Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1117: Eternal Mystery (Fourth)

Princess Yongmu didn't even know what she said to pay, and Li Yi moved a lot of thoughts.

She only cares about being happy, and she can do things for the people herself.

The other eldest princesses are either making trouble or making trouble.

I take another path, learn more, make more money, help Li Lang more, and take care of the people more.

Oh, there is also the father, what should I bring back to the father? The bones of the wolf king?

"Li Lang, you said to take the bones of the wolf king back to..." Princess Yongmu was tangled, what do you call it?

"No, what is a wolf? I want to raise a tiger. I tell you Wen Tian, ​​the real Bixie is a giant panda."

Li Yi looked down on the wolf king, what is a wolf?

"Ah? Giant panda? What about such a cute thing, Bixie!" Princess Yongmu feels good when she thinks of the panda.

Giant pandas are so interesting, they can turn their heads while sitting and sleep, scaring themselves awake.

When the weather is good, eating bamboo, start to be in a daze.

"The real evil is the evil of the heart, and the evil in the heart is a disaster. Are you very happy looking at the panda? Our..."

Li Yi made sense. When he was upset, he looked at the panda and laughed a few times. The body hormone secretion is different.

Isn't this Bixie? The evil is not a ghost.

The temple is the ghost, the temple is the Buddha, and the view is the Tao.

Temple refers to some other things, such as ancestors, called ancestral temples.

There are also snake temples, turtle temples, and some people’s Matsu temples.

When the temple targets people, it means worship after death.

Another kind of worship is called the community. In fact, the community is not sacrificed to the dead, but the living. In theory, it is worship.

She means soil, gathering soil into piles.

why? A lot of people have a leader together, and the leader wants to speak.

Set up a stage, there was no stage at the time, just make some dirt and stand on it to talk.

What do you want to say?

Talking about inheriting the traditions of the revolutionary ancestors, talking about national rejuvenation.

Say what the leaders of the previous tribes did, what they wanted to do, how to lead everyone to eat meat, and not freeze to death in winter.

This is the society, piled up soil to form a platform, and then talk about the previous leaders, let some people who are convinced of the previous leaders recognize themselves, and then talk about what they should do.

Well, elections, yes, society is for elections.

It has nothing to do with life or death, it is a platform.

As for the shrine, it is a fixed place, not a spot piled up, and it carries the meaning of a totem at the same time.

It proves that this tribe is stable, and there is no need to run around, how can there be a site?

So what is a shrine? It's simple and wordy.

The society itself represents ancestors, inheritance, beliefs, civilizations, and totems.

What if you add a god? What god?

It's a typo in the process of cultural learning. If you don't understand it, then pass it on from generation to generation, so be it.

The shrines and temples already represent everything. There is no need to add a god, as gods are Taoist.

God is a position in the historical understanding of China, just like a priest.

It was originally used to teach others to do things, and evolved from the society.

To put it bluntly, a shrine is a shrine, and continue to explain that it is a mound of mound, and the wording is wrong.

If it is correct, it also refers to the position and the mound. The person with the highest position stands on the mound and talks to people. It is a living person.

It’s like sushi, but it’s actually a transliteration, which itself refers to the steamed rice that the fishermen of China ate before.

After going out to sea, the taste changes after a long time, and it is a bit sour.

People in the Wa country who came into contact with Chinese people were all fishermen and learned.

The original stuffed rice was actually eaten with raw fish and steamed rice, waiting for the seaweed, kelp, and edible seaweed to be mixed.

Li Yi was talking to Princess Yongmu about some situations that Princess Yongmu had never experienced, but Princess Yongmu understood.

"Li Lang, you mean people who have changed now take steamed rice to go fishing, and eat whatever they encounter?"

"Yes, but it's easy to get sick, so they take the dried plums and eat them with meals. The dried plums contain the flora adapted to the locals."

"It's okay to eat with rice balls and add some things from Shanghai? The dried plums delivered by Zhang Jiuling are quite delicious, don't the locals bring dried plums to sea?"

Princess Yongmu has never seen the sea, but she understands it herself.

"Yes, the real sushi should be steamed rice with dried plums, not seaweed."

Li Yi felt that he had discovered some secrets in history at this moment.

When the Japanese fishermen were learning from the Chinese fishermen, the Chinese fishermen ate dried plums and steamed rice and wheat.

There are nitrites in dried plums, and nitrites were carcinogenic at the time of Li Yi.

But it also has sterilization. If a fishing boat goes out to sea for a few days, the food will deteriorate. Put it together with dried plums, and the nitrite in dried plums sterilizes.

Then I caught the fish and ate the fish and ate them together.

Li Yi thought, he was stupid.

"Oh my god, when sushi started, it should be steamed rice with dried plums and fish, not seaweed or kelp.

Where can I find so much seaweed in the sea? Everyone is floating. Is this the truth? Can I write a paper?

I ask not, as long as it is published in two journals, one is "Science" and the other is "Nature". "

Li Yi muttered, and pulled Princess Yongmu over, and kissed Princess Yongmu's face.

He felt that he had discovered the Great Secret of the Century. At the beginning of sushi, it was not dried seaweed or fish wrapped in rice, but dried plums.

Princess Yongmu's face and neck were red. She bit her lip and went to see the big girl.

The big girl didn't seem to know anything, she was watching the dog.

"Li Lang, why are you doing this in broad daylight." Princess Yongmu whispered.

"Yes, yes, not during the day." Li Yi quickly apologized.

"Proprietor, the village has built a yard specially for you." The big girl who seemed to have heard nothing just now suddenly said.

"Do you know arithmetic?" Li Yi asked, looking at the big girl.

"Simply know." The big girl said and lowered her head, feeling very stupid.

"I'm looking for someone to teach you specifically. You will be the chief financial officer in the future, the one who looks at other people when they spend money and finds problems. It's very powerful.

Yes, great, better than accounting and teller, salary, no, wages, no, it's salary, you belong to the imperial court. "

Li Yi is too smart to arrange a job for the big girl.

The key is to be sensible, how do you say it?

If you don't play diligence, don't play lazy, just hit the one who doesn't have long eyes.

This big girl obviously belongs to the existence of foresight, and was silent before.

Waiting for the critical moment, suddenly a separate yard was mentioned.

"Thank you proprietor, proprietor, let me warm up the kang in the yard first, and you will fall asleep comfortably." The big girl hurriedly expressed her position.

"No, Wen Tian will live with you tonight. I will handle it by myself. I know how to make a fire."

Li Yi refused, no, what a joke, if you live on a kang, it will kill you.

The reason why people are human is different from animals.

"Yeah! Let's live together at night." Princess Yongmu and the big girl said, she is the eldest princess. If the locals know about it in the future, what should I say?

"Huh?" The big girl had too many question marks.

"Wen Tian and I can't eat wolf meat if there is anything to eat in our village. It's past noon. Let's eat later. Eat watermelon first."

Li Yi changed the subject directly. He found that he was hungry. He asked about the ingredients while also understanding the local situation.

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