"The first-class embroidery pattern of birds among the flowers is six feet two inches long and four feet wide. The market price is eleven yuan and three hundred yuan. Li Dongzhu accepts it and thirty-five yuan."

"The first-class embroidery fish playing with lotus leaves is eight feet two inches long and five feet five inches wide. The market price is 20 yuan and 350 yuan. Li Dongzhu accepts it and 62 yuan."

"The finest embroidery cloud and mist around Qingfeng..."

The well-known local Su Embroidery purchasers are evaluating the price for the people, which is the price.

Li Yi doesn't understand, it doesn't matter, find someone who understands.

Generally, foreign merchants buy Su Embroidery locally and ask for a commission, usually 5%.

If you overcharge, it can be reduced to one percent.

Li Yi gave the other party ten pieces of soap and asked the other party not to deliberately raise or lower the price.

The people originally wanted to offer it to the gods, and Li Dongzhu was the god.

Li Yi said that he would sell it, not keep it, and it was useless to offer it. He was willing to charge three times the price, and it would be more expensive to sell outside, so try it first.

The people agreed to collect the money and take out more embroidery at home.

Several people set prices there, and the people would sell it if they approved it. If they didn't approve it, they could tell why.

So far, the people have recognized it.

The person who set the price looked and looked at it, afraid of making a mistake.

"No wonder they like it so much and spend a few hundred taels of silver on a piece of clothing."

Li Yi has an embroidery on his hand, a picture of the sunset over the blue sea, and the sea gradually changes from blue to black and then to red.

This embroidery is a two-foot-square, larger handkerchief.

People in the industry offered a price of fifty-five yuan, and Li Yi made up for two hundred yuan.

This one has been embroidered for five full years. There is no drawing to refer to, but the embroiderer is watching the sunset.

If the photos are beautiful, then the embroidered handkerchief changes with the plane of the handkerchief, and the gloss also moves. It is not only beautiful.

Open the four corners and shake them slightly, just like watching the Rosy clouds at sunset on the sea, dynamic.

"Li Lang, who buys clothes with silver?" Princess Yongmu looked at the embroidery, but she didn't think so, she got used to it.

The things used in the palace are good, she is just curious about silver as currency.

"In other places, there are people in Guangzhou who use silver to buy and sell things, making large transactions.

When you go to sea, you will know that silver is not worth money. The country has a lot of silver and it is still near. Sapphire must play a role.

The best is gold. It doesn't matter what gems are. People in different places don't necessarily recognize gems from other places. "

Li Yi said Sapphire, thinking of Sapphire's sister-in-law and Doulu Concubine.

The two people have the same problem, which is what Li Yi hopes most. The fallopian tube is blocked by inflammation.

Now the two of them are taking medicine and taking medicine. When he comes back, the inflammation resolves and can be dredged. Then there will be a child.

He breathed a sigh of relief, if there were other issues, it would be difficult!

Silver is not valuable, because there are paper money, the qualification of silver as currency disappears.

There are copper coins and silk, but gold is actually useless.

But there is little gold, and a large amount of gold exists in liquid form deep in the earth.

"Where is the gem? I think glass is good!" Princess Yongmu likes glass.

She has a kaleidoscope made by Li Yi, and she looks very dazzling.

Of course, it is not as good as the sky of the water curtain, and the wall in the yacht now, which can change things and scenery back and forth without water.

"Things are rare and expensive, and glass will eventually become ordinary things, with high yields. Stones like other mountains, called diamonds, have high hardness. We use it when cold-cutting glass."

Li Yi never thought that diamonds are precious, that is, they are easy to use when cutting and measuring. Oh, and to make some axes.

As far as color is concerned, glass can do the same.

In addition, the glass is manufactured by heat cutting, and the glass is divided when it is hot.

"Listen to Li Lang." Princess Yong Mu thought for a while, gave up her own thinking, and listened to ‘husband’.

After the local people got the money, they ran to a place to press their fingerprints.

Wanjishu requires handprints.

Handprints were pressed one after another on a large bright white satin. This was the best thing they could give Li Yi.

The people know that Li Dongzhu is not short of money, and he can't even protect him.

Then send a piece of support to let Dongzhu Li speak more effectively in the court.

Shi Guanyou watched silently, without saying anything, he told himself over and over again, not to be jealous, but to hold on.

He remembered a sentence: The way of the sky does more than damage and makes up for the shortcomings; the way of man is more than damages for the inadequate.

There is no shortage of Li Yiming, so you still have to put his fingerprints on him.

I'm short, you guys get me one! I can't pay for it!

I want to get a Wanmin watch in Datang, but I can't even think about it.

In exchange for bribery of the people, to ensure that someone is impeached.

To win the sincere support of the people by virtue of their political achievements, publicity must be in place, and at the same time the people really get the benefits, otherwise the people will not do it.

Show your political achievements to the Shangguan, and at the same time give things away, just as the Shangguan gives you an appraisal.

You can be promoted if you have a recommendation from a superior.

Wanminbiao couldn't get it, and the people not only had sharper eyes, but also brighter hearts.

Throughout the year, you are exhausted to make a living, and give you fingerprints? Are you stupid, or do you treat others as stupid?

As for the account books of Zhangjia Village that Li Yi got, it is absolutely impossible for other officials to dream about it.


It wasn't until midday that everything was installed.

All the embroidery in the homes of the common people is replaced by money, and the common people are all smiles, and the beginning of this year will be a good harvest.

"In the future, more embroidery is needed. If you want to embroider at night, you can use bright lamps to make money back for lamp oil.

Don't let your own eyes get tired and blind, you will have a lot of money to sell in the future.

With coal, everyone makes more dried seafood, keeps it for yourself, and sells it elsewhere.

We left, and came back with seeds to grow better food. "

Li Yi shouted on the yacht's horn, and did not eat with the local people, for fear of delaying time.

The yacht slowly left the pier, heading for Jeju.

Jeju now does not belong to South Korea, nor does it belong to Silla. There are locals.

According to records, local people raise pigs and then wear clothes made of pig skins.

Then there is a characteristic, the upper body wears clothes, the lower body does not wear, this is the case for men, women and children.

Li Yi hadn't seen it before. He felt that people just wore larger clothes, and the bottom was like a skirt, vacuum-fitted.

Of course, even if people don't wear clothes, he doesn't have any ideas that he shouldn't have, and he doesn't like it.

In the people's farewell, the yacht left, and waves appeared in the back, faster and faster.

There are twenty Yulin Feiqi in the addition, the one who spit before is there, he hides in the corner like a quail, afraid of being seen by Li Yi.

He has not been taken to play by Li Yi himself, but he has been played happily by other people who have played with Li Yi.

Every time I think about it, I tremble all over, and often wake up in dreams.

There is a saying circulating in the team: Don't be afraid of fighting life and death, only afraid of the proprietor playing the game.

He saw the older generation of Yulin Feiqi pale when he proudly said what he had experienced.

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