Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1166 The people's heart can speak winter (first more)

"No, I believe you once, I'm a little scared, I just want my home." The person who saw the voucher did not reach out.

He is not asking for money, he just feels that his house is not working.

Then the new magistrate said that he could help solve everything, and he said it.

Unexpectedly, it worked. The new county magistrate paid for it and used it as a guarantee.

"Go, go to the hillside of his house and see what's going on." Li Feng directly ordered Yu Lin Feiqi, his tone was like a command.

He doesn't have this right, he is pretending.

Fortunately, Yu Lin Feiqi Giving face, everyone has the same goal.

To make the local people trust the court more, Yu Lin Feiqi represents your majesty.

"Yes! Twenty rides are dispatched to check." Yulin Feiqi ran out for twenty rides.

The people are watching. Yesterday some people went to the place where the road was built and found that the situation had changed.

Today, the new county magistrate is here, even if there is no handover, the administration seems to be even more powerful.

"Since everyone is here, there are not many people anyway. Let's have dinner together at noon, and I will cook some dishes for you."

Li Feng sent out Yulin Feiqi and said with a smile to the people who came close.

"Li Ming Mansion, they say your pie is delicious, is it true?"

An eight or nine-year-old boy took his five-year-old Little Sister's hand and shouted to Li Feng.

"There is no stuffing. We checked our old accounts last night and it was too late to twist the stuffing.

But today, some mountain people said to bring wild animals. Before noon, I believe them. When they come, I can make a copy for you.

Is this you Little Sister? Little Sister, what do you want to eat? Fat or thin? "

Li Feng stepped up to the boy's side and said to the two brothers and sisters.

"Broiled pork." The little girl has heard the merchant say that the braised pork is delicious, but I have never seen it.

"Then let's kill a pig now. I will make it for you. Whoever has a pig will buy it at a high price." Li Feng agreed.

Soon a pig was rushed over, and Li Feng personally slaughtered it with a knife, and the blood was left behind, and he wanted to make blood tofu.

He specially selected good pork belly and set up the pot to make it.

Use a shovel to fry it for hundreds of catties at a time.

It is mainly fried sugar and seasoning, and put after the meat.

After frying, let go of the water and simmer, remove the froth, and add the seasoning.

Slowly dry, and the braised pork will be made.

There are several methods for braised pork, and the current method requires heat.

The way Li Feng took is the best way without soy sauce.

Before eating, the dilapidated house was demolished, and wood or something was sent back.

In addition, Huangpizi's family is unlucky, and there are other wild animals unlucky at the same time.

Yulin Feiqi dispatched once, it was impossible to just stare at Huangpizi to clean up.

There are nine yellow skins peeled on the spot, and the small ones have grown up, so they don’t need to drink milk.

The two older ones are dead, for follow-up treatment, and the seven smaller ones are placed in cages, ready to be sent back to Li Yi.

"Two skins, is it enough?" Li Feng looked at the bloody weasel skin and asked the person at home whose chicken was eaten by the yellow skin.

"Enough, enough, hehe! Did I take it?" The person who threw the chicken didn't care if the yellow skin was the one who stole his chicken.

He wasn't too dirty, so he picked it up and put it at own's feet, then looked around, rubbing his hands on his body.

Those who live in dilapidated houses also showed joy when they saw the main beams and beams on the ground.

The most difficult thing to find in building a house is beams. With beams, other things are easy to handle.

"You said the place, where belongs to you, we will build a new house for you." Li Feng said to the person.

"There is a place, my family has a place to live in a shack, and the open space next to the shack is where we are going to demolish the house and rebuild it."

The people in the dilapidated house squatted down to look at the beams. If the beams are not good, replace them.

This main beam can only be obtained by saving money for many years.

Going deep in the mountains, the big trees outside are not allowed to cut casually.

Hire someone to go into the mountain, find the tree, cut it down, and send it out.

Peel the bark and air it in the sun. If it is not cracked or deformed, it is a good beam.

If it is cracked or the shape has changed too much, look for it again.

Generally, when you enter the mountain, someone familiar with it will show you which tree is mature.

"Everyone wash their hands and eat." Li Feng greeted again.

The people were already waiting with their own tableware, and the little Little Sister stood beside the cauldron and swallowed constantly.

She just heard people say that there is a dish of braised pork, and she has never eaten it.

Smell it now, it feels so good.

Two large pots of braised pork, put them together with the taro and stew again, and cover the top with noodles.

It belongs to yongbing, and the dishes are made together with the staple food.

This dish is not called the farmer’s one-pot, the farmer’s one-pot is cornmeal pancakes, and the pancakes are pasted around the big stove.

Stew beans, potatoes, corn, chunks of meat, vermicelli, and cabbage in a pot, just put it at will, which is different from chaotic stewing.

Li Feng first served the children in the county, mainly meat, and then put a large pie with small pickles made temporarily with salt.

With the addition of pork bone soup and various fried pig offal, everyone started eating.

Li Feng and others ate together, Yu Lin Feiqi did not touch the meat, and tried to drink soup, pancakes, and pickles.

A bite of pig is not enough for Yulin Feiqi to eat. They have a lot of appetite, so they can just get some soup.

The people stopped one after another as they ate, and the children looked up when they noticed the situation.

"You eat it, take out all the spare ribs in the pot and eat the meat. If you don't eat it, how do we eat it?" Old Chen shouted.

"Yes, fish it out, give you bones, we have some soup to eat." Someone else supported and got up to find a way to fish the bones.

A quarter of an hour later, Yu Lin Feiqi bit his bones and started eating with the people again.

With a smile on the people's faces, a meal is not important to them, and there is no shortage of these bites of meat.

They know how good the new magistrate and your majesty’s private army are, and the magistrates will cook fragrant meals.

When he said he helped catch the yellow leather, he grabbed the yellow leather. When he said to demolish the house, he would pull the beam down when he went up.

Following such an official, there will be a good life in the future.

"I'll report, I'll report Yan's matter..." A man couldn't help it, and began to say how many bad things Yan did.

Others followed and added that even if Yan's people probed their brains not far away, they didn't care.


"The weather will gradually get colder, and the territory of Datang will be too large. The situation is different in different places. However, when the hot kang is promoted, I will bring out a few better coal mine locations."

Lijiazhuangzi, Li Yi speaks to Li Longji and the three Zaifu.

Many people came today, mainly asking about the Yellow River.

Li Yi didn't want to talk about the Yellow River, it had already been arranged.

His eyes are on the Jiangnan area in winter, which is cold in winter.

He had a problem at that time, where did cardiovascular disease happen most?

Of course, in the Jiangnan area in winter, where there is no heating and air conditioning, the temperature is low.

A person's body loses a lot of heat, and the body's function will decline rapidly.

"Write in the newspaper, children under the age of five should hug as much as possible during the day and put them next to their wives when they sleep at night."

Li Yi began to give orders again, aimed at infants and young children.

"Where is the Yellow River? The soldiers are expensive to win, not for long. You have to rush to attack, and more than one hundred thousand Great Tang soldiers are trapped there."

Song Jing found the opportunity and quickly accused Li Yi.

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