Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1262: A Powerful Report to the People (first more)

To the east of Zheng County is Huayin County, where the state capital of Huazhou is located.

The team that said it was not staying rushed to the place at noon, and the people were ready.

Everyone can only eat one meal, and leave in a hurry.

The people who accompany Li Yi to dinner and received gifts are happy again.

They continued to work in the snow. There are canals in Huayin, which freezes in winter.

The water level is not high enough, and the sled can run in the ditch. It needs to go ashore to a certain place.

The local people have money to make money, they pile the snow into a slope and put ropes.

The sledge and livestock are coming up, and everyone uses a winch to pull it, like a potter's wheel.

The heavier the goods, the higher the asking price.

Businessmen wanted to find another place to pave the slope without being dragged by the common people. Anyway, they could not use other people's slopes.

It hasn't snowed in recent days, and the people can only lift water and pour the ice to repair the ice surface.

After finally getting off the snow, I quickly repaired all the slopes and waited to make money, just like the porters at the docks.

The fee is not very high. Even if the businessmen have a team, they still choose to hire local people to pull it up.

Some goods are sold locally, and at the same time, a little more is collected. When they arrive in Chang'an, they will sell the collected goods and the money they have hired to carry them will be earned.

Smart businessmen all operate in this way. If the people are not allowed to make money, and there are goods temporarily overnight in the local area, the people will not help if something happens.

It was flooded, it was buried under heavy snow, and the car overturned on the road.

Businessmen are more worried that the people take the initiative to do bad things, because it is not worth it to save a little transportation fee.

Li Yi's team couldn't get down to the canal, and there was no post underneath the canal. If you want to stay at the post, you have to go up, too much effort.

"How will the future history books record me? For the first time, I used the sled to the present level."

Li Yi knew that in history, sleds were used extensively in the late-stage Northeast and some areas of Inner Mongolia, but sleds were rarely used in other places.

Now as long as there is ice and snow, the merchants promise to use sleds.

The road surface should be cleared of snow. Everyone should protect it and water it when there is no snow.

Generally, the post station finds someone to water and give money.

The postmen run errands to deliver letters, all on skis.

On the ice surface of the Jingzhaofu Water Network, there are people using ice carts to transport things. People from other counties come to Chang'an to shop, skate carts, and then slide back.

The snow is too thick, so I waited for the sled to run a few more times to grind off the snow, exposing the ice surface, or compact the snow, and then I changed into a sled-like ice cart.

"Isn't this the group of people who walked with us before? They walked too slowly, just so, take it again."

Princess Yongmu looked out through the car window and found several familiar faces.

After the previous stay, these people continued to move forward, and they wanted to hurry.

As a result, the speed of walking was not as fast as the speed of livestock, and he was caught up again.

Those on the road were also pleasantly surprised, great, beckon us quickly, take us another ride, it’s uncomfortable to go on the road when it snows.

Yulin Feiqi helped to make arrangements, and the people sat down and breathed a sigh of relief, not worrying anymore.

Especially at night, there is no need to rush to the next station. Wherever Lijiazhuang's team stops, they follow where they rest.

When it was dark, the team rushed forward to the station in front.

The logistics staff began to make meals, and the people at the station didn't care about anything.

The people who had been resting in the inn ran out and stopped eating with the inn, and went to the team of Lijiazhuangzi to save money.

"Li Lang, why would I be willing to watch the people have fun with us."

Princess Yongmu had no less smile on her face when she was eating.

"So you are not as good as Wu Zetian and Princess Taiping, as well as Queen Wei and Princess Anle. Your heart is not cruel enough."

When Li Yi spoke, he put his hand on Princess Yongmu's waist.

Princess Yongmu shuddered listening to the names of these people, and then put her head on Li Yi's shoulder.

"Li Lang, I want to eat meat." Princess Yong Mu thought of the hard days before and asked.

"I'll grill the three-layered meat for you." Li Yi agreed, and went to the barbecue grill for the meat slicer.

"Eat braised pork tomorrow night." Princess Yongmu has never eaten braised pork before. She is short of oil and water, so she likes to eat it as long as she catches fatty meat.

"Tonight, I will cook it after eating, and then it will be condensed tomorrow. When you want to eat, just add some chopped green onion and stir fry. You can also add oil to the bean paste and quail eggs."

Li Yi also has a place to do it at night. The car is big and it is easy to do it.

He is going to make a big pot, which is convenient to keep in cold weather.

At that time, restaurants were prepared in advance, and the meat in the restaurant specializing in braised pork was cut into large pieces, and if used as a side dish, it would be finer.

Those who know how to eat, look specifically at fat, and buy it only when there is more fat.

People who don’t know how to eat, ordered the braised pork takeaway, and found that it was so fat, so they gave a bad review, saying that they bought braised pork instead of big fat.

Then why have to buy braised pork instead of braised pork? The pork in the sauce is also fine. They are all lean.

If braised pork is not fat, what is braised pork called?

How good is tenderloin? All skinny.

Princess Yongmu likes to eat fat, such as small fried pork, twice-cooked pork, Sichuan white pork, and the big fat pork slices of Northeast pig vegetables. She can do it all.

She also likes the boiled pork slices made by Li Yi. The boiled pork slices are lean, so she eats spicy.

"The people are equally willing to eat with us." Princess Yong Mu saw how other people were when they were eating, and walked in front of Li Yi.

Then Li Yi stood in the hands of Princess Yongmu, with his hands around her waist.

"You like to see the people happy. The people like to follow the absolute safety provider. Yulin Feiqi symbolizes absolute safety.

I am also shaping this situation. The people of Datang, and even the people of the world have the impression that Yulin is flying and riding invincible in the world.

Yulin Feiqi once again gave people a feeling of being close to the people, where there is a betrayal in the future, Yulin Feiqi went over to solve it directly. "

Li Yi talked about his arrangement to strengthen the people's recognition of Yulin Feiqi.

Just like the People's Liberation Army at that time, when the police arrested people, the people would find faults. The police were indeed not'perfect', and many were dealt with.

But when it comes to where the People's Liberation Army is dispatched to arrest people, the people's first thought is that there is a problem with that person.

If it is said that special forces are dispatched to arrest people, the people will not have any suspicion. The special forces are dispatched, and it is guaranteed that they are the bad guys.

The bad guys are also afraid of special forces. No matter how powerful the underworld is, they promise to shudder when the special forces arrive.

Because it represents absolute authority, the people know when they will be dispatched.

Yu Lin Feiqi was carrying out such propaganda, and the team of five thousand Yu Lin Feiqi, the people on the road and in the station saw it.

No matter how much the heart has been suspended before, it will all fall to the ground at this moment.

Wherever there are people instigating rebellion, and other imperial armies pass by, they can still resist.

Changing to Yulin Feiqi, first of all, it is qualitative, the rebels have problems, and the people will not support it.

Those who took advantage of the rebels just ran away!

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