Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1458 is close to each other (second more)

When the yacht closed the net for the first time and the fish in the net jumped and struggled, the Indians who came back to the deck looked jealous.

They can fish, but one net can get so many fish, enough for many people to eat for a long time, right?

They have fishing nets, but they are not strong, and they are small, and the weaves are not fine enough.

More often, it is necessary to smash the fish with wooden spears and rocks, and then fish them out.

In general, freshwater fish are more suitable, but in the sea, it is difficult.

Li Yi steered the yacht and fished for entertainment.

The Indians fished in order to survive, and the fish was delicious, but it was meat.

A net of fish came up, and Li Yi put down the bottom net to fish for shellfish.

Beside this thing, except for the beach, I want to dive and harvest, and it takes a lot of effort.

Li Yiruo dives, does not wear any equipment, fishes for shellfish, swims, and fishes enough for a few people to eat.

It looks okay, but it's actually not worth it.

If the calories he consumes are used in other ways, he can get more food.

If he does not eat other things and only eats shellfish, the calories consumed by diving will not be replenished.

Like tigers, lions and other carnivores, they will try their best to make reasonable use of their own physical strength.

If they fail to catch their prey several times in a row, they will starve to death.

The indigenous people love to eat seafood, but more often they go fishing in the river.

They need to survive, and the harvest in the sea is not as good as in the river.

They also raise animals and farm land.

The harvested grain is piled up, and if there is a fire and the grain is burned out, the entire tribe will be almost finished.

According to Li Yicha's information, a large tribe here can be said to be civilized.

After research, they have developed a scale of more than 100,000 people, and it seems that they disappeared because of a man-made fire.

The man-made fire was obviously connected to the house and food burning together, sneak attack, internal rebellion.

Or set fire while fighting, because there is no more evidence, it is impossible to determine the specific situation.

A net of shellfish was brought up, there were fish, shrimp and crabs inside, and there was no shortage of seaweed.

The seagrass Yulin Feiqi collected it, and there were chickens and pigs on the yacht. Feed them.

They eat well, eat seafood every day, and eat whatever you want. Pigs will gain weight as long as they are fed, and chickens will lay more eggs without lack of calcium.

Two nets are enough. The people of this tribe add up to more than 500 people. The two nets are enough for everyone to eat at least three meals.

Obviously, I can't finish it all at once, so I need to dry it and save it to continue eating.

As the yacht returned to the shore, Li Yi gave an animation on the tablet of everyone eating, drinking and dancing around the campfire.

The leader instantly understood what it meant, well, let's eat together.

Everyone is back on land. The roasted corn is not roasted, but the corn is ready.

The boiled corn is boiled with the outer skin, one layer of skin, and the other skins are peeled off.

"There are two ways to deal with it, one is the outer corn husk that was just peeled off, and that one is used as a plate to pick up, hot and grilled."

Li Yi said and operated, padding with corn husks, reached out his hand to grab a corn in the water, and quickly connected the other husk, it was hot.

Do it a few times, don't grab it hard, and it won't be so hot.

"Holding it slowly, it's not working right now. The teeth are scalded and it hurts the teeth too much." Li Yi said, handing the corn to Tao Hong.

Taohong didn't eat it at all, she held it carefully, she was afraid of being hot.

"The second one is our dining tool, chopsticks." Li Yi picked up a pair of chopsticks and put a corn in the water.

Grasp the peeled skin with the other hand, hold it, and insert a chopstick from the back of the corn, hold it tightly, let it go, and burn it.

Chopsticks put the corn on, and chopsticks are so easy to use.

"Take it." Li Yi handed the chopsticks to Princess Yongmu.

He continued to snap the corn from the middle with that peel, and insert another chopstick in it.

"Put in half a corn, so it's so good, you can still rub the grains down with your hands. This is not good, it's too tender." Li Yi said to Princess Yongmu with his hot hand.

"Li Lang, why are you so proficient?" Princess Yong Mu saw it, own Li Lang clearly did this more than once.

"When I follow the chefs, I eat like this. The tender ones can be cooked. Stir fry with shrimps and put some green peas." Li Yicai thought about it.

Princess Yongmu watched and swallowed, but was not in a hurry to eat: "Li Lang, how to bake? Open fire?"

"Open flames don't work. Open flames are called burning. Charcoal fires are used to separate cooked and raw roasts.

Cooked roasting is now roasting on the fire, brushing with sauce, and you don't like to eat sauce, just roast it slightly harder.

The raw roast must be roasted first with the outer skin, otherwise the more the roast, the less moisture will be, and the oil and sauce will be constantly brushed until the end will not be able to bite.

There is also a kind of roast, which is braised and placed in the stove. I have a small invention to make a hollow tandoor and insert it into it. "

Li Yi is familiar with it, and roasted corn can't help him.

Speaking, he suddenly laughed, remembering a situation in the past.

In some places, grilled corn is eaten, and the corn kernels are threaded with iron wire. A dozen or 20 kernels are counted as a bunch.

Then such people went to the Northeast, where grilled corn is also available.

They are ten skewers and twenty skewers at one point. The waiter was surprised to confirm that they really need so many? They affirmed.

When the corn came up, they were dumbfounded. One bunch is a whole corn, ten bunches, twenty bunches. Are you sure it's not for the animals?

With a few laughs, Li Yi said to the inexplicable Princess Yongmu: "Although we want seeds, we can sell a little when we go back to the first crop and plant the second crop."

"Sell for a big price like a pepper?" Princess Yongmu blinked with big eyes.

"Yes, grilled skewers, two pieces per skewers, ten dollars, not much?" Li Yi asked.

"Let's plant it, isn't one seedling a seedling? You can make money anytime."

Princess Yongmu shook her head, she learned not to care about money.

Li Yi was stunned for a moment: "Okay, plant, listen to you, when the second crop is planted and the third crop is planted on a large scale, let's raise seedlings in advance.

When the others' ones are not filled, let's come out first and sell them once to make more money.

It’s sold at Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion. Make an appointment in advance. If you have more money, you can support the border. We still have to fight in the battle of Datang. "

"Okay!" Princess Yongmu was happy. The reason for her happiness was just the three words ‘listen to you’.

She also wants to participate and help with family matters.

Many men in Datang didn't listen to their wives at all, and wives did not even have the right to speak.

But Li Lang is not, sometimes he discusses it.

The indigenous chief has no time to manage other people's family affairs. He directs his own people to bring firewood over and handle fish, shrimp, shellfish, and crabs at the same time.

They actually don't eat crabs, they have little meat.

Li Yi’s team taught the indigenous people to pick shrimp threads and clean crabs. Big crabs were steamed instead of roasting.

Only then did the indigenous people discover that the black prawn should be picked out?

Yulin Feiqi also taught the locals to take out the fish bladder alone. The fish intestines could be eaten, but forget it, talk to them, cook it, and use it to feed the pigs.

After a busy period, I didn't eat any lunch, the sky was getting darker, and the bonfire was rising.

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