Huang An took the letter and looked at it, looking up at the sky, the sun in the sky is so dazzling at the moment.

After more than ten breaths, he changed hands and gave the letter to Zhang Jiuling.

Zhang Jiuling took a look, sighed, and put the letter on the table.

Wei Yuefeng glanced at a few people, stretched out his hand to take it, no one stopped him, he took it in his hand happily, looked, frowned, frowned vigorously.

"The situation is not good?" Tan Shui looked around. She was surrounded by people, and she was thinking about mobilizing soldiers again.

"Just look at it, alas!" Wei Yuefeng looked sad.

"I see it." Tan Shui grasped the letter, placed it in front of his eyes, and said: "Unrighteous and wealthy are like clouds, behave generously and pay courtesy to the emperor. It is possible to beat drums and noisy, and the road is not changed. "

After reading, she looked at Wei Yuefeng: "You didn't understand it, did you?"

"Please enlighten me!" Wei Yuefeng cupped fist, yes, I don't understand, you know what you say.

"Listen." Tan Shui Baiwei Yuefeng glanced, turned his head and smiled and said to Zhang Jiuling: "Dong Zhang, what are you talking about?"

"Yanjie let other people attack it, Confucius said: unrighteous, rich and noble, like me.

It is also said: The gentleman's behavior is also to save the courtesy, to give the best, and to put it in the middle, to converge from the thin.

Then Confucius targeted Ran Qiu, but actually targeted Ji Clan, saying that Ranqiu is not a disciple, and it's okay for the kid to beat his drums. "

Zhang Jiuling explained to Tan Shui and Wei Yuefeng that Yan Jie didn't say anything practical, but told everyone what to do.

"I still didn't understand." Tan Shui was distressed.

"Yan Jie gave an example of Ji's collecting money wrongly, and then asked everyone to attack Zhang Gong together, saying that this was to follow the Sage's way."

Huang An put it in simpler words next to him.

"Why is he so bad?" Tan Shui finally understood.

Turning her head, she said to Zhang Jiuling: "Don't be afraid of Zhang Gong, I will ask someone to transfer troops, don't look at the entire Guangzhou there are two or three million people, not so many can fight."

"It's good for you to have this heart. There is no need to transfer troops. Dongguan County will not listen to Yan Jie's coaxing. Other counties, as long as they are not stupid, they will not move."

Huang Lun was shocked, don't you, you can send troops from there, it doesn't matter if there are three thousand people, if you exceed ten thousand, you can only write memorials to the court.

"You tell them that there are coal mines in my Luzhou, and more than 40,000 people are digging them. Once they have been dug, they will be sent over to sell you at a cheaper price.

When the time comes, you can use it to do blacksmithing work, and we will start smelting iron tools again, and it will be easy to use.

My words count, my Tan family never lied to others, they were always deceived in the past, it is better to believe in Li Dongzhu than to believe in your government. "

Tan Shui didn't know Huang Lun. He looked at the other party's official uniform and the county magistrate, and began to command.

"Okay, thank you Xiao Niang Tan family." Huang Lun didn't care about Tan Shui's tone.

He knew from the newspaper how useful coal is. The newspaper taught how to use coal to make coking and then use coke to smelt metals.

The temperature is high, and you can fry steel just as you want, without having to hit a hundred steel making.

There is no coal in the local area, but there is it in Luzhou. If it is transported by water, the people in the county can use good kitchen knives and farming tools.

It can even be exchanged to barbarians, and barbarians don’t have any good steel.

"It's okay, a trivial matter. Do you understand now?" Tan Shui said to Wei Yuefeng in the following words.

"Thank you!" What can Wei Yuefeng say? You don't understand, you actually...

"Hey? When this letter is sent to Lijiazhuangzi, will Li Dongzhu be angry?" Tan Shui suddenly thought of a good way.

"This letter can't catch the fault, and they didn't say anything directly. It can be said that it was discussing Confucius." Zhang Jiuling shook his head.

"It turns out to be like this? No wonder the writing makes me unable to understand, there is no way for him?" Tan Shui gritted his teeth.

"This is the case for the time being." Huang An chose to stand in line.

"Proprietor, Proprietor, I've got a letter from Dongzhu Li." Zhang Jiuling's manager ran over, holding two bamboo tubes in his hands.

"Sit down and eat together, I'll see what's written." Zhang Jiuling said in a warm tone, and asked Own to sit down.

When I left Chang'an, I was just a family, and the people from Lijiazhuangzi followed suit.

It feels like yesterday, not far away.

Zhang Jiuling opened the two bamboo tubes and compared the letters inside. Needless to say, the words of the woman must have been written by Princess Yongmu.

By comparison, the content is the same, and the punctuation is not bad.

I can even feel that it was pleasant when I wrote it, and I will see the content again.

"It's okay." Zhang Jiuling handed one copy to Huang An and another to Tan Shui.

"Golden pearl goods, people's hearts are falling, ten thousand waves...It's this kind of thing, can't you write a letter simpler?"

Tan Shui looked at it again, and he felt really good, but he didn't know the meaning.

"Gong Zhang, what metric is this?" Huang An exhaled after reading it, and at the same time asked the poem.

"In the past, Li Yi wrote several songs with the same rhythm, but I discovered that this is a double-fold rhyme. The rhyme of the first three sentences of Shangyu is the same as the rhyme of the first three sentences of Xiayu.

The four rhyming feet after the upper ring are the same as the four rhyming feet after the lower ring, but in this letter, Li Yi also rhymes the ones that do not need rhyming.

The old man wrote to him before, working in South Vietnam, there are many mountains, and the sea breeze lingers..."

Zhang Jiuling said with a smile, literati, just like this, he wrote to the past, a little provocative.

As a result, they returned. It is estimated that they were playing with Princess Yongmu, so Princess Yongmu wrote.

"Gong Zhang, Li Yi's reply is more magnificent than yours." Huang Lun finished reading and told the truth.

"Let me listen to his previous copy of this rule, yes, the copy is gentle and graceful, who knows he changed it again."

Zhang Jiuling was depressed, indeed, what he wrote was a kind of grievance, but Li Yi responded not.

It is even with the momentum of killing, but also tolerant and atmospheric.

"Gong Zhang, what is it? I just read it interestingly, but I can't understand it." Tan Shui began to hate literati.

"Li Yi asked me to unite the local mountain people to benefit the mountain people and use the mountain people to deal with the local clans.

To make concessions to the clan, the clan is insatiable; seeking profit for the mountain people, the mountain people know the favor. "

Zhang Jiuling learned the lesson just now and spoke plainly.

"Or Li Dongzhu understands us, yes, if you give us a little benefit, we are willing to obey.

Our villages all listen to Li Dongzhu. He doesn't lie to others. He is so rich and powerful, so he doesn't need to bully us. "

Tan Shui immediately praised Li Yi, that it was useful for her family to talk in that area.

The three of them went to Chang'an and saw three Zaifu, who brought back a lot of things and exchange coupons, as well as the location of the mine.

The surrounding villages are using new coal for coking, and then building tools and weapons.

The key is to build the road, and there are many good steel drills, hammers, shovels, hands and Calabash...

The three members of one's own family have higher prestige in own village, and they can speak in other villages.

"Judging from the information received, Dr. Li is indeed dedicated to the people, and his personal virtues are without loss." Huang An basically wrote back to Song Jing every month.

Song Jing always mentioned Li Yi every time and talked about what Li Yi did in Jingzhao Mansion.

For example, if someone finds a bug in the bean field and wants to trample it to death, Li Yi tells everyone how to raise it, how to eat it after raising it, and how good it is for the body.

The last letter said that when the cold bean worms grow up, they will be buried in the soil and mailed, and let themselves be deep-fried and tasted.

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