Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 142 The Emperor Only Needs His Heart to Seek (Fifth)

"Yao Dongjia, it must be beautiful to spend some winter this year." After Xiaoyun delivered the goods, he said something and quickly changed the subject.

She didn't want to participate in this matter, but she knew that her back was in the palace.

As a woman, she is still anxious for the Queen.

The eunuchs and court ladies in other palaces would be cautious not to speak much when they came out occasionally.

Only the court lady eunuch of the Queen and Queen is always so happy, wow wow wow talking about how to play things.

Yao Chong who took the mirror quickly adjusted his emotions, and he looked out through a horizontal glass window.

Seeing someone transporting big ice cubes to the opposite street, many people who knew they were craftsmen by looking at it were negotiating there.

Then one of the craftsmen seemed to be making a decision, and the other craftsmen nodded. After this craftsman left, another craftsman was there to carve.

"It is indeed a beautiful ice sculpture club, Li Yi..." Yao Chong didn't want to mention that person, but he couldn't avoid it.

This ice sculpture matter was asked by Chang'an to ask Pei Yaoqing there to promote economic development and give more people an income in winter.

The key is not to pay the court, the rich take it, and the poor go to work.

Neither party suffers, and the officials of Chang'an County have achieved political success.

No, it's not just about political achievements.

There is also a commission, this is the most powerful.

In the past winter, when the ice was cut, there were always dead people.

I haven't seen it this year. The yaman watched and tied the rope to help give hot soup.

The rich even boiled meat and bones in order to find work to store ice.

But the instigator stayed on Zhuangzi honestly, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Yao Dongjia, eat blood sausage. The casing of the blood sausage is cooked tighter and tighter, and the blood will be cut off in the end."

Xiaoyun sandwiched Yao Chong's blood sausage, and the blood sausage dipped in garlic sauce tasted the best.

Yao Chong ate one and took another sip from the wine cup.

Suddenly asked: "I don't see anyone in front of the heavens and earth bringing ice over to carve."

"The proprietor said that the ice lanterns in the sky and the earth are made by Zhuangzi. They don't want them to make them. How can there be ice lanterns for own business and not need to be carved by their own craftsmen?"

Xiaoyun didn't conceal it, and said Li Yi's original words.

"What an imperial strategy." Yao Chong looked at another aspect.

The people in his own mansion are all intrigue, not to mention Li Yi Zhuangzi, who is more than ten times more numerous.

Of course, everyone in Li Yi's Zhuangzi is eager to move in one place, and their hearts are bound to one person.

Otherwise, why would your Majesty and Queen want to go there? They are equally comfortable when they are there.

A young man, how can he be a slave and not deceive his master? The emperor can be poisoned!

Count on Li Yi's three-character scripture at the beginning of the human nature, hehe!

"Yes, I am willing to let him take control." Xiaoyun helped Li Yi speak.

"Why?" Yao Chong wanted to know, and then used it at home.

He knows all kinds of struggles at home, but he is willing to do so. He is so balanced.

"Because the proprietor knows what we think, many times we didn't expect it, the proprietor helped us think about it." Xiaoyun said and patted her bag.

There is a small makeup box inside, and this bag looks like a beautiful decoration whether it is held, clamped, carried or carried.

Following Xiaoyun's movements, Yao Chong looked at the bag that had taken out the mirror.

I found this bag. It looks very simple, but the more I look at it, the more I want to see it. I always feel comfortable, with lines and layout.

He doesn't know that this is called visual aesthetics, he just wants to see it purely.

He even wanted to take his hand and take a closer look, but fortunately he held it back. It was obviously impolite to ask a woman's bag to look at it.

Just as he was about to speak, the outside light saw a figure shaking, downstairs.

Turning to see, the craftsmen just now had already left, leaving behind awkward ice.

"Unfinished, Chang'an Ling was deceived." Yao Chong said what was in his mind.

"Yao Dongjia, they don't have enough craftsmanship, they can't sculpt the details well, so they only make rough blanks, which the powerful person asked them to do.

After a while, the person will come back and sculpt the rough pieces. This is called assembling line cooperation according to ability.

In the pre-Qin period, the books have the same text, the cars are the same track, and the lines are the same.

It's a pity that many craftsmen don't understand it anymore and need to learn from the beginning. "

Xiaoyun and Yao Chong talked about the root cause of the following things, the things of the former Qin Dynasty, and they opened their mouths.

That's why many literati and inkmen are willing to come into contact with people like them and dare not to despise them.

"I saw it a few days ago, but it was not like that." Yao Chong had an impression.

"In those days, only skilled craftsmen were recruited, and the others were not selected. On the second day of the twelfth lunar month, the proprietor wanted to carve ice, and then..."

Xiaoyun didn't talk about it, and took a toast with the wine cup.

Yao Chong accompanies a drink, knowing it clearly.

Whenever Li Yi participated, it would be different.

Chang'an ordered Pei Yaoqing to promise to find it, and there will be a good way when he comes back.

The two said, Yao Chong ate a seven-point full, he didn't want to eat anymore, Li Yi said, don't eat too full.

Xiaoyun carefully packed the remaining vegetables, and then gave a small two-jin soy sauce jar.

"Yao Dongjia, there is really not enough garlic in the store to make garlic sauce, so don't worry about it." Xiaoyun sent Yao Chong to the door and said coquettishly.

Yao Chong's two classmates ate the soup cakes in the nearby shop. They had finished eating early, and they had been taking turns to stand outside to watch them.

Seeing Yao Chong came out, he stepped forward to take things.

Yao Chong looked at the soy sauce jar, worried.

This was Li Yi's account, and Li Yi didn't know that he was the old man.

Could it be that Li Yi figured out something and thought something would happen to him, so I should warn you?

With thoughts, Yao Chong left.

Xiaoyun pursed her mouth and smiled: "The proprietor said, our ice lantern is guaranteed to be better than everyone's."

Li Yi, mentioned by the two, is blowing glass in Zhuangzi at the moment.

The craftsmen are getting more and more skilled now.

However, the glass blown this time is to make a light bulb, using the original bamboo charcoal wire to draw out a quasi-vacuum.

The whole process is not difficult, but how to make the bulb burn longer.

Li Yi's request is that as long as it can be ordered for a hundred hours, it will be replaced if it breaks.

Just generate manpower, magnets, copper wires, where insulation is needed, isn’t there a football liner?

No need to redeem anything extra.

"Don't worry, be careful of burns." Li Yi watched the guidance.

Then insert the resistor body, connect the copper wire to the upper end, and heat and shape the glass.

Some of them burned out the resistor and copper wire, and the glass bulb cracked more.

"Adjust the process, first make glass bulbs, blow them, and place them on the annealing rack to gradually cool down after blowing. Now they are all cracked. When they are placed in ice, the temperature difference will be large and they will break faster."

Li Yi finds that the situation is not good, come again.

He knows that two yuan can not be bought at a loss, and that beautiful glass ashtrays and plates that can't be bought are easy to break.

There is a lack of a process. The glassware produced must be placed in a high-temperature annealing box, and the temperature will be slowly lowered.

The time is relatively long, so the process is reduced, and it will not be bad under normal circumstances.

Unless it encounters high temperature and temperature changes, such as putting sugar cubes in such an ashtray, adding the ash as a catalyst, it will ignite and click, and the ashtray will be waste.

The craftsmen were serious and excited one by one. They knew there was something good again, although they didn't know what it was.

Li Yi wondered, if you use a flowerpot to generate electricity and make this kind of bulb connected to it, how much can one sell for it?

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