Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1453 His Majesty Lai Yu Lin (second more)

At a glance, there are more than a hundred sharks vying to eat.

The people who helped clean up the fish stopped working and stood by to watch the excitement.

The child was scared and curious, hiding behind the adult.

The people here are old people, women, and children, young and vigorous to do other tasks.

They are here to help Yulin Feiqi tidy up the fish, like fish guts that are not well preserved except for the swim bladder, they take them home to feed poultry and pigs.

Yu Lin Feiqi did all the work of repairing the house at home.

They took the fish offal and brought home some fish and shrimp to eat. The days told them it was the New Year every day.

They can't help at the moment, they can only watch and cheer for Yulin Feiqi by the way.

Yulin Feiqi began to prepare weapons, bamboo, Haizhou here was Li Yi at Li Yi's time in Lianyungang, Jiangsu, and there was no shortage of bamboo.

Bamboo forests are one by one. Everyone lives by eating bamboo shoots and bamboo rats, and bamboo can burn fire.

There is a bamboo dock on the seashore for mooring boats. The tents and bamboo huts that Habayashi lives in.

There are a lot of bamboo poles piled up next to them, just to be used.

A part of Yulin Feiqi quickly used a saber to deal with the front part of the bamboo, cutting it into an oblique tip.

Five hundred Yu Lin Feiqi took three or five spears and lined up in a line of fifty people.

Accompanied by the sound of commands, fifty people ran forward with spears to the beach, swish, swish, and bamboo spears flew out.

The first row immediately ran to both sides, the second row rushed forward, and another fifty bamboo spears flew out.

Soon the round ends and the second round begins.

For the first time, the people saw Yulin Feiqi'fighting'. It was so neat. Is this a military formation?

The bamboo spear can still tremble in the air, and then plunge into a sea area.

There are many sharks coming out of the water from time to time. Some bamboo spears are pierced and floated on the water, and some plunge directly into the shark's body.

The blood flowed out, and the shark with the bamboo spear was rolling, some of the bamboo spear fell, and some of the sharks were sinking into the water along with the swimming shark.

"Don't froze, hurry up and help transport the bamboo spear." The old man who had just talked to Fan Fan saw that the second round of the bamboo spear was about to fly, and shouted.

When the people heard it, they ran to get bamboo poles.

"Okay, okay!" The old man stood on the dock and looked at a piece of water stained red with blood, with a smile on his face and praised him.

He didn't have the slightest pity for sharks, and regarded it as a great harm. The good men of the clan would die in the mouth of sharks.

He learned at the same time that he should continue to extend the dock into the sea, see the sharks, throw cut live fish down, and lure them with blood.

The people above flew bamboo spears, waiting for the shark to die, and then went down to pick it up.

Fan Fan commanded two rounds, no matter what, someone else took over.

He walked to the old man: "Before we leave, we will smash bamboo poles in the shallow sea area with sandy beaches, connect them, leave a hole in the middle, and add a bamboo fence that can be put down at any time.

Make a few more repairs, so that everyone will swim at the beach and hang nets in shallow waters to avoid the sharks coming in. The small fishing boats come back and enter through the openings.

When you see a shark, prepare the bait, open the opening, lure the shark in, close the opening, and the rest is easy. "

Fan Fan used his military knowledge to target sharks. There are many local bamboos and lack of manpower to smash them.

If it doesn't fall down, it will float up, and the ebb and flow of the sea will have a great impact.

"The old man understands that he will call for repairs in the future, and he is afraid that the bamboo will not be able to withstand the strong wind and the waves."

The old man doesn't need Fan Fan to say much, he immediately understands what the other party means.

As the elder of the local clan, he came to find Yulin Feiqi to help solve the shark problem.

If you are qualified to speak on behalf of other people, you can mobilize other people to work.

"This year the imperial court smashed 15 million yuan to build a railway from Chang'an to Haizhou.

After it is repaired, if there is a typhoon, I will wait for the car to come and help.

Your Majesty always said that Yulin Feiqi is a soldier of the people, and if the people need it, it is incumbent on Yulin Feiqi. "

Fan Fan promised not to forget to promote to Li Longji that Yulin Feiqi is different from the local government officials and Xiangyong.

Wherever they go, they must help the people with work.

When I am resting, I don’t go to people’s homes, I need to buy things and give money.

After digging wild vegetables, harvesting mountain products, and fishing shrimp, we will share it with the people.

They did not go to Goulan, nor did they harass the local people. They patrolled the main road in Haizhou during the day and night.

In Haizhou, they helped people build houses, pile walls, fences, dig out dung, dig ditches, and build roads. They built additional bridges over several rivers.

Therefore, Fan Fan said he would come to help, and the old man had no doubt.

"Commander Fan, it is the blessing of the common people that we have strong soldiers like you in Datang that are loyal and loving to the people." The old man said sincerely.

"Your Majesty always tells us that the people are the most important, the society is second, and the king is the light.

It is also said: The monarch, the boat is also; the commoner, the water is also. Water carries the boat, and water overturns the boat.

I waited for Yulin Feiqi to come from the people, knowing that the people are worried, so I should solve the worries of the place, so you have no worries. "

Fan Fan continued to promote Li Longji, which was requested by Li Yi. No matter what moment, his Majesty must be put first.

It's not fake, Li Longji really hopes that the people will live a good life.

Yu Lin Feiqi not only speaks, but does better.

The old man knelt directly, knelt in the direction of Chang'an, and kowtowed three heads before he stood up. He had no doubt about what Fan Fan said.

From his childhood till now, he has never seen any army that can match Yulin Feiqi.

One by one is so strong, but never bullies the people, feels like an army outside, and relatives when he is by his side.

Especially when Yulin Fei rode his horse to patrol at night, the sound of horse hooves not only didn't feel noisy, but it was reassuring.

"Commander Fan, the train, the newspaper said it can carry many people, and it will be able to travel between Haizhou and Chang'an within a few days.

At that time, the people on my side want to show your Majesty, is it appropriate?

Look at the people around you, the little doll is not afraid of you, and even lets you hold it high. "

When the old man talked about this, his smile was bright, and the places where the two teeth were missing were so...natural.

"Your Majesty is sure to be pleased. As long as you don't delay work, you can go to as many people as you can. You can't live in the palace. There is a place for Lijiazhuang."

Fan Fan didn't dare to refuse for Li Longji, so he agreed first and talked about the future.

Anyway, I am a member of the army who will be killed in foreign countries. If there is a problem, I can ask the proprietor to solve it. It is estimated that your majesty will not care.

The old man exclaimed: "It's so good, so good, if it's as written in the newspaper, with railways and trains, I feel close to Your Majesty."

"When things happen, we come here faster. In the future, Houhaizhou will be an important place, and the place will be stable.

There are poor people who are sick or do not know how to make money. The local tribes should inherit what his Majesty thinks. "

Fan Fan quickly strikes while the iron is hot. You are in great power here, so some people have a hard time. You can think of a way.

Who is sick and has no money to see a doctor? Your family is so rich, isn't it...

You want to see your majesty and get more help. What do you have to pay?

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