Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1514 Excessive Prosperity Makes Heartbreak (Third)

"If this goes on, how can you be born?"

At the head of Bashui Bridge, Bochen, wearing a Tang suit and a hat, served a bowl of free stew, and ate the highland barley tsampa he had brought, and spoke in a low voice.

Isimba doesn't eat tsampa, he buys scallion pancakes, he dislikes the hometown feelings of his colleagues and is artificial.

Is the tsampa prepared first, and then eaten with the stew?

"After they have planted, they have to promote the entire Datang, fetching them and sending them back. Li Yi personally went out, regardless of the risks at sea, the crops he found would certainly not be bad."

Isimba has lived the life of taking the doctrine, Datang has some, can take it quickly.

He attaches great importance to new crops. A few years ago, Li Yi's reputation was far from what he is now, and he went out together to solve the locust plague in the east of Taihang Mountain.

Later, I learned how many people were looking forward to his return from that trip, including Emperor Li Longji of the Tang Dynasty.

To Luoyang, the time to leave is still short.

After flying to the north, I will return in a few days without counting.

I just left in the first month and returned last night. It took too long to take the overseas crops. Bufan.

Wait, wait until Datang is popularized and stealthily collect, the key is to learn the method of planting.

Bo Yan obviously said something else. He emphasized: "Li Yi can always find good things and come up with good ideas. If things go on like this, what will Tubo do?"

"The climate is called environment and climate in the newspapers. It is difficult for most sergeants in Datang to survive."

When Isimba said it, he shook his head first.

He knew about the thirty thousand sergeants on Taibai Mountain, and Li Yi was planning ahead.

30,000 people plus the local people who are accustomed to the plateau environment, there are also Yulin Feiqi, armed with weapons to attack Tubo, Tubo is difficult to parry.

The more Isimba thought about it, the more anxious he got: "We should advance to Tianzhu and get a place for survival and strategy."

He was thinking of retreating, using the snow mountain as a wall to block Datang's army, ran to Tianzhu, and turned over the mountain.

"The stewed pork soup is salty!" Bo Zhen said abruptly, irrelevant.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone shouted at the place where the soup was served: "Don't put salt in it, everyone. Just put the vegetables. Come and come, bring the vegetables back, and add water."

"Sure enough, the people of Datang don't lack salt to eat, let alone money."

Isimba has no special needs for salt, but Tubo has a lot of salt.

He saw that the people of Chang'an brought things to add to prove that the people's life is good.

When salt was cheap in the past, the people were not willing to give it.

In the beginning, there was free soup, and most people took advantage of it.

Nowadays, people don't care about being free, they just want to participate together.

There are sheds that provide free soup, and there are things for sale.

Speaking of starving to death, the shed provides slices of bread and soup to ensure that you will not die of starvation.

This year, many people in Jingzhao Mansion will spend more money to sell things in the sheds to make profits for the sheds so that they can be maintained and prevent the imperial court from withdrawing the sheds due to lack of money.

Ten years ago, an elderly man dressed to show his wealth in his family was fishing by a shack more than 20 miles west of Chang'an.

When he catches the fish, he cooks soup in the shed, chats with others, and tells him about his youth.

Eat there at noon, the black bread slices are just fish soup, not at all disgusting.

It's time...oh, at 3:30 in the afternoon, there is a clock, and the time is unified.

At 3:30, it was also called at 15:30, the old man took two crucian carp and walked home, saying that he would milk his third daughter-in-law and his seventh grandson in the evening.

Life is so leisurely, catch up with him and ask him why he ran so far to go fishing.

He said that there are two small roads in the local area, and people from far away villages will come over. They are tired from walking on the mountain roads, and they have strength to drink the meaty fish soup.

Ask the old man again: How many people can you help with your own strength?

The old man replied: How many old people are there?

This is the situation in Datang Chang'an, owning Tubo, wanting to get it but not getting it, but wanting it is hard to hope.

"One pot is divided into two pots. I take sauerkraut and cut it into shreds. After dividing it, it won't be salty.

The sauerkraut in the village accumulates, and if you don’t eat it, you can only use it to soak stinky tofu.

The proprietor said that this stinky tofu deep-fried is the most authentic, which is more fragrant than the stinky tofu juice, and it is also soaked with shepherd's purse juice. "

People from Zhangjia Village came over by bicycle and delivered sauerkraut.

The sauerkraut water accumulated after the late autumn last year has been left until now. There is a layer of white foam on the top of the sauerkraut water.

If you want to eat sauerkraut, you have to re-accumulate it, unless a jar of sauerkraut is always kept in a cool place without touching it, so that it can be stored longer.

Every family in Zhangjia Village has bicycles, which is amazing.

It does not account for the membership quota of kerosene lamps and thermos bottles. It is purchased through internal channels at cost. The only requirement is that it is not allowed to sell.

The people in the village can ride a ride within the Chang'an city at most.

The key bicycle’s tires are real tires, made of rubber, and it’s tiring to ride long distances.

In the shed, there are two large pots that have been filled with salt. Add boiling water, put the sauerkraut in the sauerkraut, stir and mix, taste the saltiness, that's it!

Add a few extra large spoons of meat oil, add water in separate pots to reduce the oiliness

The people in the past had the same expressions on their faces as the flowers waiting to be picked by bees.

"I'm jealous." Bo Zhen went over to pour the contents of the bowl into the cauldron, scooped the soup again, and complained to Isinba.

"I'll change it too." Isimba didn't want to talk about jealousy or not, it didn't make sense.

When he sat down again, Bo Zhen suddenly said: "If Tubo all submit to Datang, will it work?"

"Why did you say this?" Isimba was startled.

"The source of the Yellow River is where more tribes join Datang. Life is easier. What are we fighting for? It is not the people in our minds."

Bo Zhen was analyzing that he wanted to kill Li Yi before, even if he died.

He watched Li Yi lead the people of Jingzhao Mansion to live a good life and spread to the entire Tang Dynasty.

Yesterday he looked at the side of the bank, saw the yacht's lights shining brightly, and saw Li Yi flying with Princess Yongmu.

So many red corals, seeds, and seafood revealed on the water curtain.

The people around us yelled "Greetings to the host", what Li Yi said.

He was entangled, own Zamp was not as good as Li Yi, and a few Daluns were not good either.

"Aren't you going to kill him?" Isinba also hesitated, the enemy was too strong.

"He is timid, and it is more difficult to see him than to see the Emperor of Tang Dynasty. He is afraid that others will assassinate him." Bo Zhen was depressed again.

"But he can assassinate others." Isinbaton was depressed.

"For dinner, where did you buy the scallion pancakes? It's delicious." Bo Yan picked up one of Isimba's scallion pancakes and smelled it, and said.

"Two more scallion pancakes." Isinba shouted.

Less than three feet away, a man with a handkerchief on his shoulder responded: "Okay!"

"Why didn't I see it just now?" Bo Yan wondered.

"I think you don't want to give money, I'll ask you." Isinba didn't believe it.


"This oil is peanut oil, this is sunflower oil, I squeezed it over there.

I have to go to Qiongzhou in some time to grow tropical crops, including rubber trees.

Next time I go to another place and get seeds, especially edible oil crops, which can make soap, which is better than soybean oil at the same time.

In fact, soybean oil is not the best oil, that is, soybean is better.

Then we know how to fry the pot when cooking, otherwise it will be really unpalatable if the soybean oil is cooked in the pot. "

Li Yi introduced two kinds of oils, not all kinds of corrupted two kinds of oils.

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