Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1472 Grain amplification is difficult (second more)

"Play~cannon~~~!" Many indigenous children shouted together.

'boom! ’The fifth pot of popcorn appeared, and the children cheered for help.

They are struggling to learn other Datang dialects, and they will be able to listen to these three words twice.

The leader stood by eating popcorn, his face full of shock.

He looked at the original corn kernels for a while, then at the size of the popped popcorn, and finally stared at the popcorn boiler, thoughtfully.

"Li Lang, what's wrong with him?" Princess Yong Mu noticed something wrong.

Li Yi glanced over, and said straightforwardly: "He was thinking about a grain amplifier, a popcorn machine, a corn, and it became several times bigger with a bang, hahaha~~"

Speaking of the back, Li Yi finally couldn't hold back.

Princess Yongmu pursed her lips and said, "The steamed buns, steamed buns, fried dough sticks and bread are also enlarged. He wants them, can you give them?"

"It's not easy to give, it's easy to happen, no, it's guaranteed to happen. The reason why the copper seal is inferior to the lead seal is that it is severely worn.

It explodes too much, and every time it is forced to open, the gasket will wear out, and the wear will leak.

They don’t know how to watch dry humidity and pressure gauges. They are clever. They have to burn for a while. Who is responsible for the explosion? "

Li Yicai did not believe that the native Indians would be as obedient as his own dealers.

"Is this big belly burst?" Princess Yongmu pointed to the biggest part of the boiler.

"It doesn't explode here, the front is sealed, sometimes the head will fly out, so no one is allowed to stand in front." Li Yi was considering how to refuse.

He estimated that the other party had all the thoughts he wanted to grab. Several handfuls of corn kernels were put in the pot with a bang, and the dozens of handfuls that came out couldn't hold it.

How many people can this feed? Artifact!

Princess Yongmu also thought about it, turned her head and took a look. Okay, Yulin Feiqi's finger was placed next to the trigger of the assault rifle.

"Li Lang, why don't we make some steamers for them and teach them the god-tier skills in baking dough?" Princess Yongmu endured a smile.

"A good way, you have to leave something. So it's a good idea to teach them to know the principle of puffing. The increase in volume means the change in density, but the quality has not changed."

Li Yi is worried. The indigenous people are struggling to communicate. How can we make them understand?

"Master, fresh corn becomes smaller once it is baked with a drying device, and dried corn can be soaked in water so that it can soak a lot."

The little girl didn't want to play with the children anymore, she stood behind Li Yi, and now she has an idea.

"Look, look at my big disciple, he's so smart."

Li Yi admitted that the apprentice had the simplest idea and told the other party what was going on.

"Go, smash the popcorn, put it in water, stir it into a paste, and then bake it dry." Li Yi ordered.

The craftsman went over, after some operations, the indigenous chief showed a regretful look, and understood, it turned out that it was still those things.

But he still cares about the popcorn machine because it is delicious.

"Bring the tablet, and I will show him how it exploded."

Li Yi was helpless, he didn't dare to give it to him, and there were casualties in the bombing, and the natives thought that the Datang people had harmed them.

The tablet computer is in hand, and the craftsman shakes the boiler there.

Li Yi demonstrated to the leader that all kinds of explosions and seals need to be replaced. The manufacture of the seals is very troublesome.

"See? It's not for you. You don't use it well. This software is so easy to use, who produced it? Foolish operation."

Li Yi first made gestures to the leader, then praised the software.


The leader understood, sighed regretfully, thought about it, and gestured.

Li Yi continued to operate the tablet, telling the other party that the popcorn is too large and it is not easy to save, and it can become damp and moldy, just like corn.

The leader means to let him bang a lot, and the tribe keeps it and eats slowly.

It's a pity that popcorn regains so much that it won't be crispy after eating, and it will grow hairy. There is a lot of rain in the area.

Li Yi saw the sad look of the leader, thought for a while, and continued to demonstrate.

Tell the other party that this boiler will be left, and a batch of gaskets will be left. Wait, wait for the follow-up Datang people to come.

Some of those people can do it to help the local popcorn, don't touch it yourself.

The finished popcorn can be stored in a dry place for a longer period of time. When the sun is good, take it out to dry.

The leader smiled, hugged Li Yi, and that's it.

"Six of you, draw this process, add a text description, and put it on the spot for people who come later."

Li Yi reached an agreement with the leader, turned his head and saw six officials eating popcorn, and ordered, don't be idle, my team will not raise idlers.

Wooden houses continued to be built, and Li Yi collected various seeds from the local area, as well as tobacco.

After being planted, this thing looks like Chinese cabbage. It needs a fermentation process. The roasting is relatively simple, but the taste is not full-bodied.

Before the cigarette is made, it will go through a fermentation process, but the taste is lighter than that of sun-cured tobacco.

He decided to go back and plant it as a medicine for external application. Don't let the tobacco leaves get too dry, and sell it to drugstores everywhere.

If the tobacco leaves are too dry, put fruit peels, orange peels, sand peels, etc., usually within twelve hours, and the peels will rot after a long time.

It is an orthodox operation, not spraying wine and honey. Tobacco leaves sprayed with wine and honey cannot be sold in a short time, and the taste is getting worse.

Another unorthodox method of regaining humidity is to place the tobacco seedlings on a bundle of straw, stand against the wall, and spray water on the straw.

The tobacco stalks are open in the middle, and will slowly absorb moisture, and the tobacco leaves will get wet.

The disadvantage is that the tobacco stalks will become moldy, and the position where the tobacco leaves are connected will become moldy and spread, so that the smoke is bitter.

There is also a spice spray. Because of the cost of adding spice, the price is also high. It is good if you smoke it. It is the taste of spice.

Li Yi doesn't want people to eat and smoke, so he has to strictly control it. For example, who wants to buy arsenic must register.

Three days later, Li Yi's team set sail again, heading south.

To the south is a series of small countries of his time, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador...

The point is that there is no canal, neither Nicaragua nor Panama.

Li Yi rushed back in a hurry, and the stay time was short.

You have to go around Brazil, and then around again, instead of going through the Atlantic Ocean to Africa.

"After we get the things, we still have to go back to the previous place and give the drawings to the people who follow, especially the reef conditions in the two straits."

Li Yi felt that he could meet Datang's team on the return journey, unless the fleet deviated too far from the course.

After listening to Li Yi's words, the six officials continued to study with their heads down, very honest.

They feel the fear, and they can't work hard, and they are guaranteed to be eliminated.

Don't offend Li Yi. Maybe Li Yi doesn't care. When the court lady eunuch went back and said, he and the others fell to the ground.

If he is the emperor, he also values ​​Li Yi.

There should be countless dangers in the ocean, but Li Yi seemed to be playing.

Along the way, I eat, eat myself, eat with the locals, and then give things, exchange things, send flags, and build houses.

There is no danger, can anyone else dare to think about it?

Who can come out is not the plan of a life of nine deaths? Waiting for someone to follow Li Yi, what life and death? Obviously, it is to experience the customs of other places.

"Li Lang, peanuts are delicious." Princess Yongmu squinted her eyes when she ate the peanuts that were boiled and then dried.

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