Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1469 is not a scam license (second more)

"Should the imperial court write a letter?" Huang An didn't worry about the former mountain people, he wanted to write to Song Jing.

Private messages, talk about how to operate locally, this matter cannot be discussed in official terms.

Li Feng shook his head: "Can't say, because it doesn't exist, what does the gossip have to do with us?"

"Yes!" Huang Anna called a helpless.

He is considered to be convinced, the five supervisors of Lijiazhuangzi are all so good at calculations, and of course the supervisors have tuned them out.

It is conceivable that Li Yi Li Dongzhu is capable of calculating people.

The matter was not complicated. As soon as Zhang Jiuling left, the people of Lijiazhuangzi immediately took over the entire Guangzhou Mansion.

The problems of the people and the mountain people were dealt with first, and then a gossip appeared.

Say yes, the Datang court felt that there were too many merchant ships for trade and it was inconvenient to manage.

After the New Year, only five places were opened, and other merchant ships were included in these five places.

How is the quota calculated? See who has the largest trade volume, and then give points, and get the places with the highest points.

In addition to the trade volume, food is awarded extra points. As long as there is enough food, the score will be higher.

When the news came out, both the Yi businessmen and the local businessmen inquired, the people of the Shibosi Division had an ambiguous attitude, neither saying yes nor saying no.

Later, there was a gossip that the people of the Shibosi Division had been given a password.

All of a sudden, the barbarians were crazy, and there were only five places. Whoever gets one of them will have many people relying on themselves. Will it be...

This method was Li Yi's country's policy towards Macau at that time, the casino license.

If you want to gamble legally and get a license, I don't care how many small ones you collect under your true card, you can handle it yourself and what you need to pay.

Therefore, Macau is very stable, and the local social situation is that the casino has the final say, and the chips in the casino can be used as money.

Li Yi's license at that time was real, but now Guangzhou's license is fake and does not exist at all.

Li Feng knew that barbarians were hoarding good things and shipping them slowly, creating the illusion of a shortage of goods and raising prices.

Because Lijiazhuangzi did just that, the original soy sauce, fermented bean curd, and tea eggs are clearly available, which means that the production has reached its limit.

He knocked a stroke, with food.

The barbarians saw the local situation and couldn't find other opportunities. Yulin Feiqi and Lijiazhuangzi were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

They grabbed the license for the license.

Run back as fast as possible to get things, food is more important.

The volume of trade suddenly increased, supply exceeded demand, and commodity prices of Yi merchants dropped.

Li Feng joined other Datang merchants to lower prices, and he also took the goods himself.

The price of the bargainer, the shipping price after the exchange is still the original price, there is a profit margin in the middle.

There is also more food. These are the first two batches, and more Yi merchants will come over with commodities and food in the future.

Can these things be officially written? Are you kidding me? We haven't said it, it's a rumor.

Huang An was scared, scared, really scared.

One is that the prices of foreign products of the barbarian businessmen are low and the food is more; the other is that barbarian businessmen will not be able to raise prices unless all barbarian businessmen are united.

However, he estimated that if the barbarians and the merchants dared to unite, the Lijiazhuangzi's methods would be more powerful, and he would not be afraid of you uniting.

I heard that Chang'an merchants had joined forces when they bought soy sauce, and they all knelt at the end.

"What if an insider reveals the news?" Huang Lun, the county magistrate of Dongguan, said, watching the leaders of the local mountain people by the way.

"Huang, what do you think of me? What benefits do I say to me? Annoy Li Dongzhu?

My village still counts on Li Dongzhu to live a good life. When things are exposed, I will be skinned by the people in the village and light the sky lanterns. "

A village master stared at Huang Lun, I am still worried about you, I don't believe any of you officials.

"I didn't look at anyone. I drank too much and confused." Huang Lun hurriedly hid. He hasn't touched a sip of wine until now.

"It's okay to say it, because this matter can come true." Li Feng said, don't fight inwardly, there can be quotas.

"It's not the season for harvesting food elsewhere. The barbarian merchants take out the stored things and food, and it will be cheaper later?"

Huang An turned the topic away, and he considered the purchase price.

"We sell fishing nets. Fishing nets made of cotton and linen are stronger than pure hemp and last longer." Li Feng said another thing.

"What's the use?" Tan Shui doesn't drink, she eats roasted buffalo.

"There are many catches, but there is little demand for food. Because of the tropical climate and high food production outside, it is suitable for us to buy.

The new nets used in our seaside catches will also increase, and they will be made into dry products and transported inland by relay.

After the ascension of food production and seafood production in Guangzhou, Luzhou and other places, excluding transportation costs, it can still help the mainland. "

Li Feng elaborated on the impact of regional restrictions on commodity circulation on the surrounding area.

As long as there is no place to protect the idea, even if the transportation costs are deducted, the price of similar and similar goods in other places can still fall.

This is called the unification of macro-control and market economy. The ordinary knowledge in political economy is not high-end at all.

Huang An and other local officials bowed their heads and felt uncomfortable.

A dealer, after listening to what he said, it takes a long time to think about it before he can understand the truth.

I am a man of fame, and I have taken the imperial examination. Is my fame now so worthless?

"My family will fish more in the future?" Qin Shui ignored how uncomfortable the officials were. She didn't take the officials seriously.

Can an official be compared to the banker of Li's Zhuangzi? Are you kidding me?

"You need craftsmen to build big ships. From Luzhou to Chang'an by land, it is better to go along the sea by water.

In the future, there will be trains in Haizhou, and they will be unloaded when they arrive, which is convenient for transportation.

Moreover, large ships can carry out ocean-going, fishing with nets farther offshore.

Land is the basis of our existence, but economic behavior, who stipulates that boats must be used on land?

Isn’t it economic behavior to invest in large ships, catch larger fish in deeper seas, and fish for shellfish and corals? "

Li Feng said to Tan Shui, don't limit yourself, and the court didn't say forbidden to build big ships.

Do you have to use a boat to get off the net by the sea? If you go to sea a little further, more fish are waiting for you.

"No, no, I quickly find craftsmen and drawings. I pay to hire them. Now many of us still dive, and some will never see them again after diving."

Tan Shui's eyes lit up and he was anxious. That's right, his own place is fine.

Why can only make money around own stockade? I built a bunch of big boats, and I also went outside to fish and do business.

"Recently, experts are building ships for Datang. When it's almost time, I will contact you.

Now you find the skilled craftsmen in the stockade and go there to learn. "Li Feng agreed.

Luzhou now has a lot of ships, and Luzhou’s fleet can be on the front line for naval battles.

Moreover, people in Luzhou are good at water, brave and fearless.

"Yeah!" Tan Shui was satisfied. Lu Zhou had learned a lot, and she was not satisfied.

After talking about this, she suddenly thought of someone: "Dongzhu Li is in Chang'an, how is he now? If it gets warmer, I want to go to your Zhuangzi, okay?"

"Okay! You can go anytime." How dare Li Feng refuse, hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

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