Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1502 Class elimination is unreasonable (fourth more)

Princess Yongmu put out her tongue next to her: "Li Lang, how about the child's body, it's better to eat braised pork. There are two pigs, why don't you go back and raise them if you don't kill them?"

"It makes sense." Li Yi estimated the time and distance, and found that it did stay for a long time.

When the pigs and chickens were brought out, there was no plan to let them go back alive.

The experience of sailing does not need them to possess and inherit. Their greatest value is reflected in the food and drink on the sailing journey.

When the waves are rough and they can only eat fish and shellfish, their status is much higher than their counterparts on land.

Their contribution is not only reflected in the taste, but also the seafarer’s belief that the taste of hometown never changes.

"Red! Braised! Meat!" The girl said this time in orthodox Datang dialect.

Li Yi couldn't help it anymore. Go ahead and kiss Princess Yongmu. You are so cute. Do you hear this kid speak like your accent?

Princess Yongmu blushed, lowered her head, and turned around to be busy with things she didn't know.

"The proprietor, there are ships, three sailing ships, and a medium-material ship, looking at no more than three hundred stones." Yu Lin Feiqi ran over.

Only then did Li Yi notice that three ships appeared on the screen in front of him.

The boat was carrying a flag, with red letters on a yellow background, and the word was a ‘Tang’, and the lens adjustment was still on a yellow background without dragon markings.

"Our people's flags dare not embroider dragons, but we know the colors of the national flags we promote overseas."

Princess Yongmu ran over, took a look at the banner on the screen, and gave an analysis.

"The other party has played semaphore, we know our semaphore." Xiaolan frowned.

She stared at her: "Ask for approach, how to spell it, oh, Zhang! Rui! Bo! Who? Ah, I remember, the people we saw on Waguo Island."

"What happened to Yakushima? After they left, they came back with more ships? No, they wanted to open a stable channel."

Li Yi then remembered, yes, this happened when he came here, and he helped me a lot.

This Zhang Ruibo is no ordinary person. After going to trade, he returned to his hometown and got two more ships.

In theory, the speed of shipbuilding is not enough, unless it is to buy someone else's ship.

"Apprentice, go and tell them to come by." Li Yi ordered the senior disciple.

"Good, Master." The little girl happily released the drone.

"Come here, don't get off the net, let's fish corals in it, talk, yes, just you, Zhang Ruibo, don't you know who I am?"

The drone flew over, and the little girl started shouting, controlling the drone to land on the deck.

Zhang Ruibo stepped forward and squatted down two steps: "It sounds familiar."

"Be bold, I am a female official who walks in the Queen's Palace and is a foreign official in the Imperial Medical Office, the one in the third rank. Don't you think of it?"

"It turns out to be Feng Xiaozi, how come the Caomin knocks you out, it's too short."

Zhang Ruibo knew who it was, Li Yi's apprentice, he wanted to bow down, facing the drone, but he couldn't kneel down.

"Don't don't don't, Master knows you should be angry! Why are you here again? Don't fish the coral, it's easy to break the coral. We swim down to fish, and the Master goes down."

"We don't fish for corals, we dare not, because we are afraid of hanging up the net, we came to buy and sell things, and they were sold last time. This is the past, is Li Dongzhu okay?"

"Well, we brought back a lot of seeds this time. Two years later, we will plant them in all places in Datang. The yield is high. If we don't have the net, we have some people below."

"No, I know that Li Dongzhu is for the country and the people. We have prepared the tax and want to donate a lump sum. My child will get a quota for the imperial examination next year."

"Come on, pay attention to wind direction and ocean currents."

The two sides have completed the exchange, confirmed their identities, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Three medium-material ships floated over, turned their sails several times, and then stopped next to the cruise ship.

One of the boats descended down the boat, and five people stood on the boat.

In more than twenty minutes, Zhang Ruibo and others were pulled up.

"Dongzhu Li, Princess Yongmu!" Zhang Ruibo knelt directly. He would have just bowed, but Datang didn't need a big gift.

"But come to trade? Go home before?" Princess Yongmu sat upright, her face was indifferent, her eyelids drooped when she spoke.

"If you go back to the princess, yes, I went back, made a lot of money, sold someone else’s ship, only took a short distance, and I remembered all the taxes.

I have handed in the previous post and used the post channel. I am not worried about local officials and those who have contacted the printed newspapers. "

Zhang Ruibo explained the situation, he didn't know some things when he went to sea.

After returning home, he realized that he was willing to pay taxes, and he was very proactive.

He hopes to use his own tax to raise Datang's fleet, run all over the world, wherever he can be protected by Datang's military ships.

"That's good, and I'll talk to the Datang Overseas Appeasement Envoy in detail."

Princess Yongmu didn't care, and she couldn't think of anything to say.

Li Yi thought for a while: "In the future, Datang will have more official ships, and the slave trade cannot be caught. Datang has no shortage of hard work and lack of productivity through the transformation of production technology."

Li Yi doesn't want slaves, slaves are a burden in the end.

Regardless of the fact that Datang now has slaves, the source of slaves is not plunder.

Datang is a feudal society, not a slave society.

The division of civilizations is manifested from individual societies.

Li Yi sometimes finds it ridiculous. In the Ming Dynasty of China, some white-skinned things, they went to catch other people of the same kind as slaves. What social stage are they in?

After checking the information and turning over the history, I came to understand.

Those people are incest, intercourse...

The monkey knows, this is it.

"Wen Tian, ​​we are humans, and we don't need to exploit the dignity and freedom of others to satisfy our own desires.

After we went back, we only recruited workers, and all those who sold themselves were redeemed.

A person's social status is not reflected by the number of slaves, my Zhuangzi...I want to find a way. "

As Li Yi said, he suddenly became worried. There are slaves in Lijiazhuang, and his status is slaves. His life has nothing to do with slaves at all!

Li Yi wanted to let someone improperly be a slave. The slave looked like you wouldn't let me be a slave and I would die for you.

"Li Lang, you lied to them, you said that we have a need, we have to turn the slave bond into a hired owner, otherwise it won't work."

Princess Yongmu helped out, she actually understood some slaves quite well.

Just like her, if she doesn't marry Li Yi now, who else can marry?

Talking about money, smelling the money from Tianlan Xiangge crushes you to death.

When it comes to poetry and poetry, who is worse than anyone else, isn't that the foundation!

Talking about future ambitions and the idea of ​​governing the country, do you want me to teach you political economy? Learned from Li Lang.

You say you marry me, do you have the courage to sleep in the same bed with me?

What? you dare? Do you believe that I will kill you next second? I let you know what is called physics, chemistry, and biology.

"Rather than entanglement with our Zhuangzi, it is better to restrict the rights of the nobles. I will start preparing when I go back. It's quite simple.

Anyone who has a slave in the family, whether it is a businessman or a scholar, will not allow his children to participate in the imperial examination, even if the businessman pays taxes. "

Li Yi didn't care about this, because the more such a person, the more afraid of death.

The 50,000 Yulin Feiqi is stronger than the 500,000 Zhechong Mansion in the battle. When the noble family and the local clans cannot threaten the imperial power, your confrontation is to increase the financial income for Datang and ransack the family!

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