Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1220 Technology is powerful and financial evil (third more)

Li Yi has a deep understanding of this situation, and the people hope that their own country will be strong.

Once railroad tracks and trains appear, the people next to them will be the first to enjoy the benefits.

They are convenient to ride and can sell things.

For example, when the car drew in and stopped to add coal and water, someone ran over with a basket.

They shouted some snacks, such as dried tofu rolls, rolled green onions, and rice wine.

Including smoked chicken, braised pork, and seasonal fruits, it is not very close from Haizhou to Chang'an. People from all over the country used to communicate less.

Or go with relatives and bring some specialties on the road.

Long-distance train rides, due to the slow speed and stop at stations, the dining car is the most profitable.

You can also push the cart to sell goods, no matter how crowded, the cart can always squeeze past.

"It's a pity that there are no peanuts, sunflower seeds, or potato chips. Beer is okay. It's already made in the Zhuangzi, and it's packed in big barrels."

Li Yi actually missed the old days.

That kind of slow train, where people open windows, drink liquor and beer, play poker, and smoke, accompanied by the smell of someone taking off their shoes.

At first, there was no instant noodles and hot water.

Then there was no more, the windows could not be opened, and smoking was not allowed, but the people who took off their shoes still existed.

As for some people who say that the development of science and technology in the country has something to do with me, Li Yi doesn't bother to refute it.

Does it matter if the country builds the atomic bomb?

The country has intercontinental ballistic missiles, does it matter?

It's ok? Then why don’t you go to a war-torn country Life?

"Success!" Li Longji didn't know that Li Yi was reminiscing and sighing, he agreed to the 1,500 plan.

Not only is it more than the 10 million yuan that was usually jokingly said before, it is also half more than that.

"This year's imperial court's finances will allocate money, and next year will soon be rich again." Li Yi is not worried about Datang's financial problems now.

There is no bank, no national debt, no salt and iron tax, no poll tax.

Normal money is sufficient, there is no need to eat food, and there is no national fiscal deficit.

"In a hurry next year, let the steam engine ship to the distant mainland, and quickly collect some seeds and come back first.

Mainly to prove the long-distance ability of the steam engine ship, we use this ship to make money.

When the court has no debts, there will be no problems with the overall operation.

The funds are allocated in sections, and the money is released while collecting taxes.

The railway from Chang'an to Luoyang is repaired and operated first. The key to the railway from Luoyang to Haizhou is to build the bridge. "

So far, Li Yi has not considered letting wealthy businessmen or other aristocratic families buy shares.

If he wants to play the shareholding system, Lijiazhuang will take the lead, and with technology as the guarantee, the entire Datang can easily provide him with 100 million yuan.

He doesn't want this money, and he won't spend it for decades.

Because it is the hardest way to do things with your own debt-free money. Once you become a joint-stock company, there are not many who can keep your heart with so much money.

He is familiar with finance, so he is more afraid of finance.

He has to be responsible for the entire Datang, and he has to take every step of the way.

Li Yi knows that he belongs to the leadership class and is top-notch.

At this time, if it is for own interests, or rights to do things, what is the plan?

You already have what you should have, and to be greedy again is definitely a distortion of human nature.

"Brother Yi, you write a plan that requires a goal, and then various problems that may arise, and solutions to various problems."

Li Longji has read the plan written by Li Yi several times and it is very comprehensive.

Queen Wang is a shareholder. One transaction fails, so she immediately switches to the next transaction and remains a shareholder.

Li Yi wrote development planning strategies for shareholders, including dividends, operations, short-term planning, and long-term planning.

This thing Li Yi is very formal, and no one else can be found in the financial audit, so he has to do it himself.

Then issued a report, there is no audit report that cannot express an opinion.

His ‘company’ operations have always been healthy.

If this is the issue of stocks, countless people will buy Lijiazhuang’s ‘company’, and the finances are too healthy.

According to the rules of a joint-stock limited company in the sale and purchase of a partnership between Li Yi, Li Longji and Wang Empress, everyone wants to buy shares.

Its average price-to-earnings ratio is less than 0.1.

That is to say, if you invest one money, you can pay back in one month.

For example, if you invest twelve dollars, then the P/E ratio is exactly 0.1, which means you have earned back your investment income in one month.

If such stocks are issued, they will be snatched wildly.

A one-hundred-fold increase is considered small, and it should be more than six hundred-fold, because the future prospects must also be considered.

Unfortunately, it will not be listed and others cannot buy it.

Its price-earnings ratio can sometimes reach below zero and one, depending on how Li Yi operates.

For his reasons, Li Longji and Queen Wang could pay back their capital in one day, and their assets would be more than three hundred times a year.

For example, two people need money, Li Yi quickly transferred this to a technology company, and then released a new product.

The cost of a new product is one dollar, and if it is sold for one hundred dollars, it is directly one hundred times the profit.

After that, dividends were distributed, and ninety-nine yuan was distributed per share. Except for rights, the price of one share became more than one cent and one cent.

In a blink of an eye, Li Yi has a scientific and technological achievement, and the cost is still one dollar, sold for one hundred dollars.

That's how it is played, always making money from the shares of Li Longji and Queen Wang.

This part is in the hands of Queen Wang. If she is not in a hurry to spend money, the company will develop steadily.

She was suddenly short of money, and Li Yi promised that the company had new results and turned it into a commodity for sale to make a profit.

Dividends were distributed the next day, and rights were removed.

Anyway, it’s fine, but if the ‘share’ is reinstated afterwards, most people will be trembling.

It seems that the stock price of one dollar can reach ten yuan after the restoration of rights.

In other words, at the beginning, investors took out a dollar to buy stocks, and by now, they should have an income of 10,000 bucks.

That's how Li Yi operates. It is impossible for him to make Queen Wang and Li Longji lose money, even if they make less.

Lu Huaishen once wrote a few words to look at the current income.

For example, the 15-year-old wine produced at the National Banquet has a price-earnings ratio of more than 50, representing a return of 50 years and a profit of 2% a year.

Floating, affected by price, not absolute value.

The 2% profit, compared to the interest on capital operations, usually refers to the overnight borrowing rate.

If the interest rate of the overnight borrowing rate for the year is less than 2%, the liquor stock should rise.

Because overnight borrowing may not always be borrowing, sometimes it can reach more than 4%, but sometimes you have money and you can’t borrow it, which is interest-free.

Under normal circumstances, the stock price of this wine changes with the price of the central bank's reverse repurchase.

The price-to-earnings ratio is 50%, which means a one-year return of 2%.

When the central bank's reverse repurchase reaches 3%, the stock price of this wine will fall without the influence of other factors.

Sell ​​it and immediately buy the central bank’s reverse repo. Isn’t this a one-percent difference in a single day?

If, without leverage, every normal central bank's reverse repurchase date ratio can be operated perfectly, then the income in one year will be doubled.

It is much more powerful than the current 30% of Datang's capital operation.

This is capital and finance. Li Yi operates in a closed mode, specifically making money for Li Longji and Queen Wang.

Closed-end funds are aimed at fixed customers and others cannot participate.

This is how Datang Li Yi operated, and his... even worse! The corruption involved...

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