Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 135 Li Family Zhuangzi Grabbing Artisans (third more)

"Hayo!" "Hayo!" "Ha~ah~" "Hah~ah!" "Open~~!" "Ah~~"

There is a collar for chiseling ice on the ice, and the others stand in a row, one holding the drill, and the other rounding the hammer.

The leader watched the big ice carefully, adjusted the rhythm, and the others dropped the hammer according to his rhythm.

When the last ‘open’ came out, the person holding the hammer immediately retreated, and the person holding the drill leaned back and pressed the skewer at the same time.

In the sound of ‘click’, a large piece of ice separated from the other ice.

The people standing further back watched nervously, they were responsible for pulling the rope, and someone fell and had to pull it up quickly.

It's just that the surface of the ice is slippery, and the friction between the shoes and the ice is small, and it slips out as soon as it moves.

The ice that was cut apart by everyone's efforts was pulled by a rope, and Calabash moved along the surface of the ice to the shore.

"Proprietor." Seeing that the person was unstable on the ice, Tao Hong suddenly thought of a good way, at least she felt good.

"Proprietor, first dig out shallow pits in the ice, will you stop sliding when you stand up?" She said excitedly.

"Good way." Li Yi first boasted.

When Tao Hong laughed out of the dimples, Li Yi threw out the two words behind: "But..."

"But the ice surface is very flat. If the pit is small, if you step on it, the area that comes into contact with the ice will be smaller.

And ice-cutting can't prevent water from splashing on the ice, unless it's sprinkling sand on it, otherwise...Go, enter the shed, and I will draw two things. "

Li Yi said, suddenly thinking of something, turning around with pink.

Entering the shed, Tao Hong opened the first aid kit, and there was a separate grid beside it, which contained paper and carbon pens, compasses, squares, rulers and other small tools.

Li Yi drew a picture of the insole on it, then drew a few triangles around the insole, and then drew a three-dimensional picture.

Fold down the triangle on the insole, change the insole to an oval, punch a hole on it, and put a rope in the hole.

After drawing this, Li Yi has a look around.

Tao Hong picked up two pieces of paper and handed it to the villager in Zhangjia Village, who was in charge of scooping the soup: "Find someone to send the things drawn by the proprietor to the workshop, and ask them to make a few quickly."

The old woman who scooped the soup did not say anything, took it out, shouted, a villager ran over, received the paper and ran away.

The blacksmith in the workshop saw the drawing, called a few people, and discussed a few words. Before finding it, he prepared a spare thin iron plate and began to process it.

Put it in the stove and heat it, cut out the shape, and gouge the hole.

Then use pliers to adjust the angle, two or three hammers down, a triangle will be folded down.

A total of six small triangles, thrown into the water to quench after smashing.

After a while it got cold, and a dozen things were taken to the river.

Li Yi put down the pen and said to the people in Zhangjiacun, "Take it over, attach the rope, step on the flat top with the tip of the shoe facing down, and tie the shoe with the rope."

Soon someone tried it, and then cheers came.

"Easy to use~~"

"Not slippery at all."

"Don't be afraid to slip away anymore."

"Which one did it? Good skill."

Li Yi continued to lower his head to paint, this is more difficult.

He drew an ice drill, which was usually used for fishing at the time. A hole of one meter thick ice could be drilled in less than a minute.

With its own battery, it is dexterous and convenient.

The whole is spiral, with a pointed head.

There is no electric drive at the moment, but it can be done by connecting gears and shafts with human power.

Put it on a wooden shelf and fix it, and turn it like a thresher.

It needs to consume iron, and it can only be cast. It is not so difficult for the blacksmith to smash it out.

"The strength of cast iron is not good enough, but it is harder than ice and can be drilled down." Li Yi is satisfied with own design.

If you are fishing or catching in winter, it is enough to chisel the ice with a drill.

Of course, now it is necessary to constantly fetch ice. The ice drill is manufactured, and the more frequently it is used, the more valuable it is.

Tao Hong, who was standing at the door and looking out, kept pursing her lips, listening to the people working on the ice saying that the shoes were good, and she and You Rongyan.

"Proprietor, easy to use, easy to use." People from Zhangjia Village ran over to report.

"Call the workshop to do more." Li Yi said.

"But this is a lot of iron..." The villagers hesitated.

"It's not about throwing away when you use it up, iron, or iron." Li Yi glanced at the villager.

The villagers ran away.

Li Yi continued to draw, the spiral drawing of the three-dimensional picture was slow.

When the painting was finished, he went straight back.

Give it to the blacksmith: "Make a mold first, then pour the molten iron, pay attention to safety."

The craftsmen gathered again, looked at the pictures and talked.

"Let’s make ice sculptures in Zhuangzi, and turn them into ice lanterns at night. Otherwise, there are some in Chang’an, so everyone can’t watch them all."

Li Yi thought that with good equipment, would his own Zhuangzi have fun?

"Wow!" Tao Hong expressed support.

"Look for a craftsman from outside to make ice sculptures." Li Yijian proposed that all members approve and make a decision.

"We have craftsmen in Zhuangzi, look outside, Zhuangzi's craftsmen..." Tao Hong held an objection this time, representing half of the participants.

"The craftsmen on Zhuangzi can have fun, and the main energy should be focused on other tasks. By the way, they learn to read and draw drawings."

Li Yi took out his own vote and insisted.

"Okay." Tao Hong muttered, lowering her head and rubbing her toes.

On the third day of the twelfth lunar month, news about Lijiazhuangzi's high-priced recruitment in the east of the city has spread in the city of Chang'an.

Yesterday, a craftsman passed by and discussed with Zhuangzi. When I came back, more people were tempted.

"How can he be like Li Yi? There are not many craftsmen in the city, so he even gave double the price." County Cheng Fan Ai was angry and found Pei Yaoqing to complain.

"How are you doing?" Pei Yaoqing asked while looking at Fan Ai.

"Some... Some wanted him to reason." Fan Ai tried to speak harshly, but knew it was useless.

He didn't know that His Majesty always went to Zhuangzi, but he knew Li Yi's good reputation in Chang'an City, especially Pingkangfang.

"Youlan, don't worry, the artisans in the city are actually enough, only because of the strict selection, I feel that it is indispensable."

Pei Yaoqing slowed down and said to Fan Ai.

Orchid is the word of Fan Ai, taken from: In "Li Sao", "Human Fu Ai Yiying wants to be Xi, it is said that Orchid is not admirable." ’The sentence.

Someone in Fan Ai’s family is an official. The name and word for him means to tell him not to impose on others because of his own likes and dislikes.

At the same time, Pei Yaoqing mentioned the reasons for the lack of craftsmen. The craftsmen must be selected first, and a large number of craftsmen who could have been able to carve were brushed down.

If some requirements are relaxed, there will naturally be more artisans working.

"Huanzhi, that's the case, why don't you send other craftsmen to Li Yi." Fan Ai thought he thought of a good way.

"The selected craftsman has twice the wages of the selected craftsman, how can the selected craftsman agree?" Pei Yaoqing asked with a smile.

"So what?" Fan Ai was about to scratch his head and paced around there.

"The matter ended in Li Yizhuang, and it should be solved in Li Yizhuang. I will go to see him and see." Pei Yaoqing gave a solution.

He actually doesn't know what to do, but he knows who can do it.

"Go, Huanzhi, you and I will leave now." Fan Ai urged.

Thinking of something again, smiled.

"I heard that if Li Yizhuangzi went there, he wouldn't need money to eat, wait for Xiaochao on the third floor of the heaven and earth." He said.

"Nothing, ordinary people used to eat bowls of noodles at most, and only officials and slightly wealthy people could eat at will." Pei Yaoqing told the truth.

"He is Li Yi actually like this?" Fan Ai curled his lips.

"At least he will give him a bowl of noodles, he will never starve to death. Youlan." Pei Yaoqing deliberately called Fan Ai again.

Means that you forgot the meaning of your name and words? Whoever can go in your house? Do you give me a bowl of noodles after entering?

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