Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1416 The Influence of Economic Resources (Second)

"Your Majesty, the Turkic envoys are here." In the afternoon, Song Jing handed over the Turkic envoy's Prime Minister's letter.

In Lijiazhuangzi, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Li Long was based on the early dynasty and the great dynasty that Hanyuan Palace opened.

On the day of Wang Shuo, the fifteenth and the first day of the lunar new year, there will be a big dynasty meeting.

Now that it's over, Li Longji only needs to hold a small dynasty meeting, and then he doesn't go to the small dynasty meeting. The four zaifu, what do you want me to do in the past?

Empress Wang and Liu Jieyu were both pregnant, and he stayed in Lijiazhuang. Wu Jieyu helped find a woman in the palace to serve Li Longji together.

Wu Jieyu didn't want to give the child anymore, she was vying for favor, looking for a woman for her majesty.

As for Li Longji, take out the medicine Li Yi gave, take it for 22 days at a time, and give it to the woman.

This medicine is not good if it is not good. It is easy for women to get fat. After taking it for a few years, they have not exercised well and adjusted their diet.

Well said, it's really good.

Some people have irregular menstruation. After taking this, they adjusted it all at once.

On the second day after stopping the medicine, there is a high probability that menstruation will occur, and then the menstruation will end and start taking medicine.

Li Longji gave this medicine to some people who had no impression of him, and Gao Lishi supervised it.

Li Longji is now afraid, afraid to have a child, and then grab a place with the little guy.

He had to consider the situation of a certain woman first, not because he could not afford to raise a child, but because he was worried about chaos in the harem.

Right now he is in a state where the emperor will not be reigning early, reading books, reading information and memorials in Lijiazhuangzi.

Not going to court early does not mean ignoring politics. The previous emperors, regardless of men and women, were afraid that they could not control the situation and had to hold a court meeting.

Li Longji didn't care anymore. He went to a big dynasty meeting on the first and fifteenth day of the new year. At other times, he didn't go for anything important.

Does anyone dare to stand up to me? That's great, try it!

It costs money to raise the feather forest flying monster, and it is always useless, that is, disaster relief and dispatch to the border.

Yulin Feiqi is to protect me. You don't want to get a Black Tortoise door to show me?

Li Longji thought, distracted.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Song Jing seemed to be accustomed to others' distractions, including Li Yi, sometimes in a daze when he said something.

"Ah! No see, no peace." Li Longji returned to his soul.

It’s been decided long ago. You have the ability to beat me in a Turk.

Yu Lin Feiqi is practicing with his gun, bang bang, batches of flash caps are used up and then taken back for reprocessing.

"Chen did exactly this." Song Jing just came over to report, and waited for dinner by the way, and packed food after eating.

At noon, I ate a couple of chicken noodle soup, which was four minutes full.

Eat a few bites in the evening, pack, and go back to eat with your family.

"Chen supports it." Bi Gou snapped his lips. He ate a bowl of egg custard at noon, made of three eggs, beaten in brine.

He is also waiting for dinner, it's not spring anymore!

If the humidity is heavy, take spicy dishes and bring medicinal ingredients. After eating the spicy spicy food, it can be weakened to a very low level.

Su Ting and Zhang Jiuling nodded, hoping to pack them all.

Don't feel embarrassed, in the whole world, where can the food be comparable to the Lijiazhuangzi Canteen?

People in the sky are the most expensive, and the taste is poor.

"What's happening in the Khitan and Xi people?" Li Longji asked the Northeast without asking the Turks.

"Bring lots of mushrooms, ginseng, pine nuts, walnuts, tussah pupa, hazelnuts, dried oysters, mink skins, velvet antler, and live deer."

Bi Gou is responsible for tax collection and tax rebate. For things from the northeast, tax is collected first, and tax refunded later.

The tax collector is money, and the Lijiazhuangzi docks and gives the money directly.

The tax rebate is a material, including profit, and the court makes a part of it.

"It's spring, the frozen soil is enlightened, and the road is not easy to follow." Li Longji looked sad.

Song Jing and others instantly looked at the eunuch who was holding a box next to him. No, it was the box.

They are all human beings, and the key is whether Li Yi makes another move in advance.

"I heard that the road is still being built. The four places over there are lack of money, few people, and it's not easy to get cold. Spring is here."

Li Longji continued his previous state with a trace of melancholy.

In the past, many officials will stand up and express their sorrow at the North Korean meeting.

NS! At this moment, the four Zaifu are thinking hard about what they mean.

Lack of money is not a problem. Datang has money but few people? What do you want to say when spring comes?

It's freezing cold, there is no civilized over there? Yes, no, it's early, there are still frozen places where the Yellow River passes.

"I heard that there is too much coal in Hedong Jiedu and Taiyuan Mansion. Some people even suggested using coal to build roads, which is easier to walk on than yellow mud.

I also heard that the local people could not find something feasible and had no alternatives, and I was very worried.

One side suffers from the bitter cold, one side has more coal but the people live less. What kind of coal does Lijiazhuangzi use? "

Li Longji began to hint, hinting while dissatisfied.

What did you Zaifu think about all day? Taiyuan has a lot of coal. I don't know where the coal mines are in the northeast. People in a large circle of Taiyuan are struggling to farm. Do you understand?

"Lijiazhuangzi uses coal coke for smelting. The temperature is high, so you need to simmer it?" Su Ting tried to ask, guessing what your Majesty meant.

"Let the Khitan and Xi people come over to buy coal?" Song Jing started from an economic point of view.

"Selling coal to collect taxes." Bi Gou asked for money directly.

Zhang Jiuling looked at the three people and asked: "Lijiazhuangzi's coal is different from others?"

He only came here last year, and he hasn't touched on some things, mainly because the matter is too small and no one talks to him.

Gao Lishi said: "Lijiazhuangzi's coal is washed out of coal. It is all good coal, lump coal. If Lijiazhuangzi needs coke, he will braise it himself."

"It turns out that the people in Taiyuan were asked to wash coal and sell it to the Khitan and Xi people. How to sell it? How many people would wash it?" Su Yingwu realized it was too simple.

"Yeah, how do you sell it?" Li Longji was melancholy, and finally found out that talking to Brother Yi was so easy?

Some people say that they know the elegance by hearing the song, and when they change to Yi Yi, they directly give out a full set of plans.

The prime minister is too stupid, you don't have any strategic thinking? What is most important now? Population wow!

Li Longji took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "In the name of building roads for heating and smelting, we invite the people of Qidan, Xi, and Bohai to work in Datang.

Give more money to the coal washers and make a lot of money. A person can make forty dollars a day. Now the forty dollars can buy food for a long time.

The lack of population makes it impossible to develop local industries, and a large part of the money earned will be spent in the place of work, especially when the roads are not smooth.

The mineral resources are exchanged for human resources, and the selling price of minerals is higher than the price of hired people, which will suppress foreigners. "

Li Longji has given classes to Zaifu, and I have given you all the books. It's not easy for you to learn, are you?

Do you not understand non-armed aggressive warfare? I have learned it all, although it is still a long way away.

Just like you, you still complain privately for less rights. What rights do you give? What profit?

I forbeared, waited, and waited for the students of Lijiazhuangzi to have a good experience in the local area. When it comes to the height of the court, I don't need anyone else.

"The minister knew what was wrong." Song Jing didn't flatter Li Longji, he directly admitted that he was wrong, and he did not expect it.

Like "Guan Zhong", various economic wars.

I saw it before and found it to be correct, but when I compare it now, it's not on the same level at all.

If you buy something from you, you will produce it exclusively. If I don’t buy it, you will be finished. This is Guan Zhong's economic war.

Look at Li Yi's, take you to make money together, can let you get rid of it at any time, and can make you live a good life at any time.

It's impossible to guard against, and it's everywhere.

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