"Come on, drink, drink to invigorate blood, if your shoulders are uncomfortable, it's okay, you can sleep well, take a bubble bath at night."

Another single room was separated from the canteen. Li Yi, Li Chengqi, Li Shihuo and Li Dayu ate alone.

Li Shihuo and Li Dayu had their arms numb and they were shot.

They have seen the power of a musket, which can penetrate armor a hundred feet away.

The operation is simple, anyone can use it.

The rate of fire is fast. After a shot is fired, a few breaths can be completed by reloading and setting off the flash cap.

The two people's minds are not focused on eating at all, their arms hurt, it doesn't matter.

They were scared. They saw warehouses, warehouses, boxes, and there were tens of thousands of guns in them.

The gun-making workshop never stopped, and it seemed that we should not fight with Datang in the future.

They didn't even know that without tens of thousands of guns, a little more than a thousand, guns are not easy to make.

Lijiazhuangzi added two hundred artisan families, and still gave some gun parts to the workers of the Gongmeng.

The material cost is not high, and there are too many man-hours.

Picking up the wine cup and taking a sip, the two of them finally felt better.

"Eating vegetables, today's specially made stir-fry, put chili in it.

If you like it, when you go back, I will send you ten catties of chili noodles, and you will fry them into chili oil.

Governor Li broke that thermos. Didn't he kill anyone? "

Li Yi remembered something. The thermos bottle was broken. Who broke it?

"It can be replaced with a new one. Why kill? There are not many people in my tribe." Li Shihuo waved his hand.

"If you don't kill it, I am a softhearted person, not bloody. When someone shed a drop of blood, my legs trembled when I saw it."

Li Yi's expression was sincere, as if he was telling the truth.

Li Shihuo and Li Dayu just heard that and killed them both, neither of them believed.

When the blood was drawn just now, Li Yi was calm.

"There are iron ore and good coal mines. They are all easy to dig. I am worried that people will die because of an iron mine and a coal mine."

Li Yi still looks compassionate.

Li Shihuo and the two looked at each other, and instantly figured out what they meant to shoot.

Warning, it seems that iron and coal mines can participate.

"Speak to your majesty?" Li Dayou swallowed, excited.

"Those two places are occupied by Datang, I said that someone had an accident because of this, and I felt uneasy, alas!" Li Yi sighed again.

"No, we promise that there won't be any problems. We send someone to dig and just give us a little. We use iron for farming." Li Dehuo promised.

Li Dazhu followed up and said, "Yes, we are better off burning coal for heating in winter."

"Okay." Li Yi prepared to give a large open-pit iron mine in Anshan at that time, not the largest and best.

At the same time, an east open-pit mine in Fushun was given. He was reluctant to bear the Haizhou coal mine in Fuxin, and he was reluctant to bear the super iron mine in Anshan.

He was still reluctant to bear another better coal mine in Fushun, the West Open-pit Coal Mine.

There is coal in Fushun, but it cannot be mined. Fushun is called the coal capital. The entire underground is full of coal, and many places have been hollowed out.

Unless you move, and then continue to dig, the coal is good, there is still a lot of coal, coal, coal was burned as coal in the past.

Coal, even amber, is also burned.

Whoever buys a cart of coal in winter, not coal Face, coal lump, and then it is easy to find amber, small amber can be found on almost every piece of coal.

Together with the Haizhou coal mine in Fuxin, it was occupied by the Japanese people, and then they were dug in various ways and shipped to the country.

The West Open-pit Mine is the largest open-pit coal mine in Asia, and the Haizhou Coal Mine is the largest mechanical open-pit mine in Asia.

Li Shihuo clenched his fists: "Let's dig, dig ten catties, save one catty for ourselves, and give you the rest."

"Don't give it to me, give it to the court, it doesn't take such a large proportion. You build roads and you can burn cement if you have coal.

I will tell you where the stones are better. They are also in the open, and the stones are placed outside.

Let's fix it together, from this side to you, and you also to this side. "

Li Yi wants to strengthen his dominance, his troops are expensive and fast, how can he transport his troops if the road is not good?

It is easy to go to Anshan, Shenyang and Fushun. There is the Liaohe River, and the entire line runs through the Hunhe River from the Liaohe River.

"Ship, we want a big ship, load the cargo when the Yellow River has water." Li Dayou remembered to pick up the ship.

"Next summer, let's see if we can open routes. The ships will stop at various piers and you will transport things to the piers.

If you leave the ship for shipment, and then come with the ship to buy and sell, you will not be charged for the ship.

It’s free to get to Chang'an from you, and it’s free to go back from Chang'an.

You have to spend money to eat and stay in Chang'an, so it's cheaper for you. "

Li Yi gave another promise, which was generous.

Li Chengqi frowned beside him, but made no sound.

When the two of them happily finished their meal and went to rest, Li Longji came over and Li Yi made Kung Fu tea.

"Brother Yi, how do you care about the ship fare?" Li Chengqi told Li Longji about the situation first, and then asked Li Yi.

"We own the ship, and the crew earns money, so we subsidize it.

Come from there, we can collect things, take the exchange coupons, and the price is lower than what they come to sell.

When we go back, we will take our own things to sell, and take their people and goods along the way.

There is a profit, but the more you earn and the less you earn. The key is to strengthen communication in this way. Look at me and tell you..."

Li Yi explained the relationship between communication and popular support.

The Khitan, the Xi people, and the Bohai Kingdom can all trade through free ships.

Their industries and handicrafts are not good, and the things they sell are all primary resources, and the price cannot be raised.

They want to buy things after they are sold. What would they buy normally? Of course, some products with technology content from Changan.

Such commodities have high added value and are profitable in themselves.

The coal and iron ore from there have been transported over to supplement them.

The local people will breed, plant, gather, and hunt according to the consumption habits of Datang Chang'an, or Jingzhao Mansion.

With the current weapons and the number of people, it is impossible to kill a certain animal in the Northeast.

In the end, the Khitan, Xi nationality, and Bohai countries became dependent on the trade of Tang Dynasty.

The war guarantees that the trade will be interrupted, and the muskets will be shown first. Think about the chances of seizing through war?

Now that the trade can achieve its purpose, the Northeast region will be stable.

"This is nothing, at least we are still making money, and the profit is a little bit less, but the people of Jingzhaofu can buy specialty products from the northeast.

They have iron ore and coal, and they can make their own farm tools, tools, and weapons.

If the Turks want to beat them again, their first consideration is definitely not surrender. The Turks cannot give them trade benefits. "

Li Yi also concluded that national policies cannot be compared with each other.

How much aid did his country provide to Africa in order to enter the United Nations? It was the African brothers who carried the country into the United Nations.

Don't other Western countries get benefits through various kinds of financial support?

What's more, Datang didn't post it when it provided free shipping, so it was profitable.

"They want to go to the sky monkey." Li Chengqi mentioned the request Li Dayu had said to him.

"Yes, give a batch, including the explosive package, they think it is easy to use, and then buy it cheaply, not afraid that they will use it to beat us."

Li Yi is still so generous, supporting them with weapons, and they are more confident against the Turks.

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