Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 113 Convincing people with morality to answer differently (first more)

Seeing that Zaifu's expression was not good, Pei Yaoqing spoke quickly.

"Brother Yi, my dear brother Yi, the rich people in Chang'an City don't want to donate more money. What do you think should be a brother?"

Pei Yaoqing wants money, more money, not for greed, but to do well in Chang'an in winter.

If there is an elderly person, it is easy to handle, and there is no food. The law of the Tang Dynasty requires the wealthy households and clans in the place where the elderly are to provide money for support.

It's easier to use locally. In Chang'an, who is whose wealthy household? Who is whose clan?

Li Yi shook his head, and pointed his chopsticks to the casserole: "Goose is the same as duck meat, it is fishy, ​​take advantage of it."

Pei Yaoqing looked at Zhang said. Zhang said that he was helpless. Both people's goals were achieved. All the questions were asked, and Li Yi also gave the method.

That's it, what else should I do?

Can Li Yi manage the rich people in Chang'an City? You can't get the money with a Chang'an order, do you expect the young proprietor of Wuxiang age to ask for it for you?

And you don’t know who Li Yi is good with? It's easy for you to bully him, and he might endure it. Think about the other people.

No, that's not right, you can't bully him either.

He can prevent a group of people from entering Pingkang Square, but you can't do it with Chang'an Order.

You are pressing him into a hurry, be careful that he does something to you.

Pei Yaoqing nodded slightly and understood that the prime minister measured Ba Shui Zhuang and convinced Li Dongzhu with virtue. I understand!

When I want to open it, Pei Yaoqing carefully tasted the casserole. It was really delicious, and it felt better than the dishes made in heaven and earth.

"Brother Yi, Brother Yi, I'm back again for my brother. I brought 60 cows. We bought 30 cows. We bought them cheaply, but they were very thin. Let your Zhuangzi raise them. If I grow fat, I will take them back. Thirty heads."

Li Chengqi ran in suddenly, he left in the morning.

"Dage washes his hands and comes over to eat. Lao Zhang and Pei Ming's mansion are both here, and the cows are kept, and they are ready to be raised."

Li Yi is not polite with Dage. Zhuangzi needs cows and he can use as many as there are.

Li Chengqi washed his hands and face, came over and sat down to watch Zhang Shuo and Pei Yaoqing, the two nodded.

"Brother Yi, is there a catastrophe this year?" Li Chengqi went to make wine by himself. The wine was brewed by the Chuangzi. It just came out and the taste was not very good.

Others are reluctant to drink, Li Chengqi does not matter, Yi brother is own.

"No, don't look at the snow, the scope is not large." Li Yicha didn't find the information, it means that no one has recorded it, or the scope of influence is small.

"Brother Yi, the new wine has a strong taste." Li Chengqi took a sip and clicked his mouth, feeling strong.

"This wine is distilled from the dregs and the purchased inferior wine. It is not full-bodied." Li Yi explained.

He took out the dregs of the wine. He didn't want to throw it away, so he distilled it with cheap wine, squeezed it, and mixed it.

If it is left for a few days, the taste will be better.

"All right." Li Chengqi didn't pick, he ate the sea cabbage he brought when he took the wine, and said: "Brother Yi, I want to find someone to raise money and do good deeds while the weather is cold."

"How much does Dage need? Is 30,000 yuan enough?" Li Yi was even more straightforward, asking for 30,000 yuan directly.

Pei Yaoqing bowed her head and was sad. I'll take care of you to make 400 yuan, and you have to do a round of calculations.

King Song hasn't said anything yet, 30,000 yuan, didn't I call you Brother Yi too.

He looked at Zhang and said, passing silent words: Look, as soon as Song Wang spoke, Li Yi gave a lot.

"No way, no way." Li Chengqi frowned and waved his hand: "Brother knows that Brother Yi is willing to help him, of course, brother can't do that.

Coming here for my brother is asking how I can ask for money from my family, so my brother can also make a lot of money. "

Zhang said to see Pei Yaoqing: You know, right? You just want to pay out Li Yi's money, but Song Wang is not, so Li Yi treats you differently from Song Wang.

"Dage, please." Li Yi also picked up a piece of sea cabbage.

"Brother Yi, do you have any ideas for the rich to pay?" Li Chengqi asked quickly.

"Yes!" Li Yi replied simply.

Pei Yaoqing looked at Zhang and said: Did I also ask just now, he didn't say, you still told me that it was impossible with your eyes? What do you say now?

Zhang said staring back: I need to explain the truth to you? Believe it or not, even if Li Yi says you can get promoted next year, you can't get promoted even if you fight heaven-defying?

Pei Yaoqing suddenly remembered, yes, she is Zaifu, and she is Changan Ling.

So his eyes changed instantly, and he squeezed a smile: No, I didn't, I just wanted to, I couldn't figure it out.

Zhang said that his face was slightly sullen: because you have never seen each other peacefully.

Pei Yaoqing actually understood and nodded vigorously.

Li Chengqi cast an angry glance at the two people: What are you two doing? Do you want to express your emotions if you are frowning?

"Brother Yi, tell me, Brother Yi wants to help people, and you also learn from Brother Yi, Zhuangzi here."

Li Chengqi has a clear purpose, he finds rich people to make money, and he does good things on his own.

"Don't worry about Dage, say while eating." Li Yi took a soup cup, and put most of the goose and hericium casserole soup in front of Li Chengqi.

He was worried that Dage rushed over to give a cold wind to his stomach, and he didn't need to press it with hot soup, which would cause stomach pain.

Li Chengqi drank the soup and hiccup, really comfortable.

"When it is cold, I will blow the air outside. When I go back to the house, remember to drink some hot water. If you have an empty stomach, don't drink tea. The green tea I make will not work either."

Li Yi said more and told Dage what to do.

"Listen to you, Brother Yi." Li Chengqi nodded to indicate that he had remembered.

Pei Yaoqing and Zhang said also took note, and the two admitted that Li Yi never lied.

Li Yi ate the sea cabbage: "Speaking of which, I was fortunate enough to meet Yulin Feiqi and spend a good time together. Calling Cuju a football, should Dage know about it?"

"I know, I also play for my brother, the new rules are good." Li Chengqi said.

"In that case, Dage took the wealthy family to play in the open area for two days, not afraid of the cold.

Then Dage told the wealthy family to contract the stadium and organize the game. In the 22 counties of Jingzhao Mansion, each county would have a team of Samsara to play the game.

Each team gets one hundred thousand dollars, the first place gives two million dollars, the second place one million dollars, the third place 500,000 dollars, and the other fourth to tenth places 200,000 dollars. "

Li Yi introduced the football league.

"Doesn't the top ten add up to five and two million dollars? Twenty-two teams came out with a total of two and two million dollars, who will give the extra money?"

Zhang said that he found a loophole all at once and called out.

"Old man, don't call it." Song Wang is not polite. What are you doing here, Zhang said? I'm talking to my brother Yi, is it your turn?

You are the prime minister, I know, but can you let my third brother and sister-in-law come to your house for one night?

If it weren't for Yi brother to involve Yao Chong in the heart of the third brother, you don't know what's going on now?

"Humph!" Zhang said with a cold snort.

"Don't worry Dage, the old man is not angry, he can see things clearly, the team can see clearly, so that they can participate in the game."

Li Yi hurriedly switched. It was not a conflict of ideology and interests, and there was no need to fight each other.

"Who will give the extra money?" Pei Yaoqing asked Zhang for help.

"Rich household." Li Yi took it for granted.

"Rich households suffer?" Li Chengqi asked.

"No one loses. Dage is to raise money to achieve our goal, not to cheat people. If you want to cheat people simply, brother, here is a way."

Li Yi said frankly that it was too easy for him to pit the current people.

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