Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1257 I don't dare to believe it (third more)

When Meng Haoran was surprised, he thought about it and said: "Ziwei Yu Kuang, said: Since the king of Wen is not, Wen doesn't care?"

All the children on this table said at almost the same time: "The generals of the sky will lose the gentleman, and the deceased shall not be with Yuswenya; the sky has not lost the gentleman, how should the people of Kuang give it?"

Meng Haoran was stunned. He stood up and looked at it, making sure that he was at the snack stall, not that he had gone to school.

A group of brats, ask themselves something in the Analects, are they all meeting?

" did you learn?" Meng Haoran knew the gap, and his own Xiangyang children were not as good as Chang'an children.

"If you learn well, there are rewards. Those who can't get the reward can't hold their heads up."

The boy who asked the little girl just now gave the answer and took out his winning voucher.

Another child said: "Children of wealthy families cannot get such a voucher if they don't learn well. We look down on them."

"Sometimes I took the reward voucher to eat at the Lijiazhuang booth. They gave me a big discount. Yesterday, I ate 20 skewers, and they charged me one dollar."

"In winter, you can learn to skate and play with ice carts on the ice. You can count everything, including food."

"If we get more rewards, we can buy things for the family."

"My parents can write now, and my family has subscribed to the newspaper."

Children, you and I say each sentence. The parents who brought them out are proud.

Meng Haoran nodded, eating again, and was silent.

What he saw was the situation of the people in Jingzhao Mansion, and felt sad that his hometown of Xiangyang could not be compared.

His structure is not big. If you replace Bi Gou and others, they will know that starting from Jingzhao Mansion, everyone in Datang will be able to read in the future.

Now he is suitable for writing idyllic poetry, he always wants to fight, and does not want to take the imperial examination.

His good friend Zhang Zirong took the imperial examination and was awarded a Jinshi, and then went to serve as a county lieutenant, on the Jiangnan Road.

Waiting for the total failure of Qian Ye, he thought about taking the imperial examination, but he didn't pass the exam, and he didn't pass the exam.

He guessed that he knew he could not pass the exam, so he thought about it.

"Come and come, today there are leftover chicken drumsticks, one for each drumstick." The people from the Luowei shop came over and took seven large drumsticks.

Give one to one child. This drumstick is not the calf of a chicken that has been slaughtered in dozens of days. It is big.

"Thank you Eight Fingers Uncle."

"Thank you Eight Fingers Uncle."

The children got up and thanked, the delivery person smiled and waved his hand, his left hand was missing two fingers, his thumb and index finger.

So he told the child to call him Uncle with eight fingers, which is easy to remember.

"What did your hand do?" Meng Haoran dared to ask when the child could shout.

"Fighting with the Turkic people, they threw the sleeves and put my left glove on, and they dragged me away on horseback. Someone tried to pierce me in the middle.

I struggled, but I couldn't get out of my two fingers. I cut off myself and hacked to death the person who was going to pierce me.

Fate, after half a month of heat, came alive. The wound was closed with a soldering iron. "

The people at the lomei shop have a plain tone, as if they are talking about other people's things, they don't care.

Meng Haoran's eyes were solemn, and he could think of what it was like when he was fighting.

One hand was trapped, and the enemy horse was dragged to run, and then an enemy wanted to take the opportunity to start.

In an instant, this man cut off his own finger, and then hacked the enemy to death.

Calm, ruthless, ruthless to oneself and even more ruthless to the enemy.

"You have no compassion like this? Why do you want to sell things?" Meng Haoran felt distressed.

"I'm from the Li family Zhuangzi, with Yu Lin Fei riding there, I'm bored, so I applied to come out to play." The lo-mei seller finished speaking and turned back.

He was the nursing home that Li Chengqi found, and the whole family came.

The people of Yulin Feiqi and Sixteen Guards maintained absolute respect for these people. Don't look at the two fingers, fight life and death, and they will kill you.

The person in charge of shabu-shabu came over with raw-edged paper to wrap the drumsticks for the children and let the children take home.

Meng Haoran looked at the back of Eight Fingers, and said worriedly: "How can he enter the account if he gives away anything?"

The woman who wrapped the chicken drumsticks said, "Just say it. If you give it, you can give it. In fact, it can't be broken. It can be sold tomorrow. Today's children are all children with reward coupons. Give them more food."

"Are you sure he won't be punished?" Meng Haoran knew that his subordinates were going to do this and promised to be cleaned up.

"Sure, I am his wife, and he always gives children things.

Today, the children are not charged for the shabu skewers, so I will report it. "

The woman wrapped the chicken legs and touched the head of the child next to her.

"Thank you Aunt Bazhi." The children continued to thank them happily.

Meng Haoran was sure, yes, they are husband and wife.

He had a problem with his stomach. How could Li Yi be so indulgent to his subordinates, who can give away things casually.

If it is sold, what should I do if I keep the money? You said you gave it away?

Thinking of him, he said, "You sell the things and give them to your children, and keep the money for yourself. Li Yi doesn't know, right?"

"There is not much money, it is not worth doing that. In Lijiazhuang Life, there is no need to worry about anything, money is useless."

The woman smiled and shook her head, as if I didn't want to make money.

They have everything they need to eat and live, not to mention the education of their children, what they lack is directly sent out by the Zhuangzi.

What do you hide a little money for? Go outside to buy food? Buy clothes to wear?

Besides, the people in Zhuangzi have no cash in their hands, and they manage all accounts.

How do I enter the account with the voucher? Tell the cashier that I made money from somewhere else? Obviously impossible.

Or money to buy other things? Then take it back for use?

But Zhuangzi gave it extra, isn't it stupid?

In the winter canteen, there is a fruit plate of watermelon.

There are also watermelon sellers outside. Go buy them and sneak them home to eat? Why bother!

There are also dried fruits, just grab them in the cafeteria, grab a few handfuls and eat them when you want to eat them.

Whatever you want, you need to put extra thought into it. Once you get caught, it's definitely not as simple as driving out of Zhuangzi.

There is no possibility of Lijiazhuangzi leaving alive, there are too many secrets in it.

Meng Haoran found that he was like a fool who knew nothing. How could a Zhuangzi manage to be like this?

The dealer gives others things casually, no one is staring, just say it.

If you change to your own home, your property will be emptied by the subordinates.

The dealers of Lijiazhuangzi, while delivering and telling the truth, how did the loyalty come about?

He didn't know that Li Yi had several management models, and adopted different methods in response to different situations.

When Lijiazhuangzi cooperates with others, Li Yi will calculate the non-working capital loss and have a percentage.

You can’t get stuck at the cost of public relations with the medical representative below when he sells medical equipment. You can only get stuck in a range.

I'm stuck, looking at the management, but the profit is less, because the medical representative lacks flexibility when using the funds, how can I pay bribes?

Public relations costs are inherently flexible, and there will be a data model when auditing.

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