Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1499 Don't change society and emphasize education (first)

"Do it again." Li Yi looked at Ruan Jin, and Ruan Jin operated the tablet to retrieve and enter information.

He and a few others had bloodshot eyes. Last night they changed operations and squinted for a while when they came to others.

The sailors are packing up their things, and they will go their own way after lunch.

The female chief stood under the three wooden flagpoles, watching the three flags flying above, in a daze.

There were many natives who were in a daze with her. With three more flags, there seemed to be more things that could not be said.

Many indigenous women learned to make clothes and needlework with Princess Yongmu.

Princess Yongmu can't cook, but she can make clothes.

Large quantities of silk are left to the people on the island, who make beautiful clothes and wear them on formal occasions.

For example, the next time Datang's fleet is here, and seeing the ships on the sea, it is too late to change clothes.

For the pies stuffed with fish, meat and wild vegetables at noon, the crew left a pile of miso slabs and told the New Datang people on the island how to make the sauce with salt water.

It must be sent in time, and the sauce must be beaten. No flies have been seen on the island, and there are no flies eggs in the dumplings, so the trouble of maggots is less.

New Datang people are happy, and joining Datang is good. Life has more utensils and food.

Another seaman left fifty sets of horizontal knives, bows, and arrows, for fear of others coming.

Fifty sets of things are an absolute weapon for New Datang people and can equip one hundred people.

Fighting enemies with sticks, sticks, and stones can easily kill a thousand opponents.

After the meal, the two sides boarded the boat. The child's mother finally took a look at the sick child and told Li Yi to take care of it. It felt like she would never see it again.

"When will you send it back?" On the yacht, Princess Yongmu glanced at the four-year-old baby who was sitting next to him in a daze, and asked.

"The next fleet will sail, take pictures and videos of her, and put them on the tablet.

Then use the filming function of the tablet to take pictures of the situation on the island, including her mother.

Let's go to sea again in one or two years and send her to the island for a few days.

Or the people on the island will come to Datang to play together when the fleet returns. "

Li Yi said that in the future, Princess Yongmu blinked, always feeling that something was wrong.

Li Yi continued: "The matriarchal clan social model is difficult to change in a short time. She went to Datang to follow her studies, and when she came back, she felt more belonging to Datang."

Li Yi went to fetch the watermelon frost lozenges made by Zhuangzi and fed it to the female doll.

The doll hung up the hanging bottle again, and at noon she ate a large bowl of egg custard made with bird eggs, and put the soy sauce and sesame oil after cooling down.

I scooped it bit by bit, and my throat was not so painful. I replaced it with baked pie, which hurt every time I swallowed.

The life expectancy of the people on the island is low. Four-year-old dolls will help with the work.

Simple inflammation of the tonsils, without treatment, the fever cannot be improved, and eventually other complications will be burned out. Maybe by then, they will be thrown directly into the sea, not waiting for death.

The girl doll was very quiet, couldn't understand Datang dialect, she had "sugar" in her mouth, she opened her eyes and looked around.

"There are still remote places in Datang where children cannot survive illness when they are sick."

Princess Yongmu didn't want to say that the children in the imperial city should die or die, but now they are not dead.

Wash your hands frequently, drink boiled water, treat the sewage ditch of the cottage, and screen windows to block mosquitoes and flies.

With the addition of cheap or free decoctions, the proportion of people who fall sick and die is small.

"First solve the problem of the stomach. Many diseases are rooted in malnutrition. Malnutrition first manifests in a full meal, followed by other vitamins and chlorophyll."

Li Yi picked up the thermometer and shook it at the female doll, measuring different parts.

An average of 37.6 degrees, indicating that the medicine has worked.

Suddenly a painful expression appeared on the girl's face. Li Yi took a look, then turned a few steps away, and returned with a trash can before he had five breaths.

He said in the local language: "Throw up, all vomit."

The girl doll looked at Li Yi carefully, and Li Yi nodded seriously: "Spit!"

'Wow! Wow! The female doll vomited into the trash can, and the egg custard she ate was spit out.

The little girl next to him brought clean water and fed it to the female doll: "Take it up again."

In this case, Li Yi helped the girl doll wipe the tears squeezed out from vomiting, and took the trash can away.

When I came back, holding the glass bottle of honey in her hand, the little girl handed the bowl forward, scooped the honey, and flushed the boiling water in the kettle.

Wait for it to cool down, and pour in the girl doll.

The girl was a bit tangled when she ate honey for the first time.

"It's okay, isn't it just some bird eggs! If you vomit, you vomit. That soy sauce is the least valuable.

I'll eat watermelon for you in a while. We have watermelon on our yacht.

If you feel uncomfortable after eating, throw up again, we still have something delicious. "

The little girl saw why the girl was upset, and finally had some bird eggs and some soy sauce that she hadn't eaten before.

As a result, I vomited all of them, including the'sugar' which was contained for a while.

The female doll looked better, looked at the empty bowl, and clicked her mouth.

"Master, give a bite of honey alone." The little girl understood again, scooped it with a spoon, and fed it to the female doll's mouth.

Pure honey is a bit salty, more of a strong fragrance, and the sweetness of honey is special, which is addictive to eating.

Princess Yongmu looked at the female doll and felt pitiful, how poor it was, and she was unwilling to vomit.

"Li Lang, there should be more honey this year? Bees will divide nests every year." She thought of restricting the production of fragrant honey.

Li Yi is used to make big honey pills and in combination with other medicinal materials in pharmacies. Honey is not allowed to be made into burning incense.

Counting that this year is the fourth year in which people are called on to raise bumblebees, more and more bees are raised.

In the first year, I don’t have enough, and it’s too late.

After earning money the next year, I figured out some ways.

Last year, more people participated and the income was high. Unlike other foods, honey has a long shelf life.

The flowers bloom again this year, and there will be skilled hands to help you when you need to divide the nest.

"This year there are also many kinds of sugar cane and sugar beets that produce sugar. In winter, bees need to help keep the hive warm and feed sugar water to give other bees more chances to survive."

Li Yi said that in the north, the temperature in the south is not very low. As long as the bees have flowers, the bees will still collect nectar.

There are also flower-driers in the profession, who carry the hives, walk some distance to put down the hives, and then pick them again, moving a little bit.

After autumn in the north, there are no flowers, and it is difficult to give up honey or not.

Cutting honey will result in less food for the bees, more staff loss in winter, and slower recovery in the spring of the coming year.

If you don't cut it, you will lose a stubble of honey.

If you have more sugar, you can cut it. You can exchange sugar for honey with bees. Don't touch the royal jelly. Touch the royal jelly.

The little girl listened, turned her head and said to the female doll who had eaten another spoonful of bees: "We will have beeswax to eat and scrambled eggs for you. I can't eat any more honey. It's not good to eat too much."

The little girl closed the lid, and the girl nodded gently with honey in her mouth. She was already satisfied.

Regardless of her age, she is sensible and may die if she does not follow.

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