Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1283 Different standards in different eras (fourth more)

Li Yi remembered the cake he had when he was a child, but it was hard, put eggs and sugar, and then made it, which can last more than three years.

It used to be a gift, the cake itself did not rot, because it was coaxed to dry when it was made.

When you eat this kind of cake, you will lose the scum as soon as you bite it, and it is usually used as a gift.

Because it contains more sugar, there are relatively few bacteria.

Not butter cakes, including shortbreads and so on, sold together.

Later it belonged to offerings and was used for going to the grave. Before, it was eaten and given as gifts.

These things are just like cutting cakes in Xinjiang. There are actually a lot of bacteria. When the shelf life is long, they won't break.

It's almost the same as the fried noodles of Datang today. It's not a copy of noodles, but a kind of camellia noodles, and the detection of absolute bacteria exceeds the standard.

It doesn't rot by itself, and it can be eaten.

Including the sushi that Waguk learned when I went to sea, there were a lot of bacteria in that thing.

When you get used to eating, your body has antibodies that can resist it.

Whole-wheat brown bread during World War II also contained sawdust. According to Li Yi, the bacteria at that time exceeded the standard many times, so it was the same to eat!

"When sailing, is it better to bring cakes or oil tea noodles? Or is it better to bring flour, sugar and honey?"

When Li Yi was eating Steamed bun and millet porridge, he began to think about sailing food.

"Brother Yi, I have an idea for my brother." Li Longji also eats a big Steamed bun, and pickles. Today's pickles contain spicy cabbage.

Serious spicy cabbage, there are pear shreds, 柰 shreds, fine radish shreds, honey, sugar, and chili noodles.

The cabbage dish is opened layer by layer, and these shreds are stuffed in.

This is the real Korean pickles, that is, Bangzi kimchi, which Bangzi didn't do at the time of Li Yi.

There is scientific evidence that fruits contain high sugar content, which will dehydrate bacteria, and honey is even more amazing.

Many foods have a shelf life, honey and salt.

In fact, the shelf life of salt is 18 months, 24 months, and 30 months.

Honey is the same, you must write, the shelf life of the food, if you don’t write it, it will be unqualified.

In fact, the shelf life of salt is a joke, unless it gets damp and has a bad taste, it won’t go bad.

The honey is almost the same, pure honey, no problem for a few years.

The most interesting thing is that aged vinegar has a shelf life. Three-year old vinegar has a shelf life of 18 months, five years for 18 months, and ten years for eight months.

Isn't it five years after three years and two years? According to the three-year sale, if it expires, it will be replaced with a five-year sale?

But there are special liquors with a certain level of alcohol that do not have the shelf life indicated. For example, it is a 15-year-old Feitian Moutai that leaves the factory.

Li Yi knew that this showed a problem. It was people who set the standards, and people did not consider them comprehensively.

It belongs to metaphysics and dogmatization.

Just like when he first learned the piano, the teacher said that the knuckles must be protruding, so that there is strength, and he also learns.

Only later did I understand, shit.

Knuckle protrusion is just a genre.

When other piano masters are playing, their fingers are like chicken claws. Knuckle protrusion? nonexistent.

Just like Datang archery, the average master teaches that you have to form a line with your eyes, arrows, and hands before shooting.

It seems to be very good, powerful, and how to teach archery.

When the real battlefield fights, what is the line? It's all based on instinct and bow feeling.

aim? The cavalry on both sides shuttled around, looking for the upper air outlet, you let me take aim?

"Now let them get used to the flora, and then go to sea. Yes! That's it, add tea!"

Li Yi didn’t put his heart on breakfast at all. What’s not to eat for breakfast?

He was thinking long-term, after the new year, the fleet will set off one after another.

The diet and health of the seafarers are guaranteed first. The so-called hard work can only show that the logistics cannot keep up.

In other words, under the premise of survival, the so-called standard of health is secondary.

What overnight meals cannot be eaten, too much nitrite, it will cause problems if you eat it.

Which of the elders can throw? Don’t you continue to eat the next day?

Then people who pay attention to food safety will die of various diseases before the age of fifty.

And those elders who don't pay attention to living to 80 or 90 years old, can still work.

Isn't this a great irony of some so-called ‘science’?

Li Yi thought, quite embarrassed.

He didn't know which method he should follow, whether it was the amount of bacteria in pure modern medicine, or the theoretical mutual restriction of Chinese medicine.

"What do you do? If the flora exceeds the standard, you will have diarrhea, unless people have adapted to this, such as the Ganges water, but the Ganges water is not good, cow dung and waste."

Li Yihao tangled, going out to the ocean, it is impossible to be so clean, not his time.

No, he was not clean at the time, including nuclear-powered aircraft carrier soldiers.

Princess Yongmu was watching. Hearing Li Yi's mutter, she thought about it and asked, "Li Lang, will you die if you eat something that exceeds the standard?"

"Yes,, no, no, there are a few issues in navigation that can kill people. When we select people, we can eliminate high-probability events."

Li Yi said, looked around, pulled Princess Yongmu, and kissed her face.

Princess Yongmu lowered her head, red from her face to her neck.

After two breaths, she also looked around and kissed Li Yi again, covering her face with her hands.

Li Longji, who was more than six hundred meters away, put down his binoculars: "You have seen me, but there is no indication at all."

Six hundred meters away, he suddenly stopped at his position when he saw Li Yi in the telescope and looked around.

That means that Li Yi can see here without the binoculars. It can be said that his eyes are good, and it can also be said that he has a strong sixth sense.

"There is a big pond with four rivers next to it, why is no one planting lotus in it?" Li Yi didn't even look at Li Longji.

Li Yi was looking at the terrain and topography. There was a place where four small rivers converged. As a result, there were chaotic reeds and duckweeds inside.

When there is water in, there must be a way out.

This pond is freezing, and watching overgrown weeds, there is still grass after the freezing, and it has dried up.

It shows that there is an underground river, and the location is permeable.

After seeing it, most people will feel that water loss is serious, and water economic development cannot be carried out.

What Li Yi saw was the water flowing out of the sink, which was living water.

Is the pervious part below a large cavernous groundwater basin?

No, he has a choice; yes, he still has a choice.

This place is good. It meets the small canal and stabilizes the water level. There are too many places to operate.

"Stay here for two days, I will take a look, wear a warm diving suit, go down and take a look."

Li Yi decided to stay two more days, anyway, just go back before the New Year.

If there is a cave, it can be turned into a natural insurance warehouse. The tourism industry does not expect to develop, and constant temperature storage can be developed.

A cave space like this is generally at a temperature of four to five degrees above zero.

That is, the temperature at which the watermelon is kept in the well. How about the water in the well? The same effect as spring, the effect of temperature and humidity.

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