Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1435 Life is a colorful person (second more)

The officials of the Ministry of Water suddenly realized that being a banker in Lijiazhuang is more comfortable than being an official in the court.

The children of officials who want to enter some academies of the imperial court depend on their grades.

Li Family Zhuangzi doesn't need it, because outsiders want to send their children in, it's as difficult as heaven.

The content of the academy's professors and the lectures taught by Lijiazhuangzi are even more different.

"Oh! A certain official is a low-ranking official, and the baby in the family is not shady, and he is not a good father." The official thought, feeling very sad.

"The proprietor is compiling the teaching materials. When the proprietor comes back this year, it will be sent to Jingzhao Mansion for a trial period of one year, and if possible, it will be promoted."

The dealer told the secret, which made the officials happy.

The official residence of the Ministry of Water lives in the southern part of the city, which was later a specially built official residence area.

Many officials cannot afford to buy houses in Chang'an and the neighbourhood. Renting houses is expensive, and cheap places are too far away.

In the past, when I went to work every day, I had to get up early and wait until I got off work to get home late.

You can't even afford to buy livestock, so you can only go by yourself.

The wife looks after the children at home, darning and embroidering at the same time to subsidize the family.

The grade is low, and you need to bring a food box when you come out in the morning to eat at the water department under the Ministry of Industry.

Now I move to the south of the city, with free housing, additional subsidies, and a special carriage as a shuttle bus to work.

There are children who naturally attend classes in the official school in Chang'an, and their meals are also under the control of His Majesty. Don't bring meals.

They began to worry about what their children were learning again, and went home to teach them, but they always felt that they were not as good as the children of Lijiazhuangzi.

"Dongzhu Li has published a lot of books to educate them, but do you want to publish them again?"

The official just put a piece of chicken in his mouth, spit it out, and asked questions.

"The proprietor doesn't care that others learn better, and the proprietor knows the breadth and depth. How can he care about a little fur?

The technique taught by the proprietor right now is a drop in the ocean. After learning it, he only knows that the sky is high and the earth is thick. "

The dealer told the officials in a pretended manner.

Official: "..."

For the first time, he discovered that the sky is high and the earth thick is used in this way.

"Really? I don't dare to think about it. I get excited when I think about it. I'll go and make it easier." The official must pee when he gets excited.

The Zhuanghu looked at the official who got up: "You are timid, what are you afraid of? Think hard, otherwise you will be timid and you will always pee."

The official staggered as soon as he took a step. He understood it. What he didn't understand was how did the word change?


"There is a moon in the sky, and a moon in the water. The moon in the sky is in the water, the moon in the water..."

There is no moon in the sky, but a song about the moon is sung in the yacht hall.

The little girl didn't hold the leaves in her hand, she was only responsible for listening and watching.

Xiaolan is singing, Li Yi plays the violin, and her jaw hurts when she sings.

Li Yi decided not to lecture today, and teaches the big disciples to learn music. Sometimes, for patients, listening to music is also a treatment method.

For example, when you step on the bass drum of the ‘dong dong dong dong’ drum, some people feel better, and some people get sick.

Orchestral music is the same, it can make people happy, but it can also make people sad.

For example, Erquan Yingyue, the name is so nice, and when I listen to the content, some people indulge in it, and some people hate to find someone who plays music or plays.

Music has two sides, not to mention medical principles.

Therefore, Li Yi teaches music to his major disciple, and his purpose has nothing to do with medical treatment...

He just wanted to let the little girl touch more non-medical things and be happy.

Don't think that you are a healer all day long and feel sad when the patient dies.

The accumulation of negative emotions will in turn affect the improvement of technology and bring negative perceptions to patients.

When Li Yi received the rash, he was always gentle.

Even if he has just been angry, and has not eaten yet, and is uncomfortably hungry, he still shows his professionalism.

I swore an oath when I was studying medicine, knew the rules, and had a clear idea.

The patient is a person, he is also a person, the contact between people.

If there is prejudice, money concept, self-righteous status, and indifference in the process of contact.

Does that go against the original intention? Breach the oath? Violate the rules of taking people's money and eliminating disasters?

Li Yi knows all about social issues.

From his own point of view, he teaches big disciples to feel more beautiful, and music is one of them.

Music can inspire soldiers to charge and soothe people's hearts.

"Master, is this a homesick song? It feels like you wrote, oh, the sea that you copied ascending the bright moon, the end of the world has this time."

The little girl has heard it twice, think about it, and ask Master.

Li Yi clenched his fist with his left hand, put down the violin, and rubbed the head of the big disciple: "The teacher will work hard to teach you what he has learned."

Li Yi is jealous, no wonder God wants to take away this talent.

He once again strengthened his conviction and found more death row prisoners to practice.

According to the law of the Tang Dynasty, death row prisoners can be killed but not abused; according to the imperial power, the sins of the world can be forgiven; according to society, thousands of deaths are the only one; according to the wishes, the mortal person is willing to live.

Therefore, if there is nothing wrong, the death row was found.

Everyone is happy. The families of the victims are getting a lot of compensation, and they know that the criminal who killed their family members will undergo experiments again and again. It is also comfortable.

The victim's family will think that you will kill you directly and will not understand their hatred, so they will watch you face Death, this time you live, and the next time.

"Master, you saved me because of my talent, right?" The little girl looked up at Li Yi.

"There are too many people with good talents, and there is no shortage of geniuses in this world. What is lacking is a genius who has a healer in his heart.

When you know that you will not live for a few years, what you want is to use these years to treat others.

There are tens of thousands of wild horses, and lone wolves can be abused, but no horses fight together; as a family, wolves are timid, and they are dependent on life and death.

To be saved by the teacher is not to save you alone, but to show the medical ethics of Tang Dynasty. "

After Li Yi finished speaking, he picked up the eldest disciple, carried it on his shoulders, and turned in circles.

The little girl laughed happily, not afraid at all.

"Li Lang, how many can pass after the imperial examination?"

When Li Yikuai stopped himself to put down the little girl, Princess Yong Mu asked softly.

She also knew that this year's imperial examination was different and the requirements were too high.

"It doesn't matter how much you pass, and next year, we will give Datang students a way of thinking about imperial examinations, not just being stuffed, and writing poetry.

Poetry is no more than a trail, sink, sink your mind.

Don't be afraid of not knowing how to farm, as long as you know how to select and cultivate talents who are good at farming.

Officials may not be able to farm land, not control water conservancy, not house furnishings, and do not know how to sericulture.

You have to guide, right? Put the people in the meeting where they are needed.

If this is not possible, what use is it for you? Listen to you writing poems and fus? There is a place, don't be a real authority. "

Li Yi didn't expect much to be successful in this year's imperial examination, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't.

When you arrive at Jingzhao Mansion, the court will raise you for one year, and you will take the exam next year. At this stage, you read the newspaper and learn more.

"Li Lang, I found out that many people on the island use shells as currency, can we use it?"

When Princess Yongmu heard Li Yi talk about the affairs of the court, her thinking diverged and she thought of other things.

"Yes, but it's not shells, but our currency. Oh, Wen Tian, ​​why are you so smart? Come kiss."

Li Yi closed his eyes to behave as a gangster, and pouted to kiss him.

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