Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1293 A piece of bright yellow not gold (first)

"Yes, the mineral content meets drinking and irrigation standards, not weakly alkaline water."

Li Yi's test results came out when a new batch of Yulin Feiqi went down to investigate.

It is not a weak base, but a weak base is suitable for watering acidic soils.

People have a lot of stomach acid, so drinking a weak base can neutralize it.

But there is also a saying that weakly alkaline water is suitable for bacteria to multiply, so if the bacteria content in the water exceeds the standard, you can't drink it.

Now the water is neutral, so you can do anything.

There is indeed geothermal heat, and some of the minerals in it are high.

Use it for drinking, not hard water.

"The local large-scale breeding of livestock and poultry should be carried out, and the water in the underground lake should be drunk."

Li Yi also considered large-scale local farming.

Mineral water contains many trace elements, which is good for animals' health. Some pigs lack things and can chew on bricks.

Large domestic geese generally do not eat fish and shrimps, and occasionally eat small ones.

"Another big fish." Cheers came from Li Yi's car.

Li Dan looked at the screen connected to the underwater camera, and saw a big black fish being killed by Yulin Feiqi under the light.

There are many other fish around, coming towards the light.

"The underwater temperature is high, and then..."

Li Yi thought about the question of what the fish would eat, and suddenly he was stunned.

He got into the car and said to Yu Lin Feiqi with a camera: "Turn off the light, and then turn it on after 20 breaths."

This person makes a gesture, and the others turn off the wait with him.

The moment the light went out, a faint light appeared in the picture.

"Treasure land!" Li Yi thought of a science fiction novel. As long as the wait is closed, the surrounding stones will glow.

Looking at the light now is not caused by the stone, but refracted from elsewhere.

"Go find the source of the light, no, first bring the fish up and replace the oxygen cylinder." Li Yi first thought about eating.

This fish looks two meters long. It is not easy for the big black fish to grow so big.

It is said that some big black fish can stay on land for a while, and then be in the water like a crocodile. When they see an animal going to drink, they twist ashore to eat.

Anyway, Li Yi hasn't seen it, it's theoretically possible.

Another big fish was brought up, and the diver changed the oxygen cylinder and went down again.

The common people looked at it one after another, but it was a pity that they didn't have a mobile phone, otherwise they would have to take pictures and post them in circles.

The diver went down again, looking for the source of the light. For about twenty minutes, when he was about to return, the light in front suddenly became bright.

The Yulin Fei rides swam past the light, and when the light turned on, a dazzling golden light appeared.

"Gold?" Li Dan swallowed.

"Turn off the lights and move on." Li Yi ordered.

The heartbeats of all five of them were almost disordered, and they swam forward again, and the surroundings were full of light and brighter.

Swim down, and the light in the entire passage gradually became stronger.

Swim further, upwards, the passage is U line.

Then they saw the thin ice on it, and they pierced it with the drill on their hands. The ice broke and it was bright and bright.

"Two people took down the oxygen cylinders and gave them to the other three. They left behind the camera. Two people went up and found their way back from above."

Li Yi knew where the light came from, and U-shaped channels appeared in some places, and the area was still very large.

It should be a hole here. The sunlight came in, through various scattering and refraction, into the underground lake.

Provide the required light for photosynthesis for the creatures inside, and then the fish and shrimps grow inside.

"Xiao Yi, are those gold?" Li Dan still stared at the matter.

Others also shine brightly, a lot of gold.

Li Yi shook his head regretfully: "Pyrite ore is definitely not gold, but this mine..."

Li Yi struggled again. In order to ensure the brightness of the underground lake, this U-shaped channel mine could not be mined.

Digging in other places is no problem, you need to send someone to protect it.

If by his time, it will become an underground lake diving area, and everyone will come to dive, provided that the black fish sticks are cleaned up.

"Why is it not gold?" Li Dan couldn't accept this result for a while.

Li Yi smiled and explained patiently: "This place of our Life is called Earth, many years ago..."

He popularized science and told the people around that gold has a high density, as well as platinum, tungsten, iridium, and osmium.

Of these things, tungsten should be the most abundant, and there are also many others.

But a long time ago, the earth was full of lava, dense and not as much metal as tungsten, and it sank.

So there is magma beneath the ground, and there is a lot of gold there. If anyone can take it out, every family can use it to build a house.

And what you see now is absolutely impossible to be gold. According to what you see, there can be millions of tons.

Li Yi's explanation was very straightforward and detailed, and everyone listened very carefully.

"Xiao Yi, how do you know?" Li Dan is not thinking about gold now, he is thinking about Li Yi.

"It's all taught by the masters. Thirty years ago, I just..." Li Yi started pushing again, pushing on the masters.

No one believes, you are only twenty after the New Year, okay?

But I believe what Li Yi said, the earth is round, they knew it a long time ago without Li Yi.

It turns out that there was a time like that on the earth, when the gold fell underneath.

"Can gold be taken out of the ground?" Wu Jieyu cared more about practical issues.

"Magma, volcanoes, and Northern History have a cloud: There are volcanoes in the southern border of the country, and the rocks near the mountains are smelt, and the flowing land is solid for dozens of miles. People take medicines, that is, stone flows and yellows.

There is a little bit of it. Only in a hotter place can you get gold. Who can go down? "

Li Yi told Wu Jieyu that the volcano was the beginning, after which it was all flowing and boiling metal.

What does it feel like pouring molten iron on your body? From head to toe, I guess it feels nothing in an instant.

"Li Lang, who did the Northern History?" Princess Yongmu had no impression at all.

"Li Yanshou and Li Xialing studied the history of the country during the Zhenguan period."

Li Yi gave the answer, so skilled, he found out what he wanted to check.

Explain that your ability to check information is fast, and you are proficient in system application, which is a manifestation of your ability.


Everyone believed again, the names were all spoken, and there were still words.

The words Li Yanshou took are quite interesting, and they complement the name.

Go back and check, you can find it during the Zhenguan period.

"Is it so knowledgeable and knowledgeable?" Liu Jieyu looked at her own daughter, and then at Li Yi, satisfied.

She thinks Xiao Yi is a good child. He wants wealth and talent, but the key is to be beautiful and delicate.

Regardless of his delicate appearance, he can still play well.

It’s good for my own daughter. She spoils her all day long, and she doesn’t limit herself to Lijiazhuang.

After growing hericium erinaceus, the income of 1.8 million yuan a year will also belong to his daughter.

The key is not to look for women outside. The Nanqu'Everyone' from Pingkangfang has never happened before.

As for Xiao Lan, Xiao Lan belongs to a daughter and will not compete with her daughter.

Such a son-in-law is better than...

Liu Jieyu thought about taking a look at Li Longji, there was nothing to say, Li Longji had too many women.

Fortunately, I don't continue to look for it now, just those before.

Come here by yourself, what... it's good!

Queen Wang and Wu Jieyu are not suitable, so she will have another one.

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