Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1259 The family will flourish in the future (first more)

The court lady eunuch went to arrange things in the room first, and the Guo family reserved nine of the best three-entry yards.

Li Longji lived in the middle courtyard.

There is no Guo family living in this area.

After the construction is completed, it is to clean up, and now it has finally played its role.

Guo Ziyi's cart entered Li Longji's courtyard and stopped. He slept in the car at night with a heavy machine gun in it.

After Yulin Feiqi was set up properly, Guo Ziyi found time to talk to her Guo family.

"Can Ziyi work hard over there?" Guo Zixiu sat down with Guo Ziyi and made green tea.

"It's much better than Border Pass, at least you don't have to worry about eating and drinking." Guo Ziyi has been to the front line and saw his brothers die in battle.

On the plateau, no matter how good the logistical supply is, it is not as good as Lijiazhuangzi.

In Lijiazhuangzi, daily training and study are quite tiring. There is a winter swimming event, and Li Yi personally guides him in the water.

For example, in water polo, a large piece of ice is shaved off, and people go in and divide into two teams to play.

Had it not been for perfect medical treatment and pre-competition warm-up exercises, it would be estimated that Habayashi Feiqi would be lost without fighting, and non-combat attrition.

Studying feels more tiring than winter swimming, and Li Yi teaches more things.

"How will the family behave in the future?" Guo Zixiu has been dreaming in recent years. Little Brother went to the martial arts examination and commented on a different class.

When everyone was happy, Little Brother was in charge of His Majesty's private army.

Since then, the family life is better, richer than before, and now, money is no longer considered.

"Do as usual, don't take the initiative to bully people, but don't be afraid of doing it with others, our family no longer needs to make money from official positions, and behave properly and sit downright."

Guo Ziyi is now confident that there is no rebellion and corruption in the family, and no one can take the Guo family.

Someone dared to seek trouble, and Li Yi would retaliate back a hundred times when he knew it.

Guo Zixiu nodded, he also knew that he hugged his thigh, your Majesty!

Little Brother specializes in protecting your Majesty. The Little Brother family is being bullied. Does anyone want to use this to intimidate Little Brother against your Majesty?

Yes, we have to say so, we can ransack our home.

"How should things be arranged at home in the future?" Guo Zixiu now just listens to other people's words to do things.

Li Yi told him what to do, and he did what he did, and then made money, and the money he earned went to Guo's family.

The Guo family specializes in repairing a bunch of houses, and they will live when Li Yi comes, and now he has come down.

Where should it be considered a residence? Bieyuan?

Guo Ziyi rubbed his hands at each other: "If you should be an official, you should be an official. For example, if you are a father, you don't need to be an official. Brothers in your family and future brothers are best served as officials."

"Why?" Guo Zixiu thinks that taking advantage of the opportunity, the family will become officials, as if they don't know what is good or bad.

"Being an official can help Datang. Your majesty is not at ease with other officials. When my family becomes an official, your majesty will feel at ease in that place."

Guo Ziyi didn't think about her family, but was full of Tang.

The family members went to various places to become officials, and if they did well, they would be promoted.

As for whether the last high-ranking authority would want to sit on that chair, his family didn't count, and Li Yi didn't agree, and no one could sit on it.

I haven't thought about usurping the throne. What can the emperor do? It depends on how hard your Majesty's past was.

If it weren't for Li Yi's help, your majesty's harem would not understand it.

Guo Ziyi didn't even know that in history he was simply at his fingertips to the throne, but he still didn't think about it.

On the other side, Li Longji stayed in the house prepared by the Guo family and talked to Li Yi.

"Can the Guo family be an important task?" Li Longji now asks Li Yi directly, whoever Li Yi says will do.

For example, Hao Lingquan, he went directly to generals from a young age and studied in Zhuangzi.

The Tubo sent Hao Lingquan there. I didn't see the ability to lead soldiers in the war. I knew it with great diplomacy.

Hao Lingquan has turned so many tribes into Datang people, and they are still showing loyalty and helping with the work.

Li Yi was about to protect Zhang Xiaosong, Zhang Xiaosong really defeated the enemy continuously at the critical moment, and led troops to Tubo to help out.

Li Yi wanted to clean up Jiang Jiao, and when he checked, there was a problem.

Does the Guo family take extra care now? Give more trust?

"Yes! The main thing is to run a military academy. The other members of the Guo family, who will be born in the future, and Ziyi's nephew, will be served as officials if they can. Their families are born to fight."

Li Yi wanted to laugh when he said it, but he was a little sad.

Being sad for history, Guo Ziyi was able to conquer good battles. During the Anshi Rebellion, if many generals were incompetent, Datang would not be like that.

In all wars that Guo Ziyi participated in, only one was defeated, which ended in a tie, and it had little to do with him.

When the military was in power, others framed him, he also endured and dismissed him, he didn't say anything, and once he was activated again, he could lead the soldiers to victory again.

The Datang royal family owed him too much, and the more obedient and able to fight the generals, the more they were attacked by some people.

Fortunately, I am here, what minister is attacking? Who jumped out to make trouble? You can't be cleaned up!

"Really?" Li Longji asked again.

"Guo's loyalty to the court is no worse than me." Li Yi commented on Guo Ziyi's family.

Li Longji understood, meaning that even if the Guo family could easily become emperor one day, the Guo family would still not be.

Just like Brother Yi, you can become one if you want to be. No one can stop him. Brother Yi is not in his throne and is more willing to help.

I think it is uncomfortable to be an emperor, and I am busy with things all day, so it is better to be relaxed in Zhuangzi.

"Brother Yi, who else can use it, and who can't use it." Li Longji wanted to arrange someone.

"The ones that can be used...when I come back, I will make a list. The ones that are not available are not available for Li Linfu now. In addition, Jiang, should not be used anymore."

Li Yi directly wiped out Li Linfu's future. He didn't know whether Li Linfu would become what it was in history.

But it's not important, and no change is allowed to rise.

There is also Yang Yuhuan who has not yet been born, and there will be no chance in the future, including Yang Guozhong.

Look at other people again, anyway, as long as there is a loss in personal morality, it will not be given an important position.

Otherwise, I have to think about tidying up people all day, which is very tiring.

"Oh!" Li Longji remembered. The Jiang family was no longer active. The person named Li Linfu looked back and arranged for a small official.

It can't be thrown far away. If Li Linfu oppresses the people there, wouldn't it be because he has harmed the people.

In addition, people like repairing water conservancy can have official positions, let alone assign them.

Let's repair the book, it is a good job to repair it, and it will be famous for the ages, yes, let Li Linfu go to repair the book.

Li Longji chatted a few more words, and went to bed with Liu Jieyu.

Li Yi finds a place to sleep by himself, even if Li Longji left hints that he has many houses here, Princess Yongmu was afraid of being alone, so he didn't look for it.

The Guo family slept very late, and today they have decided on one thing, the own family is going to develop greatly.

Have more children, find more wives, and educate the children well, and make contributions to Datang when they grow up.

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