Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1174 technology innovation is difficult to short-term (first)

It fell last night, and when I got up in the morning, it didn't seem to be so hot, but more cool.

Today is the beginning of autumn, the ninth day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar, and the twenty-second day of the ninth month in the solar calendar.

The people who have land in Jingzhao Mansion went to the land to adjust vegetable planting and harvesting, and large sheds were built.

The planted cotton began to be harvested, and the Ministry of Households sent people to stare at it, and the people were not allowed to take it by themselves.

A small part of this batch of cotton is processed to make absorbent cotton, and the rest will be made into military coats and bedding for the soldiers in front.

The extra ones were sent to exchange for things of the Tubo tribe, which affected the hearts of the Tubo people.

At the same time, the seeds were sent to the Anxi Jiedu Envoy and the Glulu Ministry led by Ashinaxian, telling them to start planting cotton next year.

There belonged to Xinjiang in the Li Yi period, and the deseed machine and spinning machine with drawings and assembly were sent together.

Next year they can grow a lot, and then they can use it for themselves if they like, and sell more to other places.

"This year's several governorates in the northeast will not give it. No, they won't fight." Li Yi started drinking mutton soup early in the morning.

At the beginning of autumn, autumn fat should be attached, even if there is no shortage of food in the past, according to the custom, you should eat more meat.

Today, the price of meat is high. Early in the morning, pork has risen by more than 10%, and mutton has risen by nearly 20%.

When Li Yi had breakfast, the price of pork dropped by 5% and the price of mutton dropped by 12%.

The meat sellers in the east and west markets have no choice. Some people advertised that pork at the Chengnan Meat Market only rose by 3% and mutton by 5%.

Everyone paid for the ticket and took the bus to Nanshi.

The people knew the reason. It is said that the proprietor of Bashui Li wrote a letter to Yu Huaide and others, saying that on the day of the beginning of autumn, the meat will be increased by two or three percent, yes!

Then a large amount of meat was released, and the price was fixed.

Other places that provide live pigs are very proactive, and Li Yi can do it.

"Doctor Li, if you don't benefit the pig and sheep raisers, don't you know that they are sad?" Wu Jieyu watched Own's son aloud.

A few days ago, Bao'er was full moon and opened. His mother looks good, but now she is fat and white.

It was cold in the morning, and a hot water pipe was installed in the single room of the cafeteria to raise the temperature.

Bao'er was still asleep, Wu You was carefree.

"This year's food harvest is bumper. Two seasons of indica rice have been successfully planted, and one season of vegetables can be added.

Vegetables in the water network grow well and are used to feed livestock, especially pigs, which saves food.

Good news came from Sinong Temple, and the rice that increased yield was found, and other research will be done.

There is a large number of migrants, and there are also many poultry farms, especially ducks. The cost of raising livestock is reduced, and no more money can be made. "

Li Yi said about the overall situation, and suddenly found Bao'er raised his brows.

Greeting: "Peach red, change to the side."

Tao Hong put down her chopsticks and ran over, pushed the cart to the corner, and brought clean diapers.

The baby opened his mouth and was about to cry, but suddenly stopped. After Tao Hong finished the treatment, he took the things and went out.

"How much is the increase in production?" Queen Wang looked at her own son.

"Said it is doubled, I guess it would be good to have five achievements. They like to exaggerate the number.

It is estimated that the yield will be stable at three stones per mu. Under the condition of sufficient fertilizer, there are two stones in rice.

Little, doubling is four shi. It’s impossible. The highest per mu yield I know is 13 shi, double-season rice, only six shi in one season. "

Li Yi didn't believe in the data given by Sinong Temple. If it were to blow, the yield per mu would be less than 10,000 catties.

"Only six stones? Double crops? What kind of rice?" Queen Wang was already content with 50%.

"Super rice, let's plant the current new rice and indica rice, which yields 13 shi per mu. We have to wait for Sinong Temple and the industrialization of chemical fertilizers."

Li Yi never counted on Datang’s emergence of super rice in a short period of time because of lack of one person.

Now Jingzhao Mansion is using a lot of farm manure and mineral fertilizers, and the yield of the land is high.

In other parts of Datang, where rice and wheat can be planted in double crops in the south, it is maintained at three rocks, three rocks a year.

Jingzhaofu has two stones for rice a year, and water nets and fertilizers play a big role.

Not to mention an increase in grain output by 50%, even if it is more than 20%, the people who plant the sky will no longer need to borrow money after one year.

What comes out is more than two months of rice, only a few months after the green and yellow?

"A few years have passed, and I think of the past, as if yesterday." Queen Wang sighed.

She watched how Li Yi led the people of Jingzhao Mansion to improve their life, and then extended it further.

Little by little, it seems that there is not much improvement every time, and when they add up, it turns out that the income of the people has doubled several times.

Wu Jieyu didn't come back over there and sat in the car to nurse the baby. The baby didn't have time to cry to remind people during the whole process, and it was all resolved.

While feeding her son, Wu Jieyu said: "In a few years, Datang will be everywhere in Jingzhao Mansion."

"Impossible. The abilities of officials are different. Some officials have no people in their hearts. Officials in remote places are more willing to be emperors."

Li Yi pours cold water, are officials the same as faculty members?

"Kill! Release your students from Zhuangzi and go to the prefectures to serve as the governor." Wu Jieyu felt like the queen is more than the queen at the moment.

"It's your majesty's courtier, not my Li family Zhuangzi." Li Yi made the matter clear.

A student of Lijiazhuangzi? If sent outside, wouldn't the whole world become Li's Zhuangzi?

"Next year, put them in the county, and the students in the county will be arranged to enter the state capital." Li Dan, who was always eating silently, gave an idea.

"I have to teach them other knowledge. I had to continue teaching 90 nurses, but Guo Zhiyun asked 30 of them to teach medical doctors who were accompanying the army."

Li Yi mentioned the request from the source of the Yellow River. He sent out 30 people, including 10 women, 10 men, and 10 imperial physicians from the Imperial Medical Office in Zhuangzi.

It’s been a few days since I went out with a lot of things.

Concubine Doulu put down her chopsticks. When she was full, she ate a bowl of egg custard, the marinated one, and ate six more siu mais.

The difference between Shaomai and steamed buns is that the steamed buns leave the noodles.

She picked up a piece of watermelon: "Students were sent out and were caught. Isn't it a leak of knowledge?"

"How can it be that easy? I'm knowledgeable enough, right? I can't drive it, it takes time.

There is no information available for the little bit of what they have learned. If others want to learn it, it will not be useful for more than a decade.

Give me more than ten years, whoever catches the student, the country I will kill him, no one in front of me want to overtake a curve. "

Li Yi is full of confidence. He has developed a little bit. It has been so difficult, not to mention other countries.

Who can overtake a corner? It's impossible without turning a corner.

I belong to the development of the science and technology tree and the layout of the social system.

All the mistakes made by social development in history will be passed on by myself.

Even so, I still feel slow. When will the rocket launcher have a range of hundreds of kilometers?

"Xiao Yi, do you think my body is okay?" When Li Dan heard Li Yi's words for more than ten years, he was sad again, afraid of death.

"No problem, you go back to your house once in a while and see your family have a meeting. You live in the Zhuangzi more often. Remember to give a cow one a month."

Li Yi was joking, he knew that Li Dan died in history because his heart died first.

Nowadays, people don’t want to die, and it’s better to see the people every day. You have to see more.

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