Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1233 How to Climb the Long Official Road (first more)

"Quickly estimate the number of things you take home, return them as soon as possible, and replace them with money if you don't have anything."

At the post stations along the way, the postmaster shouted to the postmen.

They got the news that Li Dongzhu of Bashui Zhuangzi was looking for officials who made mistakes and wanted to have fun.

They will curse if they change other people, Li Dongzhu can't do it.

Dongzhu Li helped to make more money, and the court gave one more money, and another one more money for selling newspapers.

It also includes the money for sending letters and hosting other people’s accommodation and meals, which can also be divided into a share.

Ordinary people sleep in Datongpu and don't charge money.

Merchants have to live in a single room, extra money, and horse materials and other expenses.

Li Dongzhu not only cannot curse, but also has to bless him.

According to the words from the brothers in the previous station, each station will take over the advertising in the future.

By the way, I helped the people sell things and paid for the sanitation management fee.

Isn't this just another increase in income! In this way, I was greedy for ink, and even if my head was chopped off, I couldn't hold back.

The nearest station was too late to make up for things, so he simply took out the money to enter the account, and the account was made up.

Many are unaccounted for, so quickly get an account.

After being busy, I waited for the team to come, but didn't stop. When it was time to rest, I just passed.

"Dongzhu Li must know that we made it up. Rumor has it that Dongzhu Li can pinch it."

The postmaster watched the team go away and said to the others.

Everyone nodded, agreed, and understood Li Dongzhu.

"Don't send someone to check?" Guo Ziyi still sat in the car with his legs dangling.

"Sometimes the news is released and the effect of not checking is better than checking.

Once we went to investigate and no problem was found, we left again and their hearts fell to the ground.

Later, if something happened and something happened, they didn't check, their hearts were always hanging, and they were afraid of when to check it out. "

Li Yi is very proficient in this area, as it was when he was in charge of his employees.

You can't always stare at a person to check back and forth. If you check too much, they will sell milk tea.

"Where are the officials in the previous counties?" Guo Ziyi knew that he would go to Weinan County if he went further.

"Living outside the county seat at night, and not summoning county officials, it is estimated that they will find a way to prove that they are okay."

Li Yi was assured of Weinan County, a county in Jingzhao Mansion, where the first batch of students used to be the chief administrator and county lieutenant.

Now that there is a second batch of students serving as officials, the students will keep an eye on them. The real investigation is Zheng County in Huazhou.

"When you arrive in Huazhou tomorrow, ask the governor of Huazhou and tell him that if he says there is no problem, we will find the problem and give him an offence."

Li Yi mentioned the previous position.

Under normal circumstances, if there is a problem with the local officials, the officials in the state capital will not be dealt with directly.

The officials of the state government will check the results first, and then look at the results.

Give time to play with each other in the place left, usually the deputy is cleaned up.

Like a prime minister, some people have grievances, kneeling on the road and blocking people calling for grievances.

The prime minister will not meet directly, and the local government will deal with it first, and the governance of the place will depend on local officials.

A common people’s problem may be that a certain official in the county was unlucky enough to be spotted.

No one from other officials sue, the state government issued an order, and the county considered what to do.

As long as the people are settled, there will be nothing to deal with.

Li Yi knows that this is the rule of the officialdom, no matter what the official time, it is the same.

He doesn't care, he is great, so why is he abiding by the rules?

I have to check, and immediately clean up if I find it, Datang lacks everything, so there is no shortage of officials.

Haven't you seen so many officials waiting to be assigned staying in Chang'an?

Far away, many officials would rather continue to wait than take office.

Huazhou is near, next to Jingzhao Mansion, and the mountain where Li Yiyang descended, including the same state behind.

"Can you find out the problem?" Guo Ziyi thought about Huazhou and shook his head.

Huazhou was the place where the entire state capital was taken. At that time, Li Yi personally went to help deal with it and solved the specific situation of a lot of counties.

How long is this? If there is a problem again, you will lose your head when you think about it.

"I want to find out the problem and make sure that there is a problem. For example, if there is no greed or occupation, then I will ask the data about how many widows and widows and how many children should be enrolled in a county.

There are also this year’s main crop yields per mu, the dredging of the entire county, the cattle in the people’s homes, and so on. "

Li Yi is confident about this, is it not easy to find faults?

Guo Ziyi shook his head again: "You can be said to be hard for a strong man like this."

"If you ask Zhang Jiuling, he can tell you the specific situation of the place where he is in charge in Guangzhou, and the data will not be bad."

Li Yi retorted, looking at people and who was there.

"What about you?" Guo Ziyi thought about Zhang Jiuling, and had to nod her head.

"Me? If I were to be the county magistrate, I would ask the governor to come to the county every three to five. Oh, Zheng County is the seat of the state capital of Huazhou, so don't bother.

I can also let the ministers of the imperial court run to the county, why should I be checked? Let's call people over and we can take advantage.

For example, there is a project for the benefit of the people. There is no money from the court, and no money in my county.

When the project is completed, the people will benefit, the court will gain prestige, and court officials will need to show their faces.

The officials of the imperial court are willing to come, come and take a look, get their political achievements, and then return with gifts. "

Li Yi has a lot of methods. Officials who have no ability are afraid that the superior will come down, so those who have the ability ask the superior to come down.

He began to tell Guo Ziyi that being an official is not easy, especially if he still wants to be a good official.

The interests of all parties need to be safeguarded, and everyone is satisfied through coordination.

When working with your head down, you must look up at the road, otherwise you will not be able to ascend.

Therefore, I think of a way to solve the people's livelihood and put the Shangguan's political achievements in place.

Guo Ziyi stopped dumbfounded, thought for a while, and asked: "You are so capable, don't Shangguan worry about you taking his place."

"Give him merits, he will be promoted first, and you will be promoted. If you are promoted to a certain level, you will not be promoted. You must change places immediately.

Let the Shangguan help, transfer to another position, and then you will continue to find a higher official in this position.

In our Datang, the easiest way is to get to know your Majesty.

You can talk to your Majesty, you can submit a book, and everything will be easier. "

Li Yi was very patient, although what he said did not help Guo Ziyi in any way.

"Oh~~ I get it!" Guo Ziyi gave Li Yi a thumbs up, expressing his admiration.

Service, he is convinced and convinced.

He understood that Li Yi was of a higher level, and he didn't even vote for books.

Li Yi talked about officials and officials, ministers and monarchs.

Li Yi didn't choose any path himself. The path he chose was nothing ordinary people would count on.

I can't learn it at all, this road, in retrospect, is particularly difficult.

Good things that benefit the country and the people need to be brought out continuously, or the kind that does not ask for anything in return.

When I was making money, I brought the people together to make money and helped the court solve big problems.

Only a little bit like this can we have the special relationship we have today.

He tried martial arts by himself and was rated as different. Li Yi didn't know what to say.

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