Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1509 The essence of currency lies in the foundation (first more)

Li Longji and others naturally know that red corals are so big? Not found in the palace, especially so complete.

"Brother Yi, these blood corals..."

Li Longji first took a look at his daughter, and found that her daughter still didn't have that much. It was a little regrettable, so he turned to ask Li Yi.

"More than 50 million yuan, fishing for these things can tire us out, fishing for a day."

Li Yi shook his head, giving the impression that it was not worthwhile for him to collect more than 50 million things a day.

"Hahaha!" Li Longji wanted to laugh, and held back.

Fifty million yuan, who are you going to hit? Turkic?

"Since this is the case, why doesn't Brother Yi fish more?" Li Chengqi was eye-catching beside him.

"This thing is sold at a one-time sale. It is not worth 50 million yuan. Issuing currency can stabilize the price.

No matter how good the coral is, it is not as good as the root of the country, and the seeds will be in trouble if they miss the time.

Without enough food, more money is nothing more than depreciation and inflation. "

Li Yi doesn't want to print money hard, even if he has collateral.

When the collateral will depreciate and the whole society cannot provide enough basic survival materials, what use is red coral?

Currency is not issued casually, even if it is his bad luck at that time.

The mold yuan issued by others does not directly harvest the interests of other countries.

To balance currency value through trade surplus, its domestic employment index and non-agricultural employment index are very important.

Externally, it is due to the surplus gained from technological superiority, which is maintained by military strength.

Therefore, whoever trades with it creates a trade deficit with this country every year, and it has to deal with whom.

The external trade deficit will affect the credit of its own currency. Once it has an impact, a large amount of currency returns and the currency begins to depreciate, it will be over.

The simplest explanation for currency return is that others sell its national debt and use the money that sells national debt to buy its things madly.

One purchase will increase the price of its domestic commodities, which will offset part of the impact of the exchange rate.

The problem is that the people in its country also have to bear the inflation brought about by the return of currency.

If it dares to continue printing and issuing currency, inflation will become more serious and the people will have to bear it.

For example, Zimbabwe, when the currency depreciates, in order to offset the exchange of foreign currency, it prints money vigorously.

At first, a currency denomination was one hundred yuan, then one million, then ten billion.

Mildew can use the same method to make others suffer losses together with him, but he cannot eliminate the reality of his own people's hard days.

How else did the economic crisis come from?

Li Yi’s country at that time had a trade surplus every year against the moldy country, and the moldy country had a red eye. Can you not want to do everything you can to clean it up? You want to ruin my foundation.

Knowing these circumstances, Li Yi would never dare to issue currency, even if he had collateral.

The collateral will depreciate and the society will prosper. The people will eat and have meat at a meal, and the collateral will not depreciate. Red coral can be sold at a higher price.

The people are about to starve to death. Can red corals be eaten? The country's overall planting and breeding industry cannot keep up. The currency is still depreciated if precious stones and gold are used to issue currency.

"If the skin does not exist, Mao will be attached."

Princess Yongmu didn't take a stroll along, and she had a deeper understanding of society and other aspects.

She believes that there is more food to raise pigs, and then eat braised pork.

"Are there pigs and chickens?" Li Longji cared about his daughter.

"I ate it all the day before yesterday and replaced it with seafood, live sea cucumbers, iced large prawns and hairtail."

Princess Yongmu refers to the things that continue to be carried, seafood.

She didn't eat. For the last two days, she couldn't eat anything, her gastrointestinal tract was not good, and she can eat now, but she wants to eat food in the cafeteria.

"For dinner, the entire Jingzhao Mansion will continue to be paid for by your Majesty to drink bone soup for the people tomorrow."

Li Longji still doesn't want to amnesty the world, so he invites another visitor.

"Xiao Yi, Mr. Xiao Yi is here. He arrived late when he got the news and the distance was so far." Bi Gou appeared.

He didn't complain about the person who passed the news, let alone the slowness of the coachman, who was already the fastest.

"Old Bi, are you fat?" Li Yi took a closer look at Bi Gou and discovered the situation.

"I think what you think? Oh, endocrine disorder, puffiness."

Bi Gou is really embarrassed to say that I always eat food in the cafeteria at your house for a period of time.

"Lao Bi, you can study medicine with me. You can study curse forbidden, and psychology is involved. You can see if someone is lying at once."

Li Yisi has no Giving face, can't I see the puffiness? Your skin is compact, why are you imaginary?

"When you lie, you use your mouth to say, mouth, Xiao Yi, you wash my teeth. I always feel that there is something between my teeth that can't be picked out. You didn't set it up properly, did you?"

Bi Gou is so knowledgeable, how could he be caught by a single sentence?

"Wash your teeth first or eat first?" Li Yi was hungry.

"The old man brushes his teeth, eats, and washes tomorrow."

Bi Gou is also hungry. If he is not woken up, he will be hungry tomorrow morning.

A group of people went to the canteen, and the women from Pingkangfang entered the village to find a place to eat.

Other people go home, someone has already said, Your Majesty treats guests to soup.

It's not soup, but pig-killing vegetables, more sauerkraut, more tofu, less pork, and less blood sausage.

The key lies in the staple food, your Majesty treats guests, there is no shortage of staple food and pickles, just kill the pig dishes, New Year!

Yulin Feiqi and the others who followed went back to Zhuangzi and went straight to serve their favorite meals. When they were away, they wanted to eat something at home.

"This is a child on the island, sick, I don't bring it back, she is likely to die." Li Yi introduced the female doll.

The girl is not afraid of life, the key is that everyone she can see can pretend to be kind.

In front of her was a braised pork, the braised pork from the Zhuangzi Canteen.

She was sitting on a high stool with chopsticks in her hand. She knew how to use it, and she was quite skilled.

"Is Qingdai okay?" Li Longji asked the little girl specifically.

"With the master, I can't have an accident." The little girl chooses a bunch of vegetables and she will take care of herself.

She has four mutton siu mai as the staple food, and eats these at night.

"The seeds are too late?" Li Longji counted the time and found that it was later than Li Yi said.

"Outdoor planting should be topdressed, and the temperature of greenhouse planting should be maintained. Even artificial light can be used for continuous planting.

A small part of it is also grown in greenhouses, mainly for us to eat, print patterns in newspapers, and then find someone to write some praiseworthy articles.

It's delicious. Everyone has eaten potatoes. Now they are grown, and the light and fertilizer are adjusted in the greenhouse. "

After Li Yi finished speaking, he threw an fennel bean in his mouth and took a sip of rice wine.

He didn't want to eat at all. He would go to sleep after drinking and get up again at noon tomorrow.

Then they took the people who went to sea to drink Chinese medicine. Everyone was tense along the way. When they came back, they relaxed and it was easy to expose the fire.

Put the fire out first, take a look during the day, take a calming medicine before dinner, and then sleep for more than ten hours.

It is estimated that there will be gastrointestinal discomfort, blistering in the mouth, pimple on the face, oily scalp and other symptoms.

The best way is to have a balanced nutrition, then sleep more, and use sleep to adjust yourself.

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