Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1210 The river ice is solid and there is no surplus (first more)

Ten people dragged the big ice cart to advance on the ice, with sacks on the ice cart with soil in the sacks.

People stood on both sides of the strait, and the people of Yulin Feiqi lent their own telescopes to the people of the Tubo tribe.

"This is the telescope. It really can see far away, and people who look at the other side can see the face clearly."

"We used to fight with people with binoculars, and we suffered a lot."

"Two crystals, one on each side of the tube."

"It's okay to look at transparent colored glaze, I don't know if it's good to copy it."

"Don't think about it. I heard that Princess Jincheng has Zamp and Dalun from Tubo. How could it not be considered."

People from the tribe said they looked at the telescope and discussed, the title changed, and they said they were Tubo.

Ten people continue to move forward, wearing nail shoes, and dragging the ice cart. In fact, it is very easy, provided that the ice surface is relatively flat.

Before the 1980s, Li Yi people in the northeast liked snow on the ground.

Drag an ice cart to sell things at home, or drag things back from the market.

For winter catching, ice carts and horse-drawn sledges are even more needed.

A good sledge is like a small house, two horses, or an elk to pull it.

The people on the ice walked along, walking to the middle of the river in a quarter of an hour, and the people on the bank became nervous.

Under normal circumstances, the shore is the least likely to freeze, there is soil, and the temperature will pass. The main concern is that there will be cavities in the middle of the river.

In another quarter of an hour, the man and the ice cart successfully reached the opposite bank. The people over there cheered, and the people who followed them also shouted.

"I can go. In winter, we will transport things directly on the ice on both sides of the strait."

"Wait for another heavy snowfall, and materials from other places will choose to walk on the ice."

"Winter is getting better, and people will not starve to death."

The tribes look forward to smoother delivery channels than the Tang Jun. They are waiting to get enough food through exchange and work this winter.

"Quickly, tell the good news to other places, and look for locations with turbulent water downstream to observe the ice layer." Guo Zhiyun ordered.

In the past, even in Jiedushi, Hexi, it was annoying to snow in winter, and the road was difficult to walk if it snowed.

Now that there are new means of transportation, the snow is even better.

"It is estimated that sledges will be made for transportation in all places where it snows. In winter, it may create a good time for war."

Zhang Xiaosong expressed his own opinion that sleds, Turks and Turks would be used in Hexi, not to mention Tubo.

"The horse can't bear it unless they have enough concentrate." Zhang Zhongliang denied it from the supply.

In the heavy snowy days in winter, livestock can reduce their movement and feed them well.

The horse is expected to run long distances on the snow with a lot of fodder. The fodder needs to have millet, and only hay is not enough.

If the conditions are good, you should also feed fried beans or bean cakes, wheat bran, and salt.

Horses are running outside. If they don’t eat well, how can they be effective?

"Our horses eat a lot of food every day. If there is no war in the front, should we transfer some horses back and raise them in the back?"

Wang Junkui was afraid that the rear could not be able to support it, so one army horse with concentrate and fodder a day could eat 15 or 6 catties of food.

The grass is easy to say. It was cut and bundled before, and it was piled like a mountain.

Concentrate is food, and what is eaten by horses is as edible as for humans.

War horses that don't run out to perform tasks feed five or six catties of concentrate a day, and horses that participate in patrols and hunting can feed seven or eight catties of concentrate a day.

No feeding is guaranteed to lose fat. Even if the horse does not go out, he still has to stroll around the stables.

Qin Li listened to several people and interjected: "Let the horse-drawn chariot transport, arrange. I will write a letter back to ask if it can be supplied there?"


"What did you ask?" On the boat, Li Yi and others had finished their meal. The three women were sent back and they were given a set of clothes.

"They didn't know anything. They only said that someone shouted that the cabin was leaking. Everyone ran up and was squeezed down."

Feiqi Yu, who was in charge of saving people and inquiring about the situation, replied.

"Send someone to stare at. First of all, they know that I am good at water. It has been several years, and now I don't swim in the river outside at all."

Li Yi hates riddles the most. He wants to judge that the fact that he once rescued ducks and caught black fishes has been fascinated.

No one was mentioning it for a long time, and the other party would first judge that he might go down and save people himself.

The people on the ship did not respond in panic, indicating that they knew that the leak in the cabin was not serious.

You have to keep an eye on them and see who they will come into contact with later.

There are many speculations in it, and it seems that all of them are true.

It is more likely that all the guesses are false. In theory, in this situation, the entire ship should be arrested and tortured.

But when it's so festive, just send someone to stare at it.

The boat stopped at this time and could no longer move forward. The front was divided into many small streams, and the source of Bashui could not go up.

The steam engine ship began to reverse, hit the rudder, move forward, hit the rudder, and dangled in that range.

The observer shouted "Left rudder two, right rudder three" or something.

"Li Yi, the old man asks you, how many horses are there in front of you?" Yao Chong came over with an enamel tea cup.

"Is this big enamel cup easy to use?" Li Yi didn't answer the number of horses in front of him. Everyone knew the number.

Own horses, catching horses, add up to more than 150,000 horses, more than people.

Zhang Xiaosong 10,000 fine rides, four rides per person.

"It's easy to use. Soldiers can't handle an enamel military kettle. Do you know how much forage a horse eats in a day?"

"On average ten catties, plus people’s meals, consume 2.2 million catties a day.

If you count the money, plus the freight, it's about seven million dollars, seven thousand dollars.

Seven thousand a day, seventy thousand ten days, seven hundred thousand one hundred days, it takes one hundred and fifty days to see the green, one hundred and fifty thousand. "

Li Yi directly told the expenses, not counting canned food, arrows, cement, and medicinal materials.

Why count arrows without fighting? Before that, the land of Shu sent a lot of arrows.

Counting cement and coal, a 2.3 million yuan is enough.

However, cement mines have been opened, and cement plants will be able to make profits in the future, and coal mines will make money just as they produce coal.

"So little?" Yao Chong thought little.

"There are too many dead people. The dead are given compensation and rewards for meritorious deeds. But horses and other livestock belong to us, especially the place."

Li Yi spreads his hands, how much do you want?

"Everything in five months adds up to 2.3 million yuan, where is it missing?" Bi Gou also brought an enamel jar over.

He felt that Yao Chong was floating. If there were no good weapons and capable generals and soldiers in this war, he would now spend four million yuan.

In the past few years, the imperial government's fiscal revenue was more than 8 million yuan, and one-half of the fiscal revenue was a battle? Long ago, Datang had been dragged across.

No, I can't fight at all, I have no money.

Fiscal revenue is not fiscal surplus, how can there be money to support crazy attacks?

This is still the cost from the cement and coal expenditure for repairing the city to the cost from now to the arrival of spring, before?

"Isn't there 30 million yuan in fiscal revenue this year?" Yao Chong meant that I calculated according to this.

"Give the salary, ten million is gone. It is said that it is necessary to repair the railway tracks and set aside ten million. Then there will be the fleet, plus the warriors, and they are gone."

Bi Gou spread his hands like Li Yi.

"You bluff me?" Yao Chong stared.

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