Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1119 Desperately the rabbit to open the gods (second more)

"Except for such mountains, other places are dominated by plains. The biggest advantage of plain terrain is that it is easy to construct irrigation canals."

Li Yi carried a soil basket and walked all the way to collect grass, mushrooms, and medicinal materials.

Princess Yongmu took a small shovel, and Li Yi would dig when he found that he needed to take the roots and the whole herb.

Some of the materials he checked still need to be read by him personally, and the materials refer to things from another time.

There is a lot of local evaporation, little precipitation, and strong winds on the mountains.

"On the whole, the terrain is inclined. As long as the height of the mountain is sufficient, the water will wind and flow from the mountain to the bottom, even if it is a little higher in some places."

Li Yi knows Qu's situation. When he was a child, he had mountain pumps pumping water continuously from the motorized wells.

Walking the ditches, below are rice fields and vegetable fields.

In the places below, the terrain is one meter higher in some places, and the water can still rush through due to the drop on the mountain.

One meter high and two meters deep, the water will not come out, and the water level will continue to move forward when the water level rises one decimeter.

It is best if there is a natural river on the mountain to lead it away, otherwise it is necessary to increase the pressure well and use a windmill to pump water, and it will not stop.

"If you want water on the mountain, you must have enough plants to hold the water, and wait for the rainy season... Now is the local rainy season."

Li Yi picked up the binoculars and looked around, looking for mountains and water.

There is a big girl around the two people. She temporarily becomes Princess Yongmu's maid and will supervise the accounts in the future.

Otherwise, she will be married in another two years. She is only eleven years old this year. She can do all the tasks, as adults can do.

Waiting to marry, a 13-year-old girl should be fourteen when she reborn a child, a ghost gate.

Now she is designated as an auditor. She cannot marry too early and needs to work for the proprietor.

There were 30 villagers nearby, and a man from one family used a wooden frame to help Li Yi carry heavy machine guns and flying machines.

Li Yi initially refused, and everyone immediately stopped him from leaving for fear of danger.

Li Yi wanted them to be loaded on a carriage and pulled away, but they had to carry the carriage with them.

Four people carry heavy machine guns and four carry ammunition boxes.

The two people carried the aircraft, both using wooden shelves.

Li Yi regretted it. He knew that he should carry the assault rifle and sniper rifle.

Then it flew in the sky and opened fire. What about the current heavy machine gun?

"Wen Tian, ​​you said we two used the escort of heavy machine guns as an excuse to go back by land?" Li Yi asked Princess Yongmu.

Princess Yongmu shook her head: "They will be mad, and then send Yulin Fei to ride over."

"Yeah!" Li Yi admitted. He won't be home tomorrow night, and Yulin Feiqi will come out immediately.

It is agreed that I will go back to dinner in the evening, when the meal is served.

"Rabbit, there are rabbits there." A villager had a good look, and he was far away and found a rabbit running on the ground.

When he shouted, he looked at Li Yi and valued the machine gun.

Li Yi looked back, meaning you let me hit the rabbit with a heavy machine gun? Are you sure you want to eat rabbit meat?

"You ride a horse to catch, catch it back and eat it." Li Yi refused.

"I want to see how to fight." The villagers chuckled.

"You stand and I will hit you." Li Yi glared over.

"Just kidding, don't watch, don't watch." The villager continued to laugh.

"Li Lang, what kind of bird is in the sky?" Princess Yongmu found a small black spot in the sky.

Li Yi looked through the telescope, still very small: "Eagle, I don't know if it is a big buzzard or a golden eagle."

Speaking of Li Yi handing the binoculars over, Princess Yongmu took it and looked at it: "It's down, and it's flying downwards. Oh, it's not going to catch a rabbit, right?"

The things flying in the sky are indeed rushing down quickly, people still have no response, the rabbit on the ground finds that the situation is not good, and starts to run.

Li Yi saw it at this time, the golden eagle, not the big buzzard.

The color is different, and the exact size is not visible. The golden eagle is a circle larger than the big buzzard, and now it is impossible to compare the body shape.

The golden eagle dived fast, and the rabbit continued to run out of the ZigZag route.

The golden eagle approached, two grasps stretched forward.

Just when everyone thought the rabbit was about to be caught, the running rabbit suddenly turned around and faced the sky.

The moment the golden eagle and the rabbit touched, everyone hadn't seen what was going on. The golden eagle turned his head back and flapped his wings.

The rabbit ran away again, and the golden eagle's wings stirred and slowly fell.

"It's over, this rabbit is amazing. Go and see the golden eagle." Li Yi knew that the golden eagle had been kicked, and the rabbit was okay.

Normally, the probability of the golden eagle catching the rabbit is more than 99% successful, and the probability of the rabbit running away is less than 1%.

The probability of the rabbit kicking the eagle is too small. Usually the rabbit is held down, but at the wrong angle, the rabbit struggles and kicks out.

In the end, both lose and lose, and all die.

What I saw today was that the rabbit took the initiative to turn around, and the golden eagle had miscalculated.

The golden eagle's foot was touching, and after watching the flapping of the wings, it was obvious that he could not fly, and his breastbone should have been kicked off or cracked.

It may also be an internal organ injury. If the internal organs are injured and bleeding, there is no rescue.

"Broken wing is best." Li Yi got on his horse and rushed over there.

The villagers were finally willing to put the heavy machine gun and the bullet box on the carriage, and the horseman ran first.

Princess Yongmu snatched a horse to keep up, and for the first time she saw such a fierce rabbit and the hapless golden eagle.

No, she saw the golden eagle catch the rabbit for the first time, and it turned out...

Li Yi went to the place first, got off his horse several tens of meters away, and observed the golden eagle standing on the ground. The golden eagle tried to fly several times, fanned its wings, and even tried to run, but they all failed.

"What can I do?" Li Yi slowly approached.

Others ran over and dismounted, holding knives and spears in their hands.

The golden eagle was obviously frightened, and continued to flap his wings and turned to leave.

"Did you bring the internet?" Li Yi looked at the people around him.

Everyone shook their heads, why did they bring the net when they came out?

"Proprietor, wait for it to die, let's grab it again, or I will hit it with a spear as a stick, so I promise not to break it."

The villager with the spear in his hand turned the spear, he wanted to hit the head to control his strength.

"I want to live." Li Yi began to look at the direction of the wind.

"The big sculpting is over, the bones should be broken, how can I live."

"You follow me, turn, and get in the limelight." Li Yi felt the wind direction and walked in circles.

The golden eagle seemed to know that he could not run, always facing the crowd, occasionally flapping his wings, and then immediately stopped.

When Li Yi turned to the upper hand, a glass bottle suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Stand and don't move. If the wind suddenly changes direction, immediately hold your breath and run away." Li Yi said to everyone, and he began to take deep breaths.

He also has to hold his breath for a while. The bottle in his hand is filled with halothane, which is liquid, and is generally clinically an inhaled anesthetic.

He had another pressure sprayer in his hand, unscrewed it to pour water in, looked at the scale, and took a deep breath.

Hold your breath, unscrew the cap of the halothane, and pour it into the sprayer.

Look at the scale of the bottle, close the cap quickly when it's almost time, and re-tighten the sprayer.

He stepped back on the floor and gasped for breath.

The golden eagle looked at him, always vigilant, but didn't know what he was doing.

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