wanted to give the soldiers good meat. He was donating it, and he didn't use it to sell it.

"Well, the meat is really delicious. It's best not to break it too much. It doesn't taste too good. It is enough to make dumplings and buns."

Li Yi has nothing to do with it, it is for the soldiers.

Such a high proportion of meat is equivalent to canned ham. It tastes delicious, but I still don't like it.

A group of people got the recipe, didn't stay for dinner, left in a hurry, and had to go back to try it and make it in large quantities.

If it weren’t for the large number of bamboos in Qinling and the rapid growth of bamboo, it would not have been able to supply the current consumption of canned food.

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