Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1420 Money and personality are both respect (first)

Obviously it is the same barbecue. When everyone eats it again, it seems to be more delicious, and one by one is full of confidence in the future.

Li Yi was still as calm as before, and got used to it.

The work of the leader is just that, when a group of people don't know what to do, one person must come forward.

Regardless of any difficulties faced by this person, he always remains calm.

To achieve the true Mount Tai collapsed in the front without changing the color, the elk are happy to the left without blinking.

With the backbone, everyone can unite their strengths in one place without any disadvantage.

There are no people on Hachijo Island, and no animals can be found. There are seabirds, but there is no shortage of mosquitoes and flies. How mosquitoes and flies come from is probably related to storms and birds.

At dawn, the boat put down the kayak, and everyone went to the island, wrapping themselves tightly one by one.

"Li Lang, are there any mice?" Princess Yong Mu wore a veil to defend.

"If you want to have a mouse, unless there is a mouse washed over by water on the board, you must have a male and a female.

There have been tornadoes over the years. In theory, there should be snakes that were swept in.

Take a look on the island, the ship is sailing in the sea, and the island is also a good place to berth.

The surrounding area is an active volcano that will erupt, and generally no one wants to live here. "

Li Yi came for the first time, but he was not very sure.

What should I do if I am wrong? Wrong is wrong! Analyzing again, who would dare to chop off his own head?

Standing on the island is uncomfortable at all. There is no human population, except for the messy things such as stones, sand, grass, trees, vines, etc., there is no enjoyment of traveling at all.

Yulin Feiqi took Li Yichang's chain saw and weeder to open the way, and the rotary weeder on the ground where it encountered the grass cut the grass by the roots amidst the buzzing sound.

Encountered a big tree, the chain saw, boom boom boom boom.

Four craftsmen carried manual pressurized watering cans and sprayed medicine.

Li Yi wanted to open a road to the water source. Medicines used to kill insects and paraquat.

A part of Yulin Feiqi and the craftsman wore a full set of protective equipment in front, and Li Yi walked away in no hurry.

He is more afraid of paraquat.

He just breathed in, he still has a way, if it takes a little longer, alas!

"Let’s look at the waves on the upper side of the beach and tell you that sea sand is not suitable for making concrete, it contains salt..."

Li Yi didn't have a word to look for, and he just learned knowledge from popular science.

The court ladies and eunuchs quickly took out their notebooks and pen records, without missing a word.

"Don't remember, I'll sort it out later, do you remember this sentence too? Stop!" Li Yi stopped, and would you write me a personal record?

"Proprietor, I can't remember it." Tao Hong said bitterly, and she didn't want to remember.

When everyone was playing, as soon as Li Yi spoke, he couldn't play.

"I redeem something, automatically record it, including sound and video, and cut it back, so that many people stare at it and record it while watching it."

Li Yi thought of a good way and recorded it.

As he spoke, he conjured four sets of video recording devices, taught everyone how to use them, installed one for himself, and the other three people chose the orientation and angle.

Tao Hong and the others showed a look of resentment, as if they were saying, why didn't you take it out before?

"There are still few people, few craftsmen, and the wood is still wet, so it is not easy to break into boards. Later people need to spend time on repairing the boat."

Li Yi didn't feel distressed when he saw a tree with a diameter of more than one meter fall. It was not his time.

Nowadays, trees two meters in diameter are very common in America, and there are many large trees in the southwest of the Tang Dynasty.

Later, it is a kind of cash crop, rubber tree.

The state has ordered that large trees that are not dead are not allowed to cut down to plant rubber trees.

The locals began to peel them. In their eyes, can your thousand-year-old tree make me a dime?

He killed the tree abruptly, then cut it down and planted a rubber tree.

When it was time to tap rubber, the international rubber price dropped sharply. Rubber growers complained that it was worthless and could not survive.

Li Yi has never said that he has criticized ordinary people there, including being bullied and disfigured during travel.

Just look at the top and second leaders in the local provinces, and what other small fruit cases are. The local government has been rotten from the ground up.

The only thing he can do is not to go, and he won't say that he will bring a bunch of bodyguards and wait for someone to find fault before fighting back, and he will promote the local political corruption.

It doesn't make sense, it's a waste of time. Knowing the environment like a cesspit, what is the obligation to dig out the dung?

At this point, the tree on the island does not need to be bothered at all.

"Yes, there are still tree species to be introduced, black locust, and large cacti are not needed. It is not good to plant, and it takes effort.

The beautiful succulents have to be collected, raised and sold in the Wentianlanxiang Pavilion.

Coupled with the special slogan, I believe that rich women are willing to buy. "

Li Yi wanted a lot of rich people, and felt that the rich should use more money.

"Li Lang, succulent is braised pork?" Princess Yongmu asked if she didn't understand. The fried bun with Spanish mackerel stuffed in the morning was hungry, succulent!

"No, but some can be eaten, some can be used as medicine, and also can be eaten. We have aloe vera, and that can be used as a vegetable and medicinal."

Li Yi explained that succulent and braised pork belong to two worlds.

"Can that be braised?" Princess Yongmu swallowed.

"There is nothing in the world that cannot be braised, but it is not always possible to eat it. Can braised stones be eaten? Can't bite." Li Yi tried to be more tactful.

Princess Yongmu's enthusiasm for eating braised pork cannot be dispelled. The key is that only braised pork is the most authentic.

Large fat chunks of an inch square, red and greasy, not greasy.

"It's useless?" Princess Yongmu regretted.

"Like gems, the biggest role is to appreciate and show social status. People's needs are not only to eat and drink, but also to gain respect..."

Li Yi also talked to Princess Yongmu about the needs of people, or the ways to be respected are different.

Rich people can get the respect of some people, and those people respect money.

Some people can also be respected by others, even if they don't have money, those people respect their abilities and contributions.

There is no right or wrong, or both.

Money, in fact, is a resource, and in a more distant era, it is food.

Shouldn't a person with a lot of food be respected? What? Does this person distribute food? Then kill him.

Therefore, Li Yi always believes that I will respect how much money you have, it is impossible, and you will not give it to me.

People who can make money with themselves and increase food production for the people in their own society will benefit themselves and they must be respected.

Princess Yongmu thought for a while: "Glass is also very expensive. Glass can be used to bask in the sun, make greenhouses, telescopes, kerosene lamps, and thermos."

"Yes, some gems also play a special role, but the demand is not high.

What about spiritual enjoyment? For example, you are now the real Princess Yongmu, what do you want? Is it admired by the people? "

Li Yi does not deny any kind of value, objectively.

"No, I just want to follow you Li Lang and eat braised pork." Princess Yong Mu shook her head slightly.

Li Yi: "..."

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