When Chang Sun Xin came to the river, many people stood on the bank, all watching the boat.

By comparison with other ships, this ship has a length of twenty feet and a width of about four feet.

There was a chimney above the ship, and black smoke was gurgling.

There are no oars, no sails, and no big wheels on either side. It should be the kind of boat with the propeller underwater.

But this boat is too big, how many people step on it?

And the boat seems to be made of iron, not wood.

"Quick, how fast can this be the fastest?" Li Long base station was on the deck of the bow, feeling comfortable.

"Faster than pedaling, I can run more than 20 miles in half an hour, the fastest, 30 miles." Li Yi introduced.

He introduced a lot of content along the way, including how to weld boilers, pressure gauges, and iron boats.

The pressure gauge uses a spring tube, the simplest one, but it does not need to be filled with silicone oil.

How to measure the pressure value of the spring tube? Isn't that the medical oxygen cylinder he exchanged? That has a pressure gauge.

Use that table to detect and locate the value of the current steam engine pressure gauge, so that if it is determined, more manufacturing can be made.

Welding technology belongs to fire welding, using acetylene, making it ourselves.

Anyone who has the technology to manufacture calcium carbide and acetylene can make steel, because the temperature required for the manufacture of calcium carbide is higher than the melting temperature of ordinary steel.

Then use calcium carbide to get the acetylene out, and fire welding with the oxygen cylinder, so that the iron ship appears.

He also specially built out the water tank, what others saw was a boat, which actually reflected the technical background of Lijiazhuangzi.

As for this ship, I wrote a paper and sent it to people in other countries and countries, but I couldn’t build it after reading it.

At present, the fastest speed of the ship can reach 17 knots. In this case, the pressure on the shaft of the propeller is too large and it is easy to break.

Just keep the speed of twelve or three knots and run 22 kilometers in half an hour.

If this ship goes to America, it needs to go through the Strait of Magellan, because there is no Panama Canal.

It's like going around the Cape of Good Hope to go to Africa without the Suez Canal.

From Datang to the west, you have to cross the Strait of Malacca before going to Africa, because when Li Yi came there, there was no Kra Canal, it was the one in Thailand.

In fact, if the resources are sufficient, you can go directly from the Cape of Good Hope to South America, across the ocean, the Atlantic Ocean.

To go east is to take the Pacific Ocean, and the places I arrive belong to Peru, Ecuador, and Chile.

After bypassing the Strait of Magellan, you arrive in Argentina, and continue upward to Brazil. There are many good things here.

Corn, pepper, tobacco, etc. are all here, silver and gold.

If it goes a little bit off, Mexico’s cactus is pretty good too. It’s big and can be eaten roasted.

Of course, if you really go east to America, you can’t go directly, you need to go a little bit south.

First go to the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Pitcairn Islands, Easter Island...

Anyway, all the islands along the way have to walk around to supply fresh water.

If others want to go out to sea, they will take their fate all the way, maybe walking to the Hawaiian Islands.

Li Yi has a map, the latitude and longitude of all the places that can be supplied are marked, and the location is determined.

The fleet considers which island to supply, and puts the support in this way. If you still can't make it, be stupid.

Theodolite, sextant, simple desalination equipment, etc. are all ready.

Including the fresh rice wine in barrels, if there is no water to drink, just drink.

You can even bring ice and saltpeter in the cabin.

Carrots, oranges, and Chinese medicine are equivalent to taking a look along the route and finding something to bring back.

The mine does not need people in the past to search for it alone and draw a place.

"How long does it take to go to the place you said at this speed?" Li Longji discovered the advantages of a steam engine ship and can always run.

"According to mathematical calculations, half a month, according to the actual situation, God knows.

In theory, one month should be about the same, but it needs to be detoured.

If you don't reach the other shore in the local area, if you cross by land, people will die. "

Li Yi wanted something, instead of sending someone over to see it.

Disembarking from the West Bank through the Amazon rainforest? Yulin Feiqi couldn't stand it, even if he marked the local harmful animals and insects.

Not to mention the Amazon rainforest, where in Shennongjia, Hubei, organize a team to go over and take a look?

"In that case, you can go back and forth in three months?" Li Longji was anxious about the potatoes Li Yi said. He had eaten the potatoes and thought it was good.

"In the past, there were not necessarily corn seeds and potatoes, sweet potatoes, rubber trees and other things. We have to bring back more at a time. Gold or silver does not matter."

Li Yi was also anxious and wanted to eat tomatoes and kidney beans. Kidney beans are carob and kidney beans.

Including some nuts, as well as big apples. As for hemp, hemp can be used as medicine.

Forget the tobacco, bring it back to teach Datang people to smoke dry tobacco pouches?

"Yes, gold is inferior to ordinary people's food." Li Longji also wanted to start now.

The problem of money is not a problem. If you want money, look for Yidi.

"When you come back for the first time, tell the big family and those who are willing to take risks." Li Yishun said.

"Benefit them? Let them stop in Datang?" Li Longji frowned, no one was willing to compromise.

"It's an excuse. They go out. Let's make the rules. We break the rules, so we can do it easily." Li Yi had a smile on his face.

"Haha!" Li Longji smiled suddenly, very comfortable.

In the eyes of the people, the proprietor of Lijiazhuangzi in Bashui, Chang'an is a very kind person.

The big family felt that Li Yi was indecisive and not cruel in some respects.

Actually? Brother Yi acted for the sake of Datang's overall situation, and there is no situation where he does not get rid of it.

He can kill people himself, and continue to live a normal life after the killing.

The enemy’s head was smashed in the first moment, and when he returned to Zhuangzi the next moment, he could pick up the baby and kiss him and lift it high.

To kill, it doesn't matter to Brother Yi, he kills if he wants to kill.

Will killing a chicken eat it psychologically?

Brother Yi kills people just like he kills a chicken.

"Brother Yi, can you kill children and pregnant women?" Li Longji asked suddenly.

Li Yi directly shook his head: "No, some people kill for courage, that is, when they kill the same kind, they break through the moral bottom line and code of conduct.

My purpose of killing is clear, you damn it, your presence has seriously interfered with me, so I kill you, or you want to kill me.

Children and pregnant women are not threatening to me. What is the point of killing them? Prove to others that I am cruel and make others afraid of me? "

Li Yi always felt that the difference between humans and animals lies in their own judgment and bottom line.

Indigenous people kill for food, and people can eat. Civilized people kill innocent people without threatening you. Why do you do that?

When killing innocent civilians for the sake of courage, such people are actually not humans.

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