Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1475 Difficulty and different qualities (first more)

The flames of the torches swayed constantly under the blowing of the sea breeze, and the full aboriginal people sang and danced around the bonfire.

The people of the Datang team only half-filled their food and kept fighting at all times.

The craftsman was holding a spatula in his hand to shave other people's heads. According to Ruan Jin's request, everyone would shave their heads to prevent illness.

Those who are going to be shaved first wet their hair with warm water and apply soap.

Scrape down the roots of the hair, wait for a long hair to be shaved, and then apply soapy water again, shave it straight and back, and the stubble and stubble will be cleaned.

"I don't, I don't shave, I'm an official, and an official needs to be decent." The official who was almost slashed before got into trouble again.

He was afraid of going back to the sea once, and being laughed at by his colleagues, it would take at least three years to grow hair that can be taken.

Ruan Jin came with a knife and said, "Keep your head but not your hair, and keep your hair but not your head."

"Why, why is it so unreasonable? Be lighter when you shave for a while, and the knife should be fast, don't pull it hard."

The official and Ruan Jin looked at each other for three seconds and persuaded.

When he came out, he received training. The captain on a ship was the largest. He said that whoever throws it will throw it away, without reason.

The commander of a fleet is the largest. If you give up which ship you give up, you don't need any excuses.

"No matter how much you dare to do, you can save food for the team." Ruan Jin glared at the official and turned to look elsewhere.

When Ruan Jin walked away, the officials murmured: "I can still work, don't want to take me, leave me here, wait for you to come back and then take me..."

"Bring your suicide note back to Datang?" Liu Tingguang didn't know when he stood behind the officials.

"Where is there any place? My scalp is itchy, I have to shave it first..." The official ran away, shouting as he ran.

The person who had shaved his head took a cold shower, put on cropped trousers, and continued to handle the dragged trees with the axe and saw under the light of the fire.

When the female leader saw that Datang was working again, she quickly greeted her own, stop jumping, and go and work.

The aborigines looked at each other and rushed to work. They were actually unwilling to make wood, tired, singing and dancing.

They couldn't understand why the two Datang people who came here were so willing to work.

Sleeping sleepy, eating hungry, the rest of the time is work, work, and work.

Only when I’m tired from work, I take a short break and continue to work.

In the middle of the night, some Datang seamen swam back to rest on the ship, and they were worried about others.

Others slept on the island and wiped some toilet water. There were mosquitoes on the island.

They are not afraid of being bitten, they are worried about getting sick.


In the same night, the people on the yacht did not sleep.

Everyone was thrown up, the waves in the Drake Channel were wave after wave, like a roller coaster ride.

Li Yi's stomach was overwhelmed for a while, the only thing to be thankful for was that he told everyone in advance not to eat too much.

"Li, Li Lang, this, this can still go on the boat?" Princess Yongmu's face was pale.

Li Yi wanted to inject her for seasickness, but she didn't want it.

"Don't take this line, go back and take another one. That... slightly better, there is actually another one in the middle, which is too narrow."

Li Yi worried that the ship would capsize, with strong winds up and turbulence down.

The ship went up and down again and again, and the waves beat on the deck again and again.

He wants to change the big ship, now the tonnage is small, no wonder the Panama Canal is to be excavated, it is simply not a place for people to pass.

"Suez, Panama, must be cut out, and the Kra Canal." Li Yi squeezed out between his teeth.

The Kra Canal was made in Thailand at that time and he was hewn out to bypass Malacca.

Thailand wants to open it, and it is worried that after the opening of the canal, the area on the other side of the canal will be full of religious people, afraid of independence.

At the same time, many countries in the international community have prevented, like Singapore, that they are counting on the Straits of Malacca to live.

As well as Malaysia and Indonesia, their interests have been damaged.

Other countries did not want Li Yi's national trade to be smoother, and prevented the excavation of the Kra Canal.

What Li Yi wanted to dig up quickly was the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal. It is convenient to go to America and the Mediterranean.

Mainly because Datang has steam engines and ships, take advantage of other people's technology can not keep up, hurry up and develop.

"When I go back, I will find a way to dig the canal here, give money, send people, and then hire local indigenous people to work together, with explosives, metal tools, and sanitation."

Li Yi was ready to exchange other ships to take everyone out of danger at any time, muttering.

In history, the real excavation process of the canal lasted ten years, and some people had excavated one-third of the places that were relatively easy to excavate.

It took several years for the repairs to be completed.

"Oh!" Li Yi sighed again, he knew it would be impossible in a short time.

The Panama Canal needs to store water, that is, to build a large dam.

There were cranes, chainsaws, and trains when the canal was built.

If Datang has such capital, why not use it inside Datang first? Why did you go to America?

Even building railroads on the land of Panama or Ecuador to connect both sides is not cost-effective, and the investment is too large.

Datang needs bridges between the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, as well as other better roads and railways.

For the time being, America’s resources will not be used, and America’s shipping will be fine. The big deal is Cape Horn, which is located on the West Bank.

Continuing south from Cape Horn is the South Pole, and it is strangely cold.

Li Yi regretted that for a while, the yacht began to change its course, take your time, don't be knocked over by the waves.

When it got dark, Li Yi collapsed in the captain's room, and everyone was just like him.

"Let's finish getting the things, and the boat behind is coming here, so we promise that something will happen." Li Yi was unwilling to let the Tang Dynasty take a risk.

Wait a moment, when the Datang navy gets used to being at long distances on the ocean, and the steering back and steering are better, then consider passing here.

The resources on the West Bank are sufficient, and the big deal is that the army will disembark and go deep into the jungle on land.

"The sea is too fierce!" Xiaolan did eye exercises there, her eyes and head hurt when she was seasick.

Just like when you wake up in the morning, there is nothing uncomfortable about your whole body. It is best to faint and recover when you wake up again.

Li Yi stood up and swayed to the kitchen, put a lot of meat oil in a big jar, poured salt and dried green onion, poured water and boiled.

Sprinkle with pepper noodles, ginger powder, and pepper.

"Come on, everyone drink a bowl, throw up when you feel uncomfortable, blow and drink."

Li Yixian served seven bowls and held them on a tray to Princess Yongmu, Xiaolan, Little Girl, and the four court ladies.

Go to Sheng again and give it to the eunuchs and craftsmen.

"Proprietor, let's do it ourselves." Yu Lin Feiqi has never swayed like this before, insisting on one by one, not allowing Li Yi to move.

"Stay, I'll come, I'm better than you." Li Yi refused, and he personally served others soup.

He is really good. He has a driver's license, a helicopter driver's license, and a yacht driver's license.

He knows how to play single-soldier aircraft. He has been trained before, especially the simulation cabin rotation.

The simplest is the active roller and fixed roller training, which is cool.

"Sorry, I made a mistake, I will take you back and play with the activity roller." Li Yi apologized to the Yulin Feiqi.

The Yulin Feiqi who had just recovered a little, their faces instantly turned pale again.

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