Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1517 Incomplete State Gap (third more)

"As long as children have teeth, even if you don't bite carrots for them, they will find something to bite by themselves."

Li Yi understands the situation, the child bit the chew, the same.

Are you stupid to be a child? Bite hard, don’t people know how to use a little bit harder?

Unless the baby is biting, and you suddenly pull hard, any bite can pull the tooth out.

After the child has teeth, he starts to look around for something and stuff it into his mouth, bite it, and see what it is.

"Bite other things and you can easily get sick due to hygiene problems. Cut carrot sticks are the most suitable and have a sweet taste.

The baby is holding it with his little hand, and the water drips when he bites his mouth. As long as you let them continue to hold the carrot sticks, you wipe their mouths, and they will smile at you.

Parents of Datang, should learn more knowledge, I will continue to publish in the newspaper. "

As Li Yi said, he was almost drooling. In his mind, there was a scene of a baby holding a carrot stick and gnawing, that drooling...

"Fry me two bean worms." Princess Yongmu swallowed again, remembering something good.

"Bring the children from Zhuangzi and eat together in the village." Li Yi ordered.

As they continued to stroll, the children in the village were cheering and they could see their little friends again.

They can usually play together once every ten years, usually they have to learn, learn a lot of knowledge, and it takes a lot of effort to cross the bridge.

The toys of children in the village are the same as those of Zhuangzi's children. They are not made by the village but are presented by Zhuangzi's children.

After receiving the news, Zhuangzi's children were equally happy, prepared toys, and lived in Zhangjia Village today.

The girl doll Lele felt the joyous atmosphere, but didn't know how to cooperate.

"Let's go, go to Zhangjia Village." The little girl appeared at the critical moment and fed the girl doll a small mountain medicine egg Calabash.

At this time, the weather is hot, and only Lijiazhuangzi can provide rock candy Calabash.

Pure rock sugar is not easy to melt, and it needs to be made at low temperature.

"Where is the proprietor, Big Brother?" Don't look at the young girl, she knows who is the best to herself, and at the same time the most powerful.

Except for the proprietor Big Brother, it is this little Big sis. The little Big sis takes him out, otherwise he will die.

"It was the Master who called us over. Let's take the car. The track went from Zhuangzipa to the village, and connected to Jingzhao Mansion. In some places, the repairs were not completed."

After the little girl came back, she began to understand the situation. She wanted to help the Master analyze it, and tell the Master in case someone was disobedient.

Throughout Jingzhaofu, Chang'an counties and 20 counties outside, the carriages and wooden tracks have been paved, and the connections to the village are temporarily inaccessible.

The little girl didn't understand the function of laying the wooden track so far, and the boat with the water net drifting slowly.

She took Lele into a carriage, where several children about the same age were also sitting here.

The older child arranged the Little Brother Little Sister, who looked at the same size, to the girl doll brought back by the proprietor Big Brother.

"Your Majesty, won't Xiao Yi come back to live?"

Bi Gou looked at this action and directly concluded that if he couldn't even see this, it would be better to die.

"Isn't it just the dense Turkic vegetation! It's not bad this day, I like the dolls, go and see."

Li Longji said that he didn't care, and he wanted to go out.

The ministers discussed that the grasslands in the Turkic grasslands are luxuriant, and there are many animals. The Turks can raise horses, but there is no shortage of meat.

Last year, when people came to seek peace, the Tang Dynasty did not make peace. Instead, they gathered troops at the border and even went out.

Where Tubo was located, Tubo couldn't find enough troops, and they all fell to the Tang Dynasty. Hao Lingquan's diplomatic ability should be condemned by heaven.

The Khitan, Xi, and Bohai are constrained by trade and are working hard to raise tussah.

The white-clothed food has suffered heavy losses and is unable to look around.

Su Lu's Tuqi Shi was beaten miserably by Zhang Xiaosong at the last minute of last year, or maimed.

The Southwest Man was suppressed by the locals and kept retreating. The locals rushed to catch the animals and helped the captives find their families and brought them back together.

More surrenders of the Tiele ten tribes were arranged, and the court took action, and no one else was allowed to learn from Lijiazhuangzi.

All places are stable, but a hole is left, Turkic.

what happened? Shouldn't Li Yi be an exhaustive strategy? In addition to the advancement of troops, what else is there?

Everyone wants to understand, did you Li Yi really forget? A wise man must have a mistake if he is worried about it? When you came back yesterday, you went to the village to play?

Li Longji no matter what others think, he pondered, I will go over, is it simple?

"Your Majesty, I heard that the yellow braised frog in Zhangjia Village is a must in the flourishing age, and the ministers are greedy." Bi Gou was not reconciled, he asked for a reason.

"Okay, after I pass, I will order Zhangjiacun to send the yellow braised frog over." Li Longji felt that it made sense and gave all the officials some delicious food.

"Your Majesty, Longze doesn't know the truth. I mainly want to see the process of making yellow braised frogs in Zhangjia Village."

Yao Chong glared at Bi Gou, can't find any excuses?

"The minister agrees!" Su Ting said.

"The ministers seconded." The others said together.

Li Longji smiled: "Eat a toad, is this necessary?"

Everyone laughs without saying a word. Is it to eat toads? We just want to ask Li Yi, what do you leave a mouth for?

"Go, go with me, how about?" Li Longji was embarrassed, and disturbed the place again.

"Great goodness!" Don't the ministers feel bothered? How rich is Zhangjiacun?

Moreover, the villagers all know us. They never regarded us as people who cannot be offended. They rely on Li Yi.

Even if Zaifu, dare to clean up people when the people in Zhangjia Village didn't commit a crime?

dare? Clean up, Li Yi won't even give you a chance to join the team.

People didn't break the law, so why do you clean up? If someone breaks the law, will you be merciful when you treat me as Li Yi?

Are you sure you are the one who cleaned up Zhangjia Village? You clearly want to clean up me!

Li Longji took the lead, and a group of people passed by, including Li Dan and others. Dudu once again ate and processed the stomach and intestines, and was hugged.

Dudu had an injection after Li Yi came back, and there are still several injections waiting for the injection. She was sleepy, or she was sleeping too.

From the perspective of biochemical chemistry, the shorter the feeding period, the more at the bottom, especially among mammalian groups.

Like a lamb grows up, it will soon learn to run, only in this way can it increase the chances of survival.

As for human beings, after they are born, raise them, and they will take many years to raise them.

But human beings are weak? The reason why babies are like this is that humans don't have to run away.

The prairie wolves are powerful, eat other people, try eating a prince of Tang Dynasty? Datang was able to dispatch more than 100,000 cavalry to encircle and suppress the prairie wolves.

Regardless of the cost, the top logistics can kill you prairie wolf and shiver when you see people, killing it in your genes.

When I asked Li Yi, Li Yi felt that Westerners did a better job on this point.

As long as the human is dead, the animal must die.

A group of lions eats a person, and this group of lions is no longer necessary.

On the other hand, at that time, a group of bears killed people, and the garden did not kill the bears for economic benefits, but instead put the blame on others, saying that they did not do the right thing.

From a person-to-person perspective, such a statement is okay.

NS! When can animals be side by side with people? The superiority of the species is reflected here.

It is nothing more than money, and some government officials have also received bribes, so they can't stop it.

This is human nature, don't say how noble the system of a certain country.

Old Mao wrote about dialectical materialism, how come there is no need for dialectics?

Put money first? Put animals and humans on the same line, even higher than humans?

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